My Dream of Life – A Christian Spiritual Story
It all started one night I was a little tired more so than most nights but what was about to happen I would have never guessed. You know I hear these stories from some people thinking perhaps they have lost their minds. Who knows what the truth is really, I have had my doubts on a bad day maybe perhaps even on a good day but still something inside me is telling me this is what will happen one day in the future who knows how far away.
Before I start my story I must tell you I am Catholic. I do have a very strong belief in God but have also taken the time to try to understand other religions, if not understanding at least reading what they are about. Religion is a funny thing we turn to God and ask for help, Thank God when our children are born, When we get the promotion, When a family member suddenly gets better from an illness, we even go as far as to blame him when something goes wrong. He is the man the man who is taking responsibility for all that happens more so when its negative than positive.
Death even funnier when we start to understand about life we suddenly understand about death but when it comes time to it we think we can no longer believe in a God that would take someone away from us. Knowing at least hoping there is a better place and that our loved one has gone to. But how exactly do we get to this place is there a bright light what does it look like?
All these questions that boggle our minds at the best of times. When you become a parent all you can do is hope and trust that there is a better place beyond what we know here children grow up so confused these days with the violence and hate that the hope for the better place is what we have to hold onto. If we are good people when our time is done we get a reward.
Well how exactly do we get there? What is it all about? Who is there? Who isn't? These are all things that are harder and harder to understand that there could be a possible answer perhaps we will never find out, well the truth is we probably won't. Not even this story will help you understand that but maybe just maybe give you a little boost in the whole idea of the way things are.
Maybe it is just a dream maybe I am one of those people that I thought needed to seek help just yesterday. But maybe just maybe this will help out to understand that we need to keep our loved ones as close as possible let them know that they are loved what impact they had on earth.
You know when my grandmother was told she had cancer it was a blow, a huge blow to my family a huge change to what we thought life was. My grandmother was the glue that held my family together she was the rock we all turned to when life gave us lemons.
I am sure you have had the same person in your life but maybe never got the chance to be able to say your goodbyes cause it was sudden, we did get that chance, some of us not taking it but most of us saying what it was she was to us.
Being how important that is to have closure knowing what it means to be able to have it I still had dreams dreams when I was pregnant she would it there and talk to me about the baby how things were going to happen … Yeah you can laugh cause as I write this I am laughing as well. Even these dreams seemed real at the time but in the end knowing it wasn't.
” Hun you going to bed already?” my boyfriend turned to me. “Yeah I am kind of tired I should try to get some sleep.., Who knows what time Keelan will be up at!” Keelan Being my almost 2 year old son, worth getting up early for but some days making me very tired. We both laughed. I think at this point we are both getting tired from the constant waking up early since we are both doing it taking turns.
He reached to turn out the lights and went to turn off the T.V.. This was the night that will stay etched in my mind forever, the dream that gave me chills, feel something that I have never felt before, to be honest I don't know that I do want to have that feeling again but at the same time wanting to dream it again.
Fell into my usual sleep nothing to exciting there. But all of a sudden my dream began. You know sometimes, you can know it's a dream “I can see myself” you can say. Although sometimes you can't. Well from what I remember I could see my self but only some of the time other times it was like I was in my body.
I was walking down the street. A dark night, a damp night but not cold, almost like it had just rained. A place where I have never been before. The street was empty with a slight wind blowing the odd paper flew by you while you walked. The stop light was glowing along with the street lights. So quiet that I could hear my foot steps slightly above the breeze.
It was strange no one else was around I have never seen a street so empty. Especially in what seemed to be a busy city, not that I could know being as how I have never been there before. If I had of been there before I guess I would have known that the sidewalk was uneven, but I didn't. As I walked I tripped and fell. Know I was ok I got up and brushed myself off.
Then out of nowhere a flash of a bright light came on to me So bright I couldn't see anything else around me. An unusual light though not a yellow bright but more of a white light, it didn't hurt my eyes at all. Although it was bright it was comforting, the feeling of comfort that you get when you're a child, you know, having your favorite bear, being in the comfort of your parents and knowing everything is ok with the world.
As the light flushed over me I felt the pulling of what seemed to almost be gravity mixed with a falling feeling. Butterflies in your stomach not the excited kind the nervous kind. By this point I knew something wasn't normal, at the same time knowing everything would be o.k..
Then it went pitch black for a second the quiet serenity of calm, the gravity pull had stopped. I thought to myself this is very strange what was going on what the heck is happening to me I am confused. Then at that exact moment after I asked myself that question, another flash of the bright light came over me and I knew. I just knew.
That fall must have been serious, cause now I am dead … You know when people say they see a flash of light they never say anything about the calming black that comes in between the light. That must be the moment when you are lost in thought maybe it didn't go pitch black maybe that was my moment of realization.
Now where was I, well the pitch black never being mentioned when you hear what happens I thought perhaps I was in Hell. Trust me I may have not led the most Christian life but really did I deserve to go to Hell for it? But at the same time I wasn't scared. I mean should I be? No, I was still calm.
I walked into a place where again I have never been. Even though I have never been there before, I got this feeling the. I knew I belonged there, I knew I was home.
It was beautiful not extravagant, but amazing.
It wasn't a town, city or village. Everything thing was open, people walking around, doing their own thing. Now everyone wasn't breaking out in song, They weren't all holding hands. Just regular people different shapes, sizes, colours.
This place was amazing I loved every minute of it. I looked around and found that even though everyone was doing their own thing they were most helpful and respectful. It wasn't what you would expect by far, but in life and death what is?!.
Wow this place the most magnificent place you could imagine in you life a slight smog like vapour covered the floor as you walked but with a firm ground underneath. There were clouds like stands I guess you could call them, that people were on using them as a travel ling method. Not like a car since hey didn't go fast but more of a floating like motion.
There were different levels to this place high ones and low ones everything split up a little bit. You could easily get from one level to another since you could move around freely on these devices. All though they sound high tech. and a thing that perhaps some where in the future, it seemed very prehistoric.
Nothing looked fancy, nothing looked untouchable it all looked like the simplest things that turned out the most wonderful. It didn't look like it had been worked on or needed to have work done. The description given is not by far doing this justice but it's the best way I can describe it to you. A serine feeling filled this place you did not see any injustice nor do you think at any point did any happen. Peace filled the air that surrounded you.
It was a bright place but almost dark at the same time. I guess depending on what your feeling the light accommodates to your want and desire. The light again was bright but not a bright that would hurt your eyes. Well I guess it wasn't light at all, Just clear. You see this light wasn't light at all, not the light you see from the sun or from a light bulb. It was a strange light. That's the best way I can describe it.
Everyone was wearing something different not what in this day in age we would call stylish by far, but it was elegant and simple. All the clothes were flowing. Almost like what you would imagine that they ore in the time of the ancient Egypt. More elegant than that though.
There was no wind but everything flowed you hair looked like there was a breeze lightly going through it with every step you took your clothes drifted off
People say that everyone is waiting for you, everyone you held so dear in your life. Its like people were expecting me but no one I knew. I wanted to look for my family members, I asked. It was almost as if they were waiting for me too ask that question cause as the words came out of my mouth “I have a grandmother here, do you know where she is?”
They pointed to the right.
A group of people were all standing around in a cluster. Far off from where I was. But I could see them. Almost being able to make out their faces. I thought to myself “that's really far away … Hmm. How can I see that far away, I am not even wearing my glasses”. I almost forgot for a moment where I was. I laughed to myself “I probably don't even need them here”.
All I could feel at this point was happy, at the same time my son came into to my thoughts. What about Keelan? My son is going to grow up without his mother I felt my heart break inside of me. I guess you can still have sad emotions here. All I wanted was to be able to hold him and tell him how much he meant to me.
That he was the only son I could have ever wanted in my life. Give him a great big hug and hold him for hours and snuggle him up. As a mother I guess that would be your only feeling. Though I was still calm and quiet, I had the rush of emotions that I imagine most people have at the point where they realize what's going on.
The sadness came over me as I thought more and more about my family. Hard to feel happiness when you can't get these thoughts out. Well since I am here I may as well make the best of it and look around to see everything.
Just as I thought that I had heard a deep voice. Now the voice wasn't like the one you hear in the movies when someone is playing the voice of God it was a softer kinder voice. Not a distinguishing voice I think if I heard it again I likely would not be able to pick it out of a crowd, all I can say is it was like no voice I have ever heard before. I could not see where it was coming from, there wasn't a specific direction you could pin point. Almost as if it was coming from every direction not just one.
The voice said to me ” Are you not happy?” I thought, I thought long and hard about that question. In my mind I said to myself “Well there's nothing I can do about it now”. “You know thinking things and saying them are two in the same here” said the voice. I laughed. Well of course it is how could it not be? “People are all so relaxed and serine here, is this heaven?” The voice laughed and sweet laugh and kind laugh.” I think you know the answer to that”
I did! I really knew deep down where I was. ” You know, most people who come here normally have happiness in them, I don feel that and you are not” I replied to the voice ” Well I am happy this is way more than what I could have expected from what I was led to believe Heaven is” “Well” the voice said ” Heaven is different to most people, What you see is what everyone else sees but everyone takes a different view here. Some are more amazed with the peace, some with the surroundings and others with the people”.
You know I was amazed by everything here I am sure my explanation could never do it justice. “Well my sadness is because of my son. All though I am sure you know that.”
He did. “well” he said, I do have something special for you to do on earth” . “something for me?” I said. What could he possibly have for me too do? I wondered
“Earth is a special place to me, my people, the people I myself have worked so hard to make happy, to know love, know respect and live in a world that is ruled by only me” You know , I thought to myself he really isn't asking for much. Deep down inside you know yourself he isn't. He has never asked for anything from us, even after all he's done.
You know for being God, he could if he wanted just make us believe. He want us to be able to make our decisions. He is patient as we learn everything in life. Makes you wonder how, I know. If you had that kind of power you may lose you patience in a hurry and say enough is enough I will make them believe, I will make them understand. He has given us his all, and we thank him by turning our backs blaming him and using him in prayer to get what we want.
I turned around and saw some scrap paper in my hands and a pen. When I say scrap I mean odds and ends of paper. ” I know you miss your son, you want to hold him, hug him, be a good mother”. ” I want you to go back” He said to me. “you are allowing me to go back?” I asked.
“You I have a special job for. You know those scrap pieces of paper you have in your hands?” he asked. “Yes I do I don't know where they came from, to be honest”.
“Well I gave them to you, to write”. I was surprised. I have never written anything in my life anything at all. Me write something, what could he possibly have for me? I was more confused then ever so many things in life have made me think, but this one here takes the cake I thought to myself.
“people are put on earth for reasons, reasons that many will never know or understand” You know I thought to myself, I figured deep down inside everyone had a purpose a reason for being, perhaps that is why some believe that we get a few chances, you know reincarnation. You know it all could start to make sense now. I am not saying that he made mention of the reincarnation at all cause that would be a lie.
When you look at different aspects of different religion you see that many have a higher power though, they all have a God or Gods. Which in turn it would make the fact that we were put here for a reason, something to think about, something to hold onto. Some of us are put on this earth for a long time and others for a short time, many of us walking around aimlessly never knowing what it is that we are supposed to do.
“When you use this to write” he said to me ” you will know what it is you are supposed to write”. I can tell you right now, That made absolutely no sense to me. Am I supposed to write about what just happened here? About my life? I had so many questions about what exactly I was to write. What if it wasn't good enough? I thought to myself just as I was about to ask these all so important questions I was back, back with my family, back to my life.
When I say back to my life I mean my dream life. The life that wasn't real, but real at the same time. All I wanted to do was hold my son and I did just that. Held him a cried told him how much I loved him. Kissed his cheeks until he fussed away, Kevin picked me up off the ground and carried me home I hugged him and kissed him told him everything that happened.
I doubt I was supposed to knowing deep down inside he likely wouldn't believe me anyways. I don't think myself I would believe it if someone told me it happened to them. Isn't that funny though, when it happens to you your mind set in having people believe it but when it happens to others we can think they are nutty as fruit cake.
I never did see my grandmother there or any other family members to be completely honest. Not to say they weren't there since I did ask, and they did point. I think to myself that wasn't the reason I was there, I wasn't there for my personal gain or to see them, I was there for a many different reason. Not there to stay, He knew I wasn't ready for that.
My big plans, the reason I am here. To be a good mother, let my son know everyday I love him with all my heart, there's nothing I wouldn't do for him. I don't even know if deep down inside I am a good writer, or for a fact that anyone will ever read this. If you do read this if you do believe me I think you for that. Just remember something though, we all have a purpose we all have a special talent, something that we do that makes us calm and feeling like we are doing the right thing, something that fits us. Whether or not you make millions at it, do it cause you know that's why you were put here. Its what makes you who you are.
With everything going on in the world these days should we not be able to have that feeling? God put us here for a reason, a reason that we will never know. To be honest with you I don't know that we even do have the right to know. By letting us know the reasons we are here it would really defeat the purpose of us being here. Honestly though not like we would listen, we haven't this far why start now.
I have had a new look on things since that dream, Almost like a new life. I appreciate what I have, I have always loved my son and my family but now I make sure they know it. Never leave anything unresolved, who am I kidding every one knows that don't they?!.
I am just as likely to ask God when I want something, who hasn't? I have even went as far as asking him to win the lottery. Can you imagine? Yes you sure can you have done it to. I have blamed him for taking those I have held dear. I have asked for way more from him then I have ever done for him.
Blame and gratitude are two thing that I am sure he is used to probably more the blame though. Ask yourself though if we can somehow take for granted that we got that job cause we were the most qualified, we won the lottery cause we picked the right numbers. At the same time we can blame him when our lives don't go the way we want or when we lose the people that we hold dear. Even go as far as turning our backs on him, How in the world does that even begin to be fair?. All most people want in life is to be treated fairly why can we no bestow the same respect for him? The reason we are here.
– The author of this spiritual story is unknown and greatly appreciated!
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