Absurd Prayer – A Spiritual Story by Osho
Let me tell you a small story. It happened that Moses was passing and he came across...
Cherry Blossom And The Misty Moon – A Zen Buddhist Spiritual Story by Osho
It happened about a very famous Zen woman, her name was Rengetsu…. Very few women have attained...
No Ordinary Diamond – A Zen Buddhist Spiritual Story by Osho
I have heard a very beautiful legend. The legend is, there was a great Master in India,...
One Has To Say Goodbye – A Zen Buddhist Spiritual Story by Osho
One of Buddha’s disciples, Sariputta, one day bowed down at Buddha’s feet. Suddenly he felt the energy...
Blessed Are the Pure of Heart – A Spiritual Story by James
I was twenty-two years old, and it was the early nineteen seventies. A book landed in my...
An Interview With God – Spiritual Story
“I am broke; I don’t want to live. I must end my life.” Mathew thought. Kate’s words...
Taken to the Afterlife – A Spiritual Story by James Francis
“Let this be for . . . those who have seen their beloved pass from their view...
Where Do All the Prayers Go – A Spiritual Story by Rabbi Allen S. Maller
David was sitting with his grandmother Miriam in the backyard eating cookies when he suddenly asked her....
The Story of Being – A Spiritual Story by Gemma Spurgeon
Screaming souls trapped and calling out. This is the Lower Level Dimension. There are many levels of...
Gift of Love – A Spiritual Story
The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractive young woman with the white cane made...