A Very Personal Traumatic Confession – Guest Post by Karl Moore
I'd like to confess something that really hurt me…
And maybe — just maybe — it'll help *you*, in some small way.
Just over 3 years ago, I woke from an operation.
And things had happened which I didn't consent to.
A doctor has misdiagnosed several growths, and under general anaesthetic, essentially ripped off my face.
Like, actually ripped it off.
I woke up with staples down each side of my now-unrecognizable face. My eyes were destroyed. I didn't look anything like me.
You never think something like this can happen to you.
But it can. And — in my case — it did.
It turned out to be complete medical malpractice and misdiagnosis, but the physical changes left me feeling incredibly self-conscious.
Where was the Karl I'd known all my life?
I became a social recluse. I grew my hair to cover most obvious scars. I gave up on life, dating, and possibility. I stopped being ME.
Everyone noticed the change.
“What happened to all that self-growth work, Karl??”
It went out the window.
And that's what happens with trauma.
First, it took me a year to realize that what I was dealing with actually was trauma.
Then I gradually began the process of accepting, growing, and becoming the NEW version of me.
I might never be quite the same, but maybe there's a opportunity in that too.
Because, I'm still ME.
Just like you're still YOU.
No matter what you've been through. No matter what happened. No matter what went wrong.
You. Are. Still. YOU.
And if you connect with any of this, from any point in your own life… then I'd like to offer you three things.
Firstly, I offer you the song “True Colors.”
“*I* see your true colors… and that's why I love you.”
Secondly, I offer you the song “I Am What I Am.”
Because, however you are right now, you're a very special creation. Why not try to see things from a different angle?
And, finally, I'd like to suggest that you “rewrite history”.
There are very special tools designed specifically to help you to just that. To heal and overcome.
Click here to take the quiz to identify YOUR trauma.
(Now, you CAN'T change the past. But this quiz will help you identify YOUR unique trauma, and how to ‘rewrite' what happened, so that you can finally move forward, once and for all.)
And, by the way…
I'm doing okay. I'm getting better. I'm not entirely there, and I have my ups and downs, but my mindset is heading in the right direction.
You help me with that, even if you don't realize. So… thank you. 🙏
Life is a work in progress.
We'll get there. TOGETHER.
And, if you have any advice for me, drop me a line on social media. I'd love to hear from you..
Big love to you 💛
Love, your #1 fan —
Karl Moore
This guest post was written by Karl Moore. Click here to take the free Childhood Analysis Quiz he referenced.