
A Profound Thought – Guest Post by Karl Moore

Stop for a moment.

Take a few seconds out to consider all the crazy thoughts that have been spinning around your head today.

Worry about a situation. Anger at a certain person. Frustration over what happened. Love, kindness, connection.

Ask yourself…

“Who is thinking these thoughts?”

You probably answered “me.” Okay, fair enough.

And if that's the case, follow up with:

“Okay, so who's OBSERVING the thoughts?”

(In other words, who is the person “seeing” those thoughts happening? Doesn't the real you sit above those thoughts, in order to be able to identify them in the first place?)

Hold on…

Think about that.

Could it be that we are not our thoughts?


Maybe thoughts and emotions are just feelings passing through us, transient elements that we can do what we please with.

They're separate to us, and we can choose to let them go if we wish.

Once again:

You're YOU.

You're the observer, not the thought.

It's a profound idea when you really think about it. And it becomes even more important if you consider the words of Eckhart Tolle:

“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but your thoughts about it.”

In other words: Change your thoughts, change your life. Let go of unhelpful thoughts, find your happiness.

What do you think?

Of course, that isn't the only profound thought going through my head… I have plenty of others too….

Like, if two mind readers read each others minds, whose mind are they reading…?

And if Cinderella's shoe was such a perfect fit, why did it fall off in the first place?

Back down the rabbit hole I go…..

Please, do reach out to me and share your own profound insights!

Love, your #1 fan —
Karl Moore

This guest post was written by Karl Moore. Be sure to get your free “Limitless Labs” audio from him.