The Sick Bhikkhu
AN old bhikkhu of a surly disposition was afflicted with a loathsome disease the sight and smell...
Walking On Water
SOUTH of Savatthi is a great river, on the banks of which lay a hamlet of five...
In The Realm Of Yamaraja
THERE was a Brahman, a religious man and fond in his affections but without deep wisdom. He...
In Search Of A Thief
HAVING sent out his disciples, the Blessed One himself wandered from place to place till he reached...
The Marriage-Feast In Jambunada
THERE was a man in Jambunada who was to be married the next day, and he thought,...
Vasavadatta, The Courtesan
THERE was a courtesan in Mathura named Vasavadatta. She happened to see Upagutta, one of Buddha's disciples,...
The Despot Cured
KING BRAHMADATTA happened to see a beautiful woman, the wife of a Brahman merchant and, conceiving a...
The Hungry Dog
THERE was a great king who oppressed his people and was hated by his subjects; yet when...
The Peacemaker
IT is reported that two kingdoms were on the verge of war for the possession of a...
The Woman At the Well
ANANDA, the favorite disciple of the Buddha, having been sent by the Lord on a mission, passed...