Working Very Hard – Story and Explanation
A martial arts student went to his teacher and said earnestly, “I am devoted to studying your...
A Useless Life – Spiritual Story and Explanation
A farmer got so old that he couldn’t work the fields anymore. So he would spend the...
The Treasure Tower – A Short Spiritual Story
THERE was once a tower hovering in the air, and adorned with seven treasures. Gods of heaven...
The Parable Of The Elephant
THERE was a mighty white elephant with a strong trunk and long tusks, trained by a good...
The Courtesan Ambapali
THEN the Blessed One proceeded with a great number of brethren to Vesali, and he stayed at...
The Mirror Of Truth
THE Blessed One proceeded to the village Nadika with a great company of brethren and there he...
The Visit To Pataliputta – A Zen Buddhist Spiritual Story
WHEN the Blessed One had stayed as long as convenient at Nalanda, he went to Pataliputta, the...
Sariputta’s Faith
THE Blessed One proceeded with a great company of the brethren to Nalanda; and there he stayed...
Conditions Of Welfare
WHEN the Blessed One was residing on the mounted called Vulture's Peak, near Rajagaha, Ajatasattu king of...
The Patient Elephant
WHILE the Blessed One was residing in the Jetavana, there was a householder living in Savatthi known...