We are all in various states of healing – whether from illness, physical injury, or past traumatic events. Patience, acceptance and resilience are key to helping ourselves to heal. Even once we have achieved health, it’s important to maintain it and to remember the journey we have been on.
The affirmations below can serve as a useful reminder that active, conscious healing and self-love are key to feeling better and moving forwards.
Pick one. Use it for 30 days. See how it helps you. Then repeat the process for another 30 days with a different affirmation for healing.
18 Powerful Healing Affirmations
- I give myself permission to heal.
- My body, mind, emotions, and spirit are always becoming more balanced.
- I am in tune with my inner self and I know that I have the power to improve my circumstances.
- May the abundance of my Higher Self fill my mind, soul, and body with the love that brings healing in every manner.
- I am happy, healthy and whole.
- My mind helps heal my body.
- My body is strong and I am safe within it.
- I claim the healing power that expresses itself in me in all ways.
- Every day in every way I am getting healthier and healthier.
- I choose healing for my heart, body and soul every day.
- Perfect health is my Divine right and I claim it now.
- I heal in my own time and I’m patient with myself every day.
- My body knows how to heal itself, and is doing so even now.
- My mind is brilliant; my body is healthy; my soul is tranquil.
- I have the power to create my own reality.
- I am filled with vitality, energy, and physical stamina.
- I welcome all perspectives, because anything can help me uncover new ways to feel better, live healthier, and love life more.
- As I focus more on how I can heal, new ideas and inspiration come into my life.
When you use these affirmations consistently and partner them with a healthy diet, consistent exercise (even just 30 minutes of walking per day!), meditation, and visualization, you'll see healing miracles in your life.
Where you place your attention and intention will create results in your life.
Don't take our word for it though. Here are 15 inspirational healing quotes from famous authors, speakers, teachers, and healers, to help you on your journey to wellness.
15 Healing Quotes That Will Inspire Your Journey To Wellness
- “Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls your life.” ~ Akshay Dubey
- “The best way to heal a life that feels shattered is to hand all of the pieces to God.” ~ Doreen Virtue
- “Your peace won't begin after you heal but when you agree to heal.” ~ Sonia Choquette
- “The more you move toward what makes you feel good,and move away from those things that bring you distress and pain, the healthier you will be.” ~ Dr. Christiane Northrup
- “The final stage of healing is using what happens to you to help other people.” ~ Gloria Steinem
- “Dear God – Please clear away any negativity from my life, thoughts, beliefs, feelings, relationships, finances, body, home, and work.” ~ The Miracles of Archangel Micheal
- “Listen to your heart today. Feel your feelings fully without judging them. If you allow yourself to feel all of your feelings fully, regardless of whether they're sad, angry, or joyous, your heart's wisdom will heal your pain.” ~ Dr. Christiane Northrup
- “You have the power to heal your life, and you need to know that. We think so often that we are helpless, but we're not. We always have the power of our minds… Claim and consciously use your power.” ~ Louise Hay
- “Remember, healing – all healing comes from within. Yet there is the healing of the physical, there is the healing of the mental, there is the correct direction from the spirit. Coordinate these and you'll be whole!” ~ Edgar Cayce
- “There is nothing in the world more powerful than love. Love enlivens, love unites, and love heals.” ~ Deepak Chopra
- Loving everything about yourself-even the parts you consider unacceptable-is an act of personal power. It is beginning of healing. ~ Dr. Christiane Northrup
- “She needed someone to heal her. So she became a healer.” ~ Alex Myles
- “Forgiving is not forgetting. It is remembering without anger. It frees up your power, heals your body, mind and spirit.” ~ Les Brown
- “Your heart will fix itself. It's your mind you need to worry about. Your mind where you locked the memories, your mind where you have kept pieces of the ones that hurt you, that still cut through you like shards of glass. Your mind will keep you up at night, make you cry, destroy you over and over again. You need to convince your mind that it has to let go… because your heart already knows how to heal.” ~ Nikita Gil
- The body heals with play. The mind heals with laughter. And spirit heals with joy.” ~ Proverb
Affirmations are always good. Quotes provide support, inspiration, and faith.
But how do you know if you are actually healing?
Sure, your body and mind may feel better. However, that can shift day to day.
The important thing is to look at your mindset over the course of weeks and months. If you see some of the shifts below, then you know you are successfully healing.
8 Signs That You Are Successfully Healing
- More observing, less judging.
- More responding, less reacting.
- More self love, less self sabotage.
- More boundaries, less resentments.
- More inner peace, less outer chaos.
- More clarity, less confusion.
- More being, less doing.
- More faith, less fear.
The above affirmations, quotes, and signs should be a good start for your healing.
And if you'd like additional practical support for your spiritual healing, join one of our free virtual healing events below or browse our calendar of free online spiritual healing classes and workshops.
🧘 Clear damaging energy blocks, reset your energy, and build your immunity. Want to look and feel radiant at any age? During the Energy DETOX & REBOOT Challenge, you'll get 5 days of Virtual Live Classes with Sensei Tristan Truscott, learning gentle, yet powerful healing Qigong movements that restore your body’s ability to heal.. So that your energy flows better, your immune system functions better, your inflammation goes down, your lymph fluid cleans out the toxic junk faster, and chronic issues disappear. This live challenge is 5-days of training on how to quickly clear negative energy blockages that cause fear, doubt, worry and uncertainty. You'll also learn some very powerful techniques that release fresh life-force into your system, leading to more immunity, super healing and spiritual connection! =================================== ↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️ =================================== What You'll Learn During the Qigong 5-Day Energy Detox & Reboot Challenge Qigong has been scientifically proven in over 500 studies to get your energy (your chi or Qi) flowing better… And when your energy is flowing better, your immune system functions better, your inflammation goes down, your lymph fluid cleans out the toxic junk faster, and chronic issues disappear… In short, Qigong restores your body’s ability to heal. It combines the power of breathwork, mindfulness meditation and flowing movements – it feels like an energy dance! The Energy Secrets you'll learn have been used throughout the ages by Life-Force Energy Masters to fortify the body (and mind) against extreme conditions. In fact… The fighting monks of the Shaolin developed these techniques to increase their resilience to a point where they became practically invincible. So if you’ve got a specific challenge to overcome, or goal you’d love to achieve…. Then it’s crucial you start unblocking your Energy channels. This live 5-day challenge will...
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Scientific evidence has revealed that music and key sound frequencies have the power to support our bodies to heal naturally at a very deep level. When applied correctly, these vibrations gently massage the body’s cells and have an almost magical capacity to heal emotional and physical traumas held in the body. Health Challenges That Sound Healing Can Help With Chronic pain Chronic inflammation High blood pressure And poor immune system efficiency Can all be alleviated without the need for prescription drugs, affirms acoustics scientist John Stuart Reid. Why John Stuart Reid Teaches Sound Healing After prescription medications had failed to diminish his debilitating back pain… John eliminated the pain permanently by immersing himself in low-frequency sound for just 20 minutes while inside the Great Pyramid of Giza. During this free spiritual sound healing class… John’s thorough explanation of the biological mechanisms that underpin sound’s ability to support healing and overcome disease will expand your understanding and belief in the efficacy of sound therapy and music medicine. ===================== ↘️ Click Here To Register For Free ↙️ ===================== What You'll Learn During “Music as Medicine” Participate in an interactive sound-therapy exercise that promises to help you reduce pain, alleviate chronic inflammation, and lower your blood pressure Learn how to significantly increase the oxygen availability in your bloodstream to optimize your body’s ability to heal Discover how activating your vagus nerve can help reduce chronic inflammation and slow the rate at which you age Experience a deep level of calm as music increases your production of dopamine, while decreasing cortisol levels Stimulate the production and number of white blood cells to strengthen your immune system When your body is free of pain and able to move fluidly, without stiffness, your mind will nestle into a deeper level of peace and serenity. Western medicine...
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During this free energy flow class, renowned energy expert, Ari Whitten, will be sharing his very best energy ‘hacks' to supercharge your brain and body. This isn’t about foundational nutrition and lifestyle stuff (which Ari teaches constantly in all of his work). What you'll learn are the specific energy secrets that supercharge your energy levels with little to no effort – in just days. You'll see the scientific evidence behind these hacks so that you can double (or even triple) your energy levels by following a simple routine that takes just 5 minutes a day… Without simulants or caffeine. =================================== ↘️ Click Here to Register For Free ↙️ =================================== What You'll Learn During This Free Energy Health Class 4 strategies that are each proven to reduce depression by over 30% or 40% within just days. A special compound that supercharges your mitochondrial health (and a breakthrough in how to hack it). Science-backed supplements that supercharge your brain function (decrease anxiety, balance neurotransmitters, eliminate brain fog, and protect against brain diseases). A major hidden cause of fatigue that few people are aware of (this affects more than 9 out of 10 people). A daily routine that can double or even triple your energy levels (and dramatically improve your mood and brain function) in just 5 minutes a day. How to re-awaken your body’s built-in energy system so you can have endless energy. How to guarantee your body has everything it needs to function optimally – every single day – so you can prevent disease and increase longevity. How to reverse your brain-related fatigue, brain fog, anxiety and depression, loss of resilience, and sleep issues. How you can address the ROOT causes of your fatigue and help you build REAL energy – by supporting mitochondrial health. And plug the holes in your...
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During this free online spiritual healing class with Krishna Das, you'll learn how to: Come home to yourself Move more deeply into your heart Release and transform inner negative stories that hold you back =================================== ↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️ =================================== What You'll Learn During “Enter Into the Heart Through Chanting Practice” Imagine sitting on your favorite beach, watching and listening to the waves as they wax and wane. Each wave is different. Some are little laps against the shore. Some rush at you and drench the edges of your blanket before they retreat. Some crash hard with a roar as they hit the sand or rocks. Some are a gentle ripple, barely audible. You don’t attach a feeling or judgment to any one of them as they ebb and flow, do you? You don’t react or have an emotional response to each individual wave that comes toward you. You’re just mesmerized by the peacefulness, the constant rhythm — like unconscious breathing — as they come close and recede. What if you could experience your life in the same way? What if every situation, every event, no matter how sweet or tumultuous, were just another wave for you to witness, or even ride, calmly and without judgment? As hard as it is to believe while this unexpected, massive global crisis is still on the rise, you CAN maintain your inner peace under any circumstances — with the help of an established daily spiritual practice. Join us for a powerful hour with Krishna Das, global icon and bestselling Western chant artist, as he introduces you to the sacred process and profound effects of chanting. What Devotional Chanting Is Devotional chanting, which is practiced in a wide range of wisdom traditions, has been used for centuries as a way...
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Probably sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Becoming pain-free without all the conventional interventions that many of us have come to depend on? Most likely many of the 1.5 BILLION people in the world suffering from chronic pain (including yourself!), think that living pain-free, in a body that moves effortlessly, is simply impossible. The thing is, it is possible to stop your chronic pain – for good, and you’ll learn how during the “Pain Fix Protocol Masterclass.” ===================== ↘️ Click Here To Register For Free ↙️ ===================== What You'll Learn During the Pain-Fix Protocol Masterclass with Dr. Yoni Whitten The class is led by Dr. Yoni Whitten, a pain expert in practice for over 16 years, and who has developed a revolutionary new approach to fixing pain and bulletproofing your body. Benefits of Optimizing Your Posture, Mobility, and Joint Health He'll show you how to optimize your posture, mobility, and joint health so that you can feel more: Supple Balanced Aligned Youthful Energetic Pain-Fix Protocol Masterclass Key Topics The NEW science of fixing chronic pain (that conventional medicine hasn't caught up with yet). Simple techniques to immediately begin reducing pain signals in the body. Easy ways to update your everyday habits and break your pain cycle. Common medical myths that are keeping you in constant pain – and how to avoid them. How to understand what your body is really asking for when you suffer from chronic pain… and how to give it what it needs to heal. 3 secrets to living in a pain-free body – without doctors, drugs, or surgery Simple movements you can do in minutes to fix your posture and align your body. How to bring back your youthful body so it moves like it did when you were a kid. Powerful new research...
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Are you ready to transform and release stories that no longer serve you — and access your intuitive and psychic abilities like never before? Simple, yet powerful sutra practices can help… These mystical scriptures carry potent spiritual vibrations and divine frequencies that can lift you to your next level of healing and transformation. One teacher who can distill this knowledge for you is leading Energy Medicine teacher and bestselling author Deborah King — renowned for her ability to make ancient teachings more accessible to modern seekers. Deborah will show you how to receive the wisdom and healing power of the sutras so you can clear blocked energy, emotions, and limiting beliefs — and reveal your highest gifts — during this free online spiritual healing class: Unlock the Secrets of the Sutras: Vedic Wisdom to Heal Energy Blocks & Access Your Divine Gifts. =================================== ↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️ =================================== What You'll Learn During This Free Vedic Sutra Healing Class With Deborah King How the Vedic Sutras can help clear energy blocks and dissolve painful emotions and experiences stored within you and your personal energy field Why the Vedic sutras in particular are so powerful in healing energy blocks and opening to our deeper gifts An experiential journey to visit an Ascended Master, St. Germain, at the Temple of the Violet Flame Key insights from Deborah’s personal journey from an abusive childhood and an addiction to drugs and alcohol — to a New York Times bestselling author and renowned teacher Wisdom from the healers, sages, and shamans around the globe Deborah has studied with — on her path of seeking to master ancient and modern techniques The Vedic sutras, seen as revelations by Indian theologians, were received by ancient sages after intense meditations, preserved and passed on for thousands...
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Learn how to let go of all negativity, end all suffering, heal the past, be happy now, and bounce back higher than ever in ! Your Greatest Life Awaits. . . The Unsinkable Online Super Conference is a free all-day inspirational event that will unleash your greatest life! Join “Bounce Back” expert and #1 bestselling author, Sonia Ricotti as she hosts this life-changing event. She will be bringing together some of the top motivational speakers on the planet to help you achieve great wealth, health, career, relationships and overall happiness! Get ready to live the life you LOVE and DESERVE! ===================================Click here to register for free.=================================== Speaker Schedule for the Unsinkable Super Conference “HOW to Bounce Back BIG in !” – With Sonia Ricotti Sonia Ricotti will be going deep into her world-renowned “bounce back” teachings on how to overcome difficult times and make your best year yet! No matter what you’re going through right now in your life, you can (and you WILL) turn thing around in a big way. Sonia will show you exactly how to do it (and do it quickly!). “How to Shift Your ‘Paradigms' and Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind” – With Bob Proctor If you’ve tried to make changes in your life in the past with limited success, then what’s holding you back are what Bob calls “Paradigms.” Bob Proctor will be teaching you exactly how to determine what your paradigms are and how to change them in order to completely transform your future and achieve the life you love! The Unsinkable Super Conference also includes a very emotional tribute to Bob Proctor, as well as the complete, beautiful, intimate conversation from his interview in The Unsinkable Movie. There are so many powerful golden nuggets about life. “Winners Never Quit: Rising Above the Impossible” – With...
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Discover how ancient shamanic dreamwork practices from multiple world traditions can help you: Uncover new paths for reclaiming lost parts of your soul Looking into your future And rediscover your purpose Click here to register for free. Why Attend “Dream Medicine for Your Soul” Across time and cultures, humans have turned to their dreams for wisdom, connection, and magic. And it’s no wonder — dreams give us access to deeper sources of wisdom than our waking lives can provide, says dreamwork pioneer Robert Moss. They enable us to connect with our souls, our ancestors, the animate spirits of Nature, and even a God or Goddess we can talk to. Your dreams can show you the future so you can prepare for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Dreams are also medicine, revealing what’s happening in your body and soul and providing a path for healing. Join Robert during this free shamanic healing workshop as he shows you how to reclaim the best of timeless dreamwork traditions that span diverse cultures and lineages… … to grow a new dreaming society in which we share our dreams and rely on them, not only as keys to the health of the body and soul but also as vital tools for human survival. What You'll Learn During “Dream Medicine For Your Soul” In this hour-long free online event, you’ll gain insights from 12 ways of dreaming across time and cultures to add to your own practices as you also: Learn how you can encounter authentic spiritual guides and teachers in your dreams, just as the Aborigines of Australia once did — and travel to places of personal healing, training, enlightenment, and initiation Awaken to how, according to the Dream Shaman of Switzerland, the mind generates reality — and helps you prepare to recognize...
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Ancient cultures have known for millennia that our nighttime dreams hold the wisdom of our intuition… … powerful insights for healing our body, mind, and spirit, overcoming our life challenges, and evolving into wholeness and fulfillment. The 5,000-year-old Toltec tradition of Mesoamerica, originally the secret knowledge of the Mexican Chichimeca — masters of the dream state — used this power of perception to manifest desired realities, and even transform matter itself. Their ancient knowledge, passed down to the Aztecs, is rooted in Nahualism, spiritual teachings that use the altered states of the dreamtime — while asleep and awake — to: Explore other energetic dimensions Connect with ancestral guides Initiate self-healing Masterfully create the future. =================================== ↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️ =================================== What You'll Learn During “The Secrets of Toltec Dreaming” with Sergio Magaña During this fascinating hour with Mexican mystic, healer, dream teacher, and author Sergio Magaña, you’ll discover the power of Toltec Dreaming to help you: Release heavy energies of the past Clear the way for more transformative dream states Use ancient dreaming to manifest your desires And even change the trajectory of your life. Sergio will also share about the prophecies of the suns — teachings from the Toltec and Aztec calendars that perceive the movement of the Sun over thousands of years as holding profound wisdom about the transformation of the Earth and humanity. You’ll discover how these ancient teachings foresaw our present global challenges, and that the Sun’s current movement — from the Fifth to the Sixth Sun — signifies a shift in human consciousness, including our understanding of how we relate to ourselves, each other, the Earth, and the cosmos. You’ll also learn how Toltec Dreaming can help you navigate these challenging times and manifest a better future using the new energy...
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Experience the transformative power of energy medicine to transmute disruptive energies and emotions, in order to become an empowered, intentional co-creator of your life. =================================== ↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️ =================================== What You'll Learn During “Energy Codes for Mastering the Unknown” We are living in challenging times. Uncertainty and the anxiety-provoking unknown loom large, in every area of our lives – perhaps more than ever before! Is this the new normal? And how do we navigate it from a place of creativity and mastery? Even in the midst of chaos, we can make smart choices to keep ourselves safe and sane. We can still choose to be powerful co-creators of our lives — not merely survivors, or victims of circumstances beyond our control. The truth is, you can learn to harness your energetic potential — your raw life-force energy — to grow your capacity to: Ground Heal And recreate yourself (and life) in each moment That’s why now, more than ever, it’s important to expand your perception of who you are, and why you are here, at this moment in time. Challenge the belief that you’re just a three-dimensional person to whom “life is happening.” Rise up, and become familiar with your true identity as a multidimensional, energetic being who plays an active part in co-creating a future you really want. How Your Energy Powers & Shapes Your Life Your energy — whether stirred by feelings you label good or bad — is the source-fuel that powers and shapes your life. And when you know how to access that power, you can manifest, call-in, and create what you want with greater ease. According to bioenergetic medicine pioneer Dr. Sue Morte, you must learn to release “the story” that keeps you stuck and imprisoned in limitations and past...
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You’ve probably heard that stress is responsible for over 70% of doctor’s visits. It is one of the biggest drains on your energy levels, and probably the biggest contributor to mood problems like depression and anxiety. Stress and anxiety are rampant in today’s world (for many reasons you’re no doubt well aware of). But here’s what you probably don’t know… What most people do when they’re stressed and they feel their mind racing is to work on THEIR MIND. But what if the solution isn’t to work on your mind? It turns out that actually the fastest and most powerful way to get your brain and body out of stress and anxiety isn’t to work on your MIND, but to use your BREATH. There are two key layers to this: Short-term techniques to rapidly get your brain and body out of stress/anxiety mode. Rewiring your nervous system’s baseline levels of stress and anxiety by training your body to breathe optimally. (Over 80% of people AREN’T breathing optimally). To learn more about this, Ari Whitten has created a live virtual event, “Breathing for Energy,” that can help you revolutionize your relationship with stress and rewire your nervous system from “anxious and fatigued” into “relaxed and energized.” He’s also partnered with world-renowned breathing expert, Patrick McKeown to develop a brand-new system of breathing practices to rewire your nervous system out of anxiety mode and go from fatigued to energized in just weeks. =================================== ↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️ =================================== What You'll Learn During This Free Virtual Breathwork Class Breathing practices to rewire your nervous system out of stress mode and dramatically decrease anxiety levels Why deep breathing is actually bad advice (and what the right approach is to increase your energy and decrease anxiety) How to improve your health,...
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Though some people have made truly massive transformations using the Law of Attraction, and they have manifested: Incredible abundance Nurturing and fulfilling relationships Satisfying careers and businesses A deep sense of divine peace The reality is that for most people it hasn't worked out that way. During this free live online spiritual healing workshop, your teacher Brent Michael Phillips is going to reveal exactly what we’re all missing. ===================== ↘️ Click Here To Register For Free ↙️ ===================== What You'll Learn During “7 Secrets to Higher Dimensional Living” Brent is going to show you exactly how to use the Law of Attraction to get massive, consistent results, even if you’ve started to wonder if manifesting is just a work of fiction. You'll also get specific strategies, mindset, and techniques for: Effective consciousness shifting Conducting energy work for self-healing Eliminating emotional obstacles keeping you from your goals Eradicating the subconscious blocks STOPPING you from attracting wealth, prosperity and abundance Improving your physical and emotional health with energy healing Taping into the ‘Quantum Field' and discover how to manifest the strong deeply rewarding relationships you desire He’ll also be doing live emotional block clearings (including yours) and answering your questions about the Law of Attraction. Free Gift for Attendees: “5 Ways to a Theta Brwainwave” ‘When you stay to the end of the webinar, you'll get access to this special training that isn't available anywhere else (for any price). This training teaches you 5 different methods to acheive AD Theta waking brainwave. ===================== ↘️ Click Here To Register For Free ↙️ ===================== About Your Facilitator – Brent Michael Phillips Brent Michael Phillips was a successful MIT-trained engineer who experienced a staggering physical challenge when his arm became immobile and frozen at the elbow after a surgery. After a long battle of unsuccessful...
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