BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//WordPress - MECv7.5.0//EN X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALNAME:Spiritual Growth Events X-WR-CALDESC:Free REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H X-MS-OLK-FORCEINSPECTOROPEN:TRUE BEGIN:VEVENT CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTART:20220929T030000Z DTEND:20220929T040000Z DTSTAMP:20220919T202300Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=4 CREATED:20220919 LAST-MODIFIED:20220927 PRIORITY:5 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE SUMMARY:Enter Into the Heart Through Chanting Practice with Krishna Das DESCRIPTION:During this free online spiritual healing class with Krishna Das, you'll learn how to:\n\nCome home to yourself\nMove more deeply into your heart\nRelease and transform inner negative stories that hold you back\n\n===================================\n↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️\n===================================\nWhat You'll Learn During “Enter Into the Heart Through Chanting Practice”\nImagine sitting on your favorite beach, watching and listening to the waves as they wax and wane.\nEach wave is different. Some are little laps against the shore. Some rush at you and drench the edges of your blanket before they retreat. Some crash hard with a roar as they hit the sand or rocks. Some are a gentle ripple, barely audible.\nYou don’t attach a feeling or judgment to any one of them as they ebb and flow, do you?\nYou don’t react or have an emotional response to each individual wave that comes toward you. You’re just mesmerized by the peacefulness, the constant rhythm — like unconscious breathing — as they come close and recede.\nWhat if you could experience your life in the same way?\nWhat if every situation, every event, no matter how sweet or tumultuous, were just another wave for you to witness, or even ride, calmly and without judgment?\nAs hard as it is to believe while this unexpected, massive global crisis is still on the rise, you CAN maintain your inner peace under any circumstances — with the help of an established daily spiritual practice.\nJoin us for a powerful hour with Krishna Das, global icon and bestselling Western chant artist, as he introduces you to the sacred process and profound effects of chanting.\nWhat Devotional Chanting Is\nDevotional chanting, which is practiced in a wide range of wisdom traditions, has been used for centuries as a way to train people to stay present in the here and now.\nChanting helps you stay focused… using the mantra as the object of awareness.\nIt allows you to exercise your letting-go muscle — and develop the fortitude to release negative thoughts and emotions and the stories you believe about yourself… or anything else that takes you away as each moment comes and goes.\nWhat you think of yourself, your life, your work, your community, and our world can change — not by altering external circumstances you can’t control, but by transforming your thought patterns. As a result, difficult situations become less painful because you're not as emotionally invested in them.\nOf course, there are many spiritual practices designed to bring us continually into the moment…\nSo why chanting?\nBenefits of Practicing Devotional Chanting\nIn the East, there’s a general understanding that the spirit of all beings is one and the same. Your true nature resides in the “heart cave,” which is the seat of the soul.\nChanting uncovers that place within you.\nAnd as you discover that place, you’ll begin to experience a swell of peace and contentment arising from within. Each time you come back to the mantra, you create new neural pathways in the brain which allow you to move more deeply into who you really are: Truth, Beauty, Unlimited Joy… and Real Love.\nIn this profound and inspiring hour with Krishna Das, he’ll engage you in a specific chant — a devotional mantra in which he recites different names of the Divine Presence.\nRepeating this mantra with love and devotion can help you open your heart and access your inner strength, which influences your experience of life regardless of what’s going on in the outside world… even if just for a few minutes.\nClass Topics for “Enter Into the Heart Through Chanting Practice”\nIn this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:\n\nHow to release your thoughts — and let go of the stories you believe about yourself and your life\nA chant in which you recite names of the Divine… to start to uncover love and peace in your heart and develop your inner warrior\nRespite from your overactive mind and anxiety around the global pandemic — a much-needed reset\nThe many ways you’ll begin to sit differently in your heart as you practice chanting — and how that may manifest in your life\nA taste of how, when you chant as daily spiritual practice, you start to calm your mind, relax your body, and come into rhythm and alignment with a higher frequency\nThe capacity Krishna Das has to guide you into an altered state… with just the power of his voice and presence\n\nWe’re so fortunate to have such a dynamic and powerful spiritual teacher and world-renowned performer to help us through this painful moment in history.\nAnd during this free online spiritual healing class, you’ll discover how you can deepen your work with Krishna Das — to embrace the God within you and become more at ease, resilient, grounded, and compassionate during the weeks, months, and years ahead.\n===================================\n↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️\n===================================\nAbout Your Spiritual Teacher – Krishna Das\nLayering traditional kirtan with instantly accessible melodies and modern instrumentation, Krishna Das has been called yoga’s “rock star.” With a remarkably soulful voice that touches the deepest chord in even the most casual listener, Krishna Das — known to friends, family, and fans as simply KD — has taken call-and-response chanting out of yoga centers and into concert halls, becoming a worldwide icon and the bestselling Western chant artist of all time. His album Live Ananda (released January 2012) was nominated for a Grammy in the Best New Age album category.\nKD spent the late ’60s traveling across the country as a student of Ram Dass. In August 1970, he finally made the journey to India, which led him to Ram Dass’ own beloved guru, Neem Karoli Baba, known to devotees as Maharaj-ji.\nGiven the name Krishna Das, KD began to chant as part of following the path of Bhakti yoga, the yoga of devotion.\nHe took solace in music, finding peace and strength in both his Bhakti yoga practice as well as in such heroes as Ray Charles, Van Morrison, Steely Dan, and Bruce Springsteen (whom he laughingly calls “the Bodhisattva of New Jersey”). KD also co-founded Triloka Records, a California-based label specializing in world music, releasing such artists as Jai Uttal, sarod virtuoso Ali Akbar Khan, and legendary jazz musician/composer Jackie McLean.\nIn 1994, KD started to lead chanting at Jivamukti Yoga Center, NYC, with an ever-growing audience of yoga students that has led him to chant with people all around the world. In February 2013, Krishna Das performed at the Grammy awards in Los Angeles, which was streamed online to millions of viewers. The award-winning film One Track Heart: The Story of Krishna Das, which has been shown in over 100 U.S. cities and in more than 10 countries, is available on DVD everywhere.\nKD’s 16th album, Peace Of My Heart, released in October 2018 on behalf of the Kirtan Wallah Foundation, offers nearly two hours of deeply moving, meditative, and artfully restrained new recordings born out of a request from a yoga teacher who works with children on the autism spectrum. Forgoing the ecstatic tempo changes so common to temple-style kirtan, these five new tracks move slowly and deliberately. The song-to-song steadiness is both striking and soothing, and as emotionally impactful as ever.\n“The chanting just hits you and you want to be a part of it. That’s the point of this whole thing. That’s what cuts through all the ‘stuff.’ You get lit up. You don’t have to know what it means.” – Krishna Das\n===================================\n↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️\n===================================\nAffiliate Disclosure: We are grateful to be of service and bring you these life-changing events free of charge. In order to do this, please note that whenever you click the links and purchase items, in most (not all) cases we will receive a referral commission.\nYour support in purchasing through these links makes it possible for people in over 150 countries globally to attend these live-changing events for free. Thank you!\n URL: ORGANIZER;CN=Shift Network:MAILTO: CATEGORIES:Free LOCATION:Worldwide ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR