
(Free eBook) “103 Disempowering Beliefs About Money and Success and How to Eliminate Them In Minutes”

We all have blind spots… things about ourselves that we just don't see, but that seem painfully obvious to others.

And the sad thing is, they often stay in our blind-spot for years, if not a lifetime, crushing our dreams in the process.

One of the areas in which we have these blind-spots is with money and success. We have negative and disempowering beliefs about ourselves, about the world, and about money and success itself.

This free spiritual eBook is a simple yet powerful resource that will help you to not only easily see the things in your blind-spot that are holding you back when it comes to money and success.

It'll also help you learn a simple technique to eliminate them.

Download Your Free eBook Here

Here's why this eBook is so powerful:

It actually lists 103 disempowering beliefs about money and success and takes us through an easy to follow belief discovery process that will help us to figure out exactly what beliefs are holding us back.

This discovery process alone is quite helpful, because rather than those beliefs being stuck in our blind-spots, they're brought to our awareness so that we can eliminate them.

You'll probably be pretty surprised at what comes up for you when you go through this simple process that takes just a few minutes.

The eBook also lists 103 empowering beliefs that we can start using immediately as positive affirmations to counteract any disempowering beliefs that we may have.

Here's the best part…it also shows us how to use a powerful technique known as Tapping to get to the core of these disempowering beliefs, and to change them quickly. 🙂

The reason it's so effective is because Tapping works to literally rewire the brain. Plus Tapping is incredibly effective at eliminating stress, and the area of money and success is for most people the #1 cause of stress.

So with Tapping we can eliminate the stress, rewire our brains to get rid of the disempowering beliefs, and finally bring in the money and the success that we want.

This free spiritual eBook is a simple yet helpful understanding of what's holding us back and, more importantly, gifts us the opportunity to make meaningful shifts in our actual beliefs.

Download Your Free eBook Here