(Free eBook) “The 18 Rules of Happiness”
Every single decision we make, every action we take…
They're each designed on some level to take us closer to happiness.
Think about it. Test it on any decision, reductively.
Sitting on a beach in Thailand almost 25 years ago, the author (Karl Moore) contemplated this… and tried to figure out what steps he could take to improve his own daily happiness.
Eventually, he came up with a list of 18 “rules” for living a happier life.
Download the 18 Rules of Happiness Here.
(Note: Even though this spiritual eBook is free right here, right now, it regularly costs about $7 in print on Amazon.)
Would you like to discover your own true happiness? Right now, you spend 24 hours a day searching for happiness. It's the single motive behind absolutely every action you take.
But are you experiencing enough genuine happiness in your daily life?
If not, you need to take action.
This book is a mini-course in mega-happiness. It unveils 18 simple secrets that you can use to begin enjoying profound happiness and freedom in your life.
From effortless shifts in attitude to powerful mind-body “hacks”, this guide will show you how to easily tap into the sunshine that already exists within you – and, quite simply, become the happiest person you know.
Download the 18 Rules of Happiness Here.
BONUS: When you download your free eBook, you'll also get to choose from one of six different guided hypnosis audios to help you in your life. These usually cost $14.95 each on his website.
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