
Watch “Energy The Ultimate Healer” Docuseries | Streaming Free | Watch Now

Energy, The Ultimate Healer DocuseriesImagine tapping into healing energy to promote physical and emotional health, happiness and overall well being without…

  • Invasive procedures
  • Toxic pharmaceuticals
  • Leaving the comfort of your home

And instead COMPLETELY HEAL your body and life for:

  • Ultimate health
  • Improved relationships
  • Increased energy
  • Balanced hormones
  • Reversed aging
  • Pain free living

Healing is something ALL of our bodies naturally do, however, not everybody knows what is needed to make that happen.

Fortunately, the makers of “What the Bleep Do We Know?” are releasing this breakthrough 5-part docuseries Exploring Energy The Ultimate Healer.

Watch Bliss Up - Energy the Ultimate Healer

Watch “Explore Energy, the Ultimate Healer”

“Explore Energy the Ultimate Healer” Will Help You Answer

  • How is energy healing possible?
  • How does the healing actually take place?
  • How does the healer heal?

Relaxed Woman Receiving Reiki Treatment At The Spa

Everything in the universe, including you, the chair that you’re sitting on, the sun, and the moon, is made up of energy. When this energy is aligned and in balance, we have vibrant health and manifest easily. When our energy is misaligned and stagnant, it lowers our immune system and manifesting potential.

Energy healing is the process by which we can re-align our energy with ourselves and the universe, and ultimately, empower our bodies to heal themselves. Unfortunately, modern science hasn't given energy healing much credit. In fact, only 60 hospitals in the United States have adopted Reiki (one form of energy healing) as part of patient services. Though it's a good start, it isn't enough.

“Energy the Ultimate Healer” docuseries will be the first time that a show will follow energy healers as they work with clients, tracking the documentation of their ailments, and showing the healing that takes place as a result of their treatments… and it will all be confirmed by patient medical records.

How “Explore Energy, The Ultimate Healer” Helps You Heal

Many factors can affect our energy, including environmental toxins, the energy frequencies of the people we spend our time with, our own emotional state, and our lifestyle habits including diet, exercise, and mental health.

Woman Praying At Sunset“Bliss Up! Energy the Ultimate Healer” will take a look at all of these factors so you can know what to do to support your own health and natural energy healing abilities. Knowing what to do isn't enough, however. You must also find the will to change.

To help you move forward in your own life, it will provide both inspiration and concrete evidence of the efficacy of energy healing. This docuseries will speak directly to the logical, scientific, critical thinking part of your brain that requires proof that energy healing actually works.

Lastly, you'll have the opportunity to connect directly with energy healers so that you can take the next steps in your own healing journey.

Who Can Explore Energy, the Ultimate Healer Help

No matter what your current situation is:

  • Whether you're in fantastic health or in chronic pain…
  • Taking a ton of medication or none at all…
  • Suffering from undiagnosable health issues…
  • Or maybe you're feeling “stuck” in your life…

You CAN turn things around and find healing in your life.

Watch “Bliss Up! Energy the Ultimate Healer”

Watch The Trailer For “Explore Energy the Ultimate Healer”

We hope you enjoy the unofficial fan-made trailer we made for this movie!

A Message From Eram Saeed – About Energy the Ultimate Healer Docuseries

Eram Saeed HeadshotEnergy healing was critical for me when I was driven into bankruptcy after two abusive marriages. I had to rebuild my life so I started From Heartache to Joy which has become one of the most successful telesummits for introducing energy healing to the world.

Since then, I have been on a mission to bring out more light and to help you shine brighter than ever!

There is a world of healing possibilities and opportunities out there for you.

Let me ask you a simple question…

If you didn't have a single health issue to worry about, how would you show up in the world?

  • Would you show up more as yourself??
  • Would you be able to spread your light, love, and compassion in a bigger way??
  • Would you be able to serve the Universe as your heart desires?

What else might you do with the freedom of amazing health?

Well, that's what can happen when you activate the healer within yourself (that's all energy healing is) and step more fully into your natural state of abundant health, happiness, and inner peace.

My wish is for you to be happy, excited, and feel that the channels to bringing forth your gifts open up fully.

I look forward to supporting you,

Energy the Ultimate Healer Episode List

Energy the Ultimate Healer, Episode 1

  • What energy actually is
  • What energy healing is and how it might work
  • Energetic causes of disease
  • Overview of energy healing methods

Energy the Ultimate Healer, Episode 2

  • Featured Healer: Virgina Rounds Griffiths
  • Client Case Studies: Wemdy Yost, Sharon Stroes

Virginia Rounds GriffithsVirginia Rounds Griffiths is a Spiritual Coach & Teacher, Energy Alchemist, Medical Intuitive, Past, Present & Future Trainer & Financial Freedom Entrepreneur.

She is passionate about helping those who need energy transmuted and transformed in their environment. 

That includes in their personal energy fields, physical bodies and any other areas they require, from negative to positive allowing them to access those infinite possibilities which is their birthright.

Energy the Ultimate Healer, Episode 3

  • Featured Healer: Marlene Allen
  • Client Case Studies: Yana Ivovskiy, Julie Ciulla

Energy the Ultimate Healer, Episode 4

  • Featured Healer: Grace Hom
  • Client Case Studies: Leah Lamb

Grace Yin Hom HeadshotGrace Hom is an alchemist, medical intuitive, and speaker with over 20 years of combined experience in health care and alternative healing.

While Grace is known for her ability to tune into subconscious and intergenerational issues, she is also an expert in helping others to reprogram their subconscious beliefs so that they are empowered to create new self-affirming and uplifting beliefs.

She holds sacred space for everyone to discover and embody their natural gifts for healing and living an awesome life.

Energy the Ultimate Healer, Episode 5

  • Featured Healer: Dawn Crystal
  • Client Case Studies: Daniela Escalante, Jeff Baird

Dawn Crystal HeadshotDawn Crystal is an Internationally Recognized Voice Sound Energy Healer, Medical Intuitive, respected Intuitive Life Coach, Soul Reader, Medium, Pain Release Expert and Best-selling Author of “4′” Books.

Dawn is passionate about helping people clear emotional and physical blockages, so they can manifest from their higher selves, step into their full potential.

She also helps them lead their lives and businesses in ways that align effectively with their souls’ purpose.

Bliss Up! Energy the Ultimate Healer Documentary Plot

This docuseries shows the roots of energy healing in our world's most ancient traditions and the modern scientific discoveries that show that energy is the key to maintaining health in the human biofield. It also follows four very successful and powerful energy healers and shows the healing journey as they guide their clients to remarkable outcomes… all documented by the clients' own medical records before and after.

Inspirational Quotes From Energy the Ultimate Healer

“Quantum physics has proven that we live in a vibrational universe and everything is vibration. Energy medicine is a practice, system, and way of looking at the universe of vibration.” ~ Jennifer McLean

“All living beings have life energy within them, and that's why they're alive. It's a non-physical energy. It's something that science has not yet acknoweldged openly.” ~ William Rand

“I don't believe that I heal people. I believe that I create a space for them to heal themselves.” ~ Jennifer McLean

Watch “Energy the Ultimate Healer”

This life-changing film will inspire you and support you on your healing journey.

Cast Of The Explore Energy the Ultimate Healer

It's an incredible film starring Dr. Sue Morter, Francis Rico, Dr. Shagufta Feroz, Jennifer McLean, Reverend Nancy Woods, Cyndi Dale, William Rand, Carol Look, Richard Gordon, Dr. Ann Baldwin, Peter Canova, Marlene Allen, Tony Nec, Reverend Michael McMorrow, Judy Wilkins-Smith, and Dawson Church.

Who Produced Energy the Ultimate Healer


Eram Saeed is a visionary, entrepreneur, and host & founder of several telesummits including “From Heartache to Joy,” which has been running for 10 consecutive years.


Chris Attwood is a leading figure in the transformational world and a master of creating “enlightened alliances.” Co-author of the New York Times, The Passion Test.


Betsy Chasse is an award-winning filmmaker, bestselling author, and educator. She was also the writer, director, and producer of the hit documentary What the Bleep Do We Know?!


Katheryne KTEE Thomas is an award-winning filmmaker, producer, director, and editor on numerous documentary films including The Principle and The End of Quantum Reality, and the webs series, She’s Too Fat. She has spent over 15 years working in mass media integration as a new media content producer and brand/promotions manager. KTEE served as the production manager for the UPN affiliate (now the CW) in South Georgia and since 2011 has been the Owner/CEO of In Ohm Entertainment, a multimedia company specializing in film production and brand promotions which have produced numerous music videos, documentary films, docu-series, web series, and events for companies such as MTV, VH1, Fox, Fuse, Interscope, Universal, Capitol Records, and Warner Bros. KTEE also produces and co-hosts Fat TV, a weekly vlog & TV show that highlights marginalized voices. She is a graduate of the Academy of Art University with an MFA in Motion Pictures and Television.

WRITERS: Betsy Chasse, Cate Montana

EDITORS: Katheryne KTEE Thomas, Jane Lawalata


Justin Knodel is a professional cinematographer located in Los Angeles, CA. Justin is an expert in narrative, commercial, documentary, and music videos formats. Justin brings a high level of creativity, leadership, collaboration and respect to all projects he works on.


Watch “Energy the Ultimate Healer”

Release Details for Energy the Ultimate Healer

Release Date: 2022
Country of Origin: United States
Language: English
Genre: Documentary
Production Companies: Rampant Feline Media, In Ohm Entertainment
Official Website: Here

Photos From Explore Energy, the Ultimate Healer

Frequently Asked Questions about Explore Energy the Ultimate Healer

Where can I watch the Energy the Ultimate Healer for free online?

The creator and host of “Bliss Up! Energy The Ultimate Healer” makes the documentary available periodically during limited-release periods. During that limited-release time, you can watch it here. If it is not currently available, you can sign up for the waiting list and be notified the next time it is released to the public for free streaming.

Does Netflix stream Energy the Ultimate Healer?

It is not available on Netflix at this time.

Which energy healing methods are featured in “Explore Energy The Ultimate Healer”?

This documentary explores hands-on healing, remote healing, sound healing, Reiki, Quantum Touch, and EFT>

What is the plot of Energy the Ultimate Healer?

It is a documentary in which several experts explore what energy healing is, how it is possible, what common medical procedures have been used to measure energy healing, and it follows along four actual healers and their clients to demonstrate that the health benefits received are scientifically proven with measurable outcomes.

Where can I download, rent, or purchase the Energy the Ultimate Healer?

It cannot be bought, rented, or downloaded. The only way to watch “Energy the Ultimate Healer” is to get your free online streaming ticket here.

What Are The Different Types of Energy Healing?

While there are many different approaches, from cultures around the world, and both modern and from centuries ago, here's just five that are common today:

  1. Reiki Healing
  2. Sound Healing
  3. Pranic Healing
  4. Crystal Healing
  5. Emotional Freedom Technique
  6. Quantum Healing
  7. Qigong Healing

Of these, Quantum Healing, EFT, Sound Healing, and Reiki healing are featured in “Explore Energy the Ultimate Healer.”

Here's a little bit about each of the above energy healing approaches:

Reiki Healing

Reiki healing emphasizes the power of touch. Tracing its origin back to ancient Japan, the reiki master uses gentle hand massages to guide the flow of vital energy within the recipient. This Energy Healing technique also proves effective while treating various flu and heart problems. It’s a way to guide the energy throughout the recipient's body and ensure their self-healing ability.

Pranic Healing

Originated in southeastern Asia, this healing practice focuses on draining out toxins and negative energy fields from the body. This technique reduces the dominance of toxins resulting in boosted healing speed. This ensures the stronger efficiency of the energy system, which results in a balanced state of health.

Crystal Healing

Crystals have highly stable energy and are believed to absorb unwanted energy from their surrounding. This healing practice uses various stones and crystals to eliminate negative energy and toxins from the body. Each stone or crystal supports a particular emotion that needs to be altered. The human body is composed of various complex elements, and keeping the emotions checked and in a well-balanced ratio ensures the free flow of energy.

Quantum Healing

The concept of ‘Quantum” is quite a boom among Physicians, Astrophysicians, and related scientists. Usage of that in alternative medicine proved its acceptance among logical thinkers. This practice of Energy Healing works on the Principle of Resonance believes that any illness or disbalance of energy can be cured by using one’s psychological state as a catalyst to synthesize a cure.

The law of conservation of energy states, “Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. It can be only converted from one form to another.” Usage of this concept in Quantum Healing helps the practitioner convert negative forms of energy to positive and toxins to unharmful substances. 

Qigong Healing

The ancient Chinese healing technique with a lifespan of 4000 years and counting is still being practiced in various parts of the world. It involves meditation, conscious breathing, and gentle movement.

This form of healing technique has been portrayed in many Chinese kung-fu movies. So am assuming you might have encountered it quite some times already. In the monarchical times, after a tough battle, the warrior used to practice this healing technique to boost the healing of their wounds.

Watch Bliss Up! Energy the Ultimate Healer

Watch “Energy the Ultimate Healer”