BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//WordPress - MECv7.5.0//EN X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALNAME:Spiritual Growth Events X-WR-CALDESC:Free REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H X-MS-OLK-FORCEINSPECTOROPEN:TRUE BEGIN:VEVENT CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTART:20221107T160000Z DTEND:20221114T020000Z DTSTAMP:20221025T201500Z RDATE;VALUE=PERIOD:20221107T160000Z/20221114T020000Z CREATED:20221025 LAST-MODIFIED:20221025 PRIORITY:5 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE SUMMARY:Overcome People Pleasing & Perfectionism Summit DESCRIPTION:Do you sacrifice yourself to please others?\nDo you believe you must make others happy or “do it right” in order to be good enough?\nDo you have a hard time saying no?\nDo you beat yourself up when you make mistakes or disappoint others?\nIf so, chances are you’re struggling with People-Pleasing, and perhaps Perfectionism.\nDuring the “Overcoming People Pleasing & Perfectionism” summit you’ll get support that is specifically designed to help you break free from these exhausting tendencies.\n=====================\n↘️ Click Here To Register For Free ↙️\n=====================\nWhat You’ll Learn During the Overcoming People Pleasing and Perfectionism Summit\nHere’s just some of what you’ll learn from renowned psychologists, therapists, relationship experts & more:\n\nHow to let go of unhealthy behaviors like People-Pleasing, Perfectionism, Caretaking, Guilt, Shame, Low Self-Worth, Neediness, Dependency & more.\nHow to stop sacrificing yourself to please others and step into your new life of empowerment, freedom & balanced relationships\nHow to stop seeking external validation and learn to source love & acceptance from within you\nHow to unearth unconscious patterns, release trauma & learn to trust yourself\nHow to crack the code of people-pleasing & perfectionism, let go of anxiety & uncover your priorities\nDiscover the neurobiological underpinnings of people-pleasing & perfectionism & learn to restore your body’s compass\nHow to overcome the fawn response, set boundaries & experience the rewards of putting your needs first\nHow to overcome emotional neglect from your childhood & adulthood and reclaim your worthiness\nHow to heal from codependency & feeling “not good enough” after narcissistic abuse\nHow to stop beating yourself up when you make mistakes & practice loving self-care\nHow to value yourself without pleasing others & learn to love and respect the most important person in your life…YOU!\nHow to have intimate relationships while simultaneously letting go of the need to please and be perfect\n\nSpeaker List for the Overcoming People Pleasing and Perfectionism Summit\nMarci Shimoff, Lisa A. Romano, Sharon Martin, Dr. Jake Porter, Lisa Garr, Dr. Ingrid Clayton, Michael Stone, Jeffrey Gignac, Tamra Oviatt, Dr. Joe Rubino, Kyle Benson, Misa Hopkins, Simon Borg-Olivier, Lindsey Ellison, Abi Blakeslee, Stacy Brookman, Ken Page, Candace van Dell, Allana Pratt, Diana Hill, Gudni Gunnarsson, Gloria Lybecker, Vix Anderton, Marquita Johnson, Harriet Waley-Cohen, Stefanie Fernandes, Maryse Cardin, Bex Burton, Marlena Tillhon, Joseph Boutros Ghabi & Renee Siegel\n=====================\n↘️ Click Here To Register For Free ↙️\n=====================\nWhy You Should Attend the Summit\nIt’s FREE (-:\nWhile many conferences cost thousands of dollars, we wanted to give you access to this event for free because the material is so rich and life-changing. And the great news is, it is completely online, so you can watch it from the comfort of your home, from your office, your laptop, your tablet, your phone, wherever you’d like.\nMake Progress In Your Healing Journey\nThese inspirational, knowledgeable teachers will give you incredible strategies so you can immediately apply what you’ve learned in your life and start experiencing the benefits of your transformation. Each teacher was hand-selected for the amazing quality of work they are doing, helping people like you heal from toxic relationships and take your power back!\nThese Classes Include Video!\nWe wanted to give you the opportunity see these teachers work their magic and share their healing wisdom with you on camera. This allows for a much more intimate experience during the event to help you connect with the teachers on a deeper level and apply their strategies and advice into your life right away.\nAttend From ANYWHERE Using ANY Device!\nSit outside on your porch, inside on your couch, in front of a computer, or listen to these classes while you’re doing other things. Each class is available to you easily and effortlessly. Just click the play button and you’ll be tuned into top teachers sharing their practical, applicable wisdom to help you heal your emotional wounds and live your best possible life.\n=====================\n↘️ Click Here To Register For Free ↙️\n=====================\nAbout Your Hosts – iKE ALLEN & Ande Anderson\niKE ALLEN & Ande Anderson, MS, RD are the Co-Owners of AVAIYA University.\nAVAIYA creates films, courses, and online conferences such as Healing From Childhood Trauma, Overcoming Chronic Pain, The Tao of Quantum Physics, Overcoming Insecurity & Low Self-Esteem, The Truth About Prosperity, Breaking Free From Codependency, Breaking Free From Abandonment & Betrayal, A Course in Miracles The Movie, Reversing Type 2 Diabetes, Overcoming Depression & Loneliness, Overcoming PTSD, Breaking Free From Toxic Relationships, Believe & Receive, Overcoming Narcissistic Abuse and many more.\nHundreds of thousands of people from across the globe have attended AVAIYA University’s past online conferences!\nLives have been transformed and the feedback they’ve received has been so incredible that they continue creating life-changing, educational events for you and others to tune into and learn from.\nIn a world often viewed as problematic by many, AVAIYA believes that what we each focus on and present to the world creates what is reflected back to us.\nBecause of this philosophy, AVAIYA creates only POSITIVE media, online conferences, and workshops to share with the world.\nAbout iKe Allen\nAbout Ande Anderson\nAnde spreads awareness, spiritual freedom, and inclusivity to the world. Ande’s favorite roles to play in the game of life are being a Bonus Mom to two beautiful daughters, and partner to iKE ALLEN.\n\nAbout iKe Allen\nWhen iKE is not creating positive media, he can be found with his life partner, Ande Anderson wrestling, braiding hair and strolling along the beach with their two astounding daughters.\n=====================\n↘️ Click Here To Register For Free ↙️\n=====================\n🌟 Even if you can’t attend live… 🌟\nRegister now because each day’s talks will be recorded and available for replay for 24 hours after each session.\nAffiliate Disclosure: We are grateful to be of service and bring you these life-changing events free of charge. In order to do this, please note that whenever you click the links and purchase items, in most (not all) cases we will receive a referral commission.\nYour support in purchasing through these links makes it possible for people in over 150 countries globally to attend these live-changing events for free. Thank you! 🙂\n URL: ORGANIZER;CN=Avaiya University:MAILTO: CATEGORIES:Free LOCATION:Worldwide ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR