10 Tips For Mind Health In A Media Storm – Guest Post by Thea Westra
Special thanks to Thea Westra of My Forward Steps for this guest post!
I guess you have noticed that mainstream media is doing its best to whip up “storms in teacups” and impact us with drama, using charged language. I decided to list a few ideas, for those of us who are not interested in being taken on the ride that they have on offer.
Here are ten starters for things to do, while we wait for the mainstream media to change its behavior and catch up (I am always the optimist). More ideas could easily be added to this short-list, I am sure you have plenty more creative ones than these.
The first one is the obvious, turn off your televisions and radios. Enjoy some inspiring audios or videos, to replace listening to the news. Trust that, if there was something in the news about which you really needed to know, you would be exposed at just the right time for you, when you will need the information.
Call several friends who are like-minded. The friends who always leave you feeling great after you have met with them. Set up times to meet up for a morning coffee or walk. Talk about your next projects and plans, the ones that excite you and the ones that inspire you to new heights. Agree to engage only in conversations that will energize.
Spend an afternoon browsing in a motivational book store, go to the local markets, or visit a beautiful environment that has often opened up your heart, and your channels for creativity. Water falls, mountains and seashores best renew my spirit.
Pull your most inspiring book from the bookshelf, the one that is your all time favorite. Set up a lounge in the back garden or local park, and read for a full afternoon. Remind yourself that you actually do have the time, and give yourself full permission to enjoy the freedom of an afternoon away from the “have to's.”
Enroll in a course or program. The one that you have been wanting to do, for quite some time. Train yourself in something brand new, add a new skill set to your resumé, or simply begin that fitness or yoga class, maybe even learn a new language. Expand the power of your mind and its capacity to serve you.
Learn more about finance and economy. Get to know more about how money markets really work. Read The Science Of Getting Rich and The Richest Man In Babylon. Become educated around money. Put in place new financial habits and structures, that are supportive of the way you want to contribute to the world, and that will empower your projects.
Get yourself super organized and get all that clutter from your life. Engage in a huge clean up and clean-sweep. Keep only things in your home that make you feel positive energy, whenever you see them. Set up great ways to manage incoming information and mail. Record all your regular & important dates into one reliable calendar.
Review and renew, your commitment to your personal goals and your overall purpose. Complete several self-reflection exercises that help you get clear about where you are going, and why you are doing anything that you do. Spend time to check in with yourself, and assess that you are on the right track for where you want to be heading.
Create a personal project and put it on “super-duper, bright red, high priority” status! Give the project a deadline and attend to those daily, critical actions that must happen for this project to be completed by that date. Share the goal with supportive friends and even get them involved. Make it a project that will excite those around you and will shift the focus toward a brighter future, and for contribution to a better world.
Join a group or community, or create your own. They can be physical events that you attend, or virtual online communities in which you participate. Find new friends in these groups, who are of a similar and positive mindset as yourself.
As mentioned, this is a very basic and short list of possible things to take on board. I am certain that you can come up with many more for yourself. Let’s quit buying into what the media is telling us and create our own reality. Help to spark a future of optimism, high energy, possibility and fun.
Thea Westra lives in Perth, Australia and publishes a wealth of material for increased life power, self improvement, inspiration, personal success, online business, and internet know-how. You can get her ebook “20 Self Exploration Exercises” for free by clicking here.