Thinking Bigger and Why $400,000 / Month Isn’t Enough – Guest Post by Grant Cardone
A few years ago I was speaking at a seminar in Miami, and I stunned the room into silence when I told them I thought $400k a year wasn't enough.
This was after I asked the room what they thought a good annual income looked like…
And a guy raised his hand in the air and said, “Four hundred thousand.”
Here was my exact reply…
“OK, now why did we come up with that number? ‘Cause I don’t know how you guys can even live on that number.
Four hundred grand… how do you make sense of $35,000 a month? You guys haven’t done the math. You have not done the math… because you cannot live on four hundred grand a year.”
The room sure went quiet right after I said that — I’ll tell you that much.
But all I was doing was proving a point.
I wanted everyone in that room to start thinking BIGGER…
And I want YOU to start thinking bigger, too.
I want you to start putting an extra zero on things.
Start thinking up bigger and badder income goals to hit.
Because, believe me…
The money is out there.
If you want to make $4 million in a year, instead of $400k, then first you have to believe it’s possible.
Does $4 million exist on this planet?
Of course it does.
You just need to go find some people who have your $4 million and you need to have the creativity to get it from them. To simply collect it.
But there is ONE thing that will block your creativity, though. It's something that will throw a real wrench into the works.
Want to know what that one roadblock is?
It’s a lack of commitment.
You see, by committing to your goal, and by committing to your efforts, you’ll unlock the creativity you need to achieve the kind of income you’ve previously only dreamed of.
Now don't get me wrong…
If making $400,000 a year satisfies you… and if making $400,000 allows you to make a massive contribution to the world – I take my hat off to you.
I salute you for figuring out how to do way more than I ever could with $400,000.
In fact, I salute anyone who can make a massive contribution while earning $50k… $75k… or $100k per year.
In the past, I tried to make a contribution on a 6-figure income. I couldn’t do it. And it ate me up inside. Why?
Because I knew I could do more.
I knew I had it in me to take better care of my wife, my kids, my mom, and my community.
My wife, Elena, always says:
“Money is a physical manifestation of the positive impact you’re making on the world.”
So when I talk about earning $400,000, I’m not just talking about money.
I’m talking about the extent to which you and others are living up to your potential and helping others in the process.
Here’s the hard truth:
Many people excuse themselves for limiting their income and wasting their potential. And it’s because they’re “making sense” of their situation.
And by that I mean…
Comparing their income, their home, their car, or their kids’ education to the guy who lives next door.
Let’s say I have a friend who earns $150,000 per year. And let’s say my friend’s neighbor earns $100,000.
How do you think my friend feels about earning $150,000 per year?
Do you agree my friend probably feels like a rockstar?
This is classic middle-class-thinking.
And it’s why so many people settle for less than they’re capable of. The question is, how can you escape this middle-class thought trap?
You start by recognizing when you’re making sense of your situation.
If you compare yourself to former classmates who earn $50k per year less than you… there’s a chance you’re making sense of your situation.
If you congratulate yourself for contributing 10% of earnings to your 401k… you’re probably making sense of your situation.
If you’ve ever looked at your life – and thought, “I have it better than most people I know”… guess what!
You’re making sense of your situation. (And I encourage you to nip it in the bud).
Next, you must stop playing the big fish in the small pond.
If you’re the biggest fish you know… it’s time for you to find some bigger fish to swim with
To learn more about Grant Cardone and his “Unbreakable Business Challenge,” click here.