
What Bruce Willis And I Have In Common – Guest Post by Grant Cardone

“What if Superman was here on Earth… but didn’t know he was Superman?”

That’s how Quentin Tarantino summarized the storyline of one of his all-time favorite movies, Unbreakable.

This movie starred Bruce Willis as a retired football player who discovers he’s physically indestructible…

And since being released nearly 23 years ago, that movie has taken on cult status…

It was even voted by TIME magazine to be in the top FOUR superhero movies of all time!

So, why are people so fascinated with it?

Well, I imagine it’s mainly because folks just LOVE the idea of being indestructible.

Closeup of person holding an unbreakable diamondOf being unbreakable, somehow.

Of being a beacon of hope and power and strength, when it seems like most other folks around you are struggling or vulnerable.

Now, I can’t say I’ve been able to rip a car door off its hinges with my bare hands…

And I haven’t survived a train wreck without a scratch on my body (both of these things happen to Bruce Willis in that movie, by the way).

I haven’t figured out how to become physically indestructible…

But I’ll tell you something I have figured out, through trial and error…

I discovered how to make my COMPANY unbreakable.

Through the Great Recession, the dotcom tech crash, and the economic turmoil of the Gulf War…

My business has stood tall and continued to thrive — without so much as a scratch on it.

And unlike Bruce Willis’s unbreakable movie hero…

I wasn’t born with any superpowers.

All of the skills and strategies I used to make my company unbreakable during incredibly tough times were things I just picked up and learned…

And they’re things that someone else can easily learn too.

Someone like you.

Because you, too, can make your business unbreakable like mine, ahead of the economic train wreck that’s bound to happen in 2023…

You just need to know what to do to protect yourself.

Once you’ve seen the same blueprint I used to make my business bulletproof through crisis after crisis…

You’ll be the beacon of strength and hope in your community, too.

Your business can THRIVE in the next year…

And I’m going to show you how you could make that happen.

To learn more about Grant Cardone and his “Unbreakable Business Challenge,” click here.