
Your Winning Culture Starts With Leadership – Guest Post by Grant Cardone

A winning culture starts with leadership.

Every morning we get an account of what happened the day before.

How is our marketing doing?

How many online sales did we get?  What was the number one selling book?  How many event tickets did we sell?

How is our sales team doing?

How much money did we bring in?  How many deals did we close?  Who were the top salespeople?  What was the deal of the day?

How many licensee deals did we close?  How many wires did we get?  How many people did we add to our communities?

How are we helping our clients and customers win?

We share client success stories.  We share our customers’ experiences with our programs.  We celebrate their wins.

This isn’t some boring bean-counting exercise.

This is one part Monday morning sales rally and one part “Friday Night Lights” tailgate and pep splash.  We celebrate yesterday’s wins and set the tone for today’s victories.

The entire team is amped, fired up, and ready to roll.

This doesn’t happen everywhere.  Most companies I see don’t do this.

That’s why their people are disengaged.  If you don't celebrate your wins every day, your people get disengaged. 80 or 90 percent of the workforce is disengaged this time of year.

If you live in a city where it’s difficult to hire and keep great people…

If you work in an environment where it's difficult to keep people motivated and excited…

That only means you need to raise the level of your leadership.  You need to get a tighter culture.  Your winning company culture starts with leadership.

And complaining doesn’t help.

Complaining about people and the pool of resources doesn’t help.  Complaining about how messed up people are in your city doesn’t help.  Complaining is not going to get you where you want to go.

I don't complain.  I amp up my leadership.

It starts with me.

And it starts with you.

If you want to build a business that thrives in any economy, you need to amp up your leadership.  And you need to amp up your strategies.

This guest post is from Grant Cardone. To learn more about him and his “Unbreakable Business Challenge,” click here.