
5 Keys to Success – By Grant Cardone

I have a favor to ask, and it’s a big one…

But it’s not for me.

I recently threw a post up on LinkedIn and got some interesting comments.

The post had a simple message…

The number of billionaires increased during Covid, which was a major economic downturn.

And if these guys were able to find their money…

You could do the same. 

Now, of course, I got the normal “10X!!!” comments and standard troll hate.

But what really floored me were the comments from people about how it wasn’t possible.

In fact, one commenter literally said, “I would love to be a millionaire one day… But it probably won’t happen to me.” 

Now, I can take the haters, but comments like this honestly hurt my heart a little.

See, I can remember when my mindset wasn’t right.

Struggling with drugs as a young man and fighting to survive while trying to pay my $275 rent.

It wasn’t pretty.

And so, that favor I asked you for?

If you only do one thing in the New Year — please make sure it’s this…

Step #1: Get Your Mind Right

Because when it comes to success in any area of your life, your mindset is the primary key to it all.

Before the strategies, the tactics, and the methods to improve your income, your health, or your family life….

Your mindset is job #1. 

Because if you’re walking around with a defeated mindset like the individual I quoted above?

It’s a wrap before you even start (if you start at all).

And while I’m no expert in the field, and my mindset is always a work in progress, I do have a few tips that’ve helped me.

And hopefully, they'll help you as well.

Step #2: Believe in the Possibility 

Even if you don’t believe in yourself when it comes to hitting your goals… Believe in the idea that it’s possible.

Has anyone else ever started from zero to become a millionaire or build the body of a fitness model?

You bet!

And if it’s possible for them, it’s possible for you.

Step #3: Write Down Your Goals Every Day 

This is a practice I started years ago and continue with to this day.

I write my goals down when I wake up, before I go to sleep, and anytime I have a setback.

And I always write them as if they’ve already happened.

Does it help?

100%.  Because by doing this simple practice, I keep my mind on my targets day after day, month after month, and year after year.

And this keeps me focused like a laser on always moving towards my goals…

It’s almost like an invisible rope pulling me toward reaching my potential and creating the life I want for myself and my family.

This practice might just work for you as well.

And last but not least…

Step #4: Avoid Negative People

Remember the individual above?

God bless ‘em, but stay away from people like that.

Because when you’re trying to move ahead, having a circle of people like this will keep you stuck with 1 step forward and 2 steps back.

You have to surround yourself with positive go-getters… People who believe in the possibility and are fighting to win.

And if you can’t find anyone like that?

Find them through books or podcasts and fill your mind with their insights and inspiration.

And then…

Step #5: Get Busy Winning 

Now, I’m not saying any of this is easy.

But once you begin to move your mindset in the right direction, you’ll be amazed by how quickly your life begins to change for the better.

New ideas, strategies, and opportunities will begin to “pop up”.

And it’s not magic.

They’ve always been there, but you’ve now opened your mind to see them.

And once you do… It’s time to get busy winning.

This guest post is from Grant Cardone. To learn more about him and his “Unbreakable Business Challenge,” click here.