
Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work – Guest Post by Grant Cardone

If you’re like me, you dread New Year’s Resolutions.

Part of it is hearing the same old things…

  • “This year will be different.”
  • “This year I will get rich.”
  • “This year I will lose 20 pounds.”

The thing is, for most people… it won’t happen.

And it never had a real chance of happening either.

Heck, by January 20th, lots of people will quit going to the gym, working on shedding the weight they want to lose, and whatever else they made a resolution about.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Look, your bank account isn’t going to change unless you make changes.

This year will be like last year… the year before that… and the year before that…

If you don’t make changes.

I heard recently that 80% of all New Year’s resolutions don’t work.


That’s just crazy.

I’ve done a deep dive and really studied the problem.

I’ve uncovered six big reasons why New Year’s Resolutions don’t work.

But for today… I’m going to share the top two.


It’s like chasing rabbits.

If you try to chase down a bunch of different rabbits… and you wind up catching none of them.

But if you focus on catching just one or maybe two of them…

Then your odds of succeeding go up a lot.

I want you to be able to pick one of these two reasons. And then take immediate action on it for you or your own business.


#1 Reason Why Resolutions Don't Work: No Real Commitment

There’s no commitment of time, money, or resources.

Let me give you an example.

It’s not enough to want to lose 20 pounds. Or to tell someone else that you want to lose weight this year.

That’s just wishful thinking… like most resolutions.

In order to make losing weight a reality…

You need to commit to taking time to exercise, to eat better, to get better quality sleep, and so on.

You might need to commit to joining a gym.

Or buy some home exercise equipment.

Or get up a little earlier each morning to fit a workout in before you get busy with the rest of your day.

It’s the commitment, not the resolution, that moves you closer to reaching the goal.

#1 Reason Why Resolutions Don't Work: No Real Plan

You've got to have a plan.

I don't mean a plan on how to do it.

I'm talking about the plan on what you do each day.

A plan for when you go to bed to get enough sleep…

When you wake up to start your day…

What are you doing at nine o'clock… ten o'clock… two o'clock, etc.

You can change a plan if it’s not working. You can modify a plan to make it work better too.

But you've got to have a plan first.

This guest post is from Grant Cardone. To learn more about him and his “Unbreakable Business Challenge,” click here.