
The Biggest Obstacle You’ll Face This Year – Guest Post by Grant Cardone

The biggest obstacle you’ll face this year is not the recession.

It’s not soaring inflation…

Skyrocketing interest rates…

Or your prospects locking up their wallets…

It’s your mind.

And I can tell you from experience that reprogramming your money beliefs is one of the keys to expanding your wealth in any economy.

Let me give you an example…

My father hustled his whole life to live the “middle class dream.”  He worked late at the office.  And he saved his pennies.

My mom and dad thought they had made it.  But their middle class bliss wouldn’t last… why?

Because my father died suddenly when I was just 10 years old.

Of course, for my mom, this was a massive problem.  All of a sudden our household income plummeted to zero…

Leaving my mom with 5 kids, a mortgage, and bills multiplying by the day.

So… she went into contraction mode.

She sold everything we owned.

She slashed costs.

Until she had stripped our lifestyle to the bone.

Knowing what I know now, I would have told my mom not to contract.  But back then, I wasn’t that smart.

For years after, I didn’t wise up either.  I thought external circumstances determined my success.  I blamed my parents…

The government…

1970s stagflation.

You name it, I blamed it.  Until I realized something important: 

Every year my money is going to get worse… or it’s going to get better.

It’s not up to Republicans, or Democrats, or the Federal Reserve.

It’s not up to the stock market.  Or the labor market.

And it’s not up to the economy.  It’s up to me.

The actions I take today determine whether I will finish this year richer or poorer.

It’s why – if you want to end 2023 in better financial shape than today – you must first get rid of your middle class mentality.

And look… it isn’t always easy to shake the “little think” we’ve been programmed with.

I saw an interesting study about this recently.

When a team of researchers from Stanford and Berkeley studied people’s financial choices, they discovered something fascinating.

They found adults who watched their parents lose money during the Great Depression… hoarded more cash and invested less of it.

On the flipside…

Adults who watched their parents expand their wealth during their childhood… took greater risks to multiply their own money.

In other words…

The financial reality you witness growing up creates the way YOU think about money today.

This guest post is from Grant Cardone. To learn more about him and his “Unbreakable Business Challenge,” click here.