
How I Stopped Being an Addict and Started to Succeed – Guest Post by Grant Cardone

One of the biggest challenges you’ll face as a business owner is staying consistent. Almost anyone can launch a new coaching practice or home improvement service, or start a new TikTok channel.

(That’s the easy part of running a business.)

The tough part of entrepreneurship is showing up on Mondays or Tuesdays or Wednesdays…

When you’d rather be nailing strokes on the golf course…

Or when your inbox is screaming for your attention…

Or when uncertainty is gnawing at you – day in and day out.

Quick story…

When I was 25 years old, I checked into a drug and alcohol treatment center.

By that point, I’d been abusing drugs for nearly a decade.

I’d been fired from my first 6 jobs.

And every other month I missed my rent payments.  My rent was just $275 per month and, still, I couldn’t make it.

I didn’t need other people telling me I was a loser.  I knew it.

And yet…

I had these grandiose ideas about writing books, speaking on stages, and earning millions of dollars a year.

When I left the treatment center, I got a job selling cars.

Some days I made one sale.

Other days I made two sales.

A lot of times I sold zero.

I would wake up most mornings thinking I should give up on selling cars.  And I should give up on my dreams.

I remember my drug counselor telling me I should quit aiming so high…

That I had a disease…

And that I was powerless over my addiction.

Truth is, I believed I would struggle to make it.  I believed I would ultimately give up.


About 2 years into selling cars, I had an “epiphany.”

I realized I had been sold that I was an addict.

I had been sold that I was unmanageable and powerless to make my dreams a reality.

It dawned on me…

If I had been sold on giving up… all I had to do was sell myself on doing whatever it takes to succeed.

Why am I telling you this story?

Because I’m here to sell YOU on why you have what it takes to make your dreams a reality – in any economy

Right now, a lot of people are selling you on seeking safety.

They’re selling you on getting a job, or slashing your sales targets, or shrinking your team.

Of course, some businesses won’t make it in the coming months.

We’ve already seen household names like Bed Bath & Beyond go to the wall.

But I know the businesses that will make it.  It’s the businesses that plan for the downturn and flip the recession to their advantage.

This guest post is from Grant Cardone. To learn more about him and his “Unbreakable Business Challenge,” click here.