
Finding Joy – Guest Post by Dr. Sue Morter

Today I want to invite you to lovingly walk in devotion.

Not just any devotion, but devotion to loving the thinking, story-writing mind – because love softens fear and allows joy to be present.

When we are devoted to something, consciously or unconsciously, it is what starts to unfold for us. When we are devoted to loving the thinking mind, it settles and begins to trust that, “Everything is in my favor.”

You start to manifest the joyous life you desire.

I know it may not always appear that “everything is in your favor.” You might be experiencing financial challenges, relationships may feel unstable, or  your health may not be optimal. We all have moments, and if a situation is straining us, then we’re not in our highest, greatest truth.

Those things are here to “push” us back into an alignment of knowing who we are. They are solutions, yet most of us are taught they are problems.

There are no exceptions to this universal truth and devotion to love. Loving the mind allows you to begin to trust and then experience that.

What if, for this moment, you let whatever is unfolding in your world be in your favor? As you allow it to be a gift from a higher-consciousness part of you, and choose love, it becomes the solution rather than a problem.

We are here to master the thinking mind and discover how to perceive and do things differently by infusing love into the mix.

If we feel afraid, it means we are in our head, rather than anchored in the core of the body. From there, it can be challenging to trust that a circumstance or person in our lives is in our favor.

When the mind and love are infused together, we are able to illuminate and awaken to the truth of who we are – that we are made of everything.

As you begin to remember why you're here and live as wholeness instead of caught in duality creating an “other” to fight or compete with, a byproduct is joy that rises.

To get there, we have to embrace everything, including the mind. As you learn to love the mind and allow it to serve the heart, it no longer feels isolated or alone.

We are made of frequencies of more or less compressed energy. It’s one continuum, like a tape measure that contains yards or meters, each measurement is part of a continuous whole.

To continuously live as joy, to heal, or thrive, we need to allow all of us to exist, not simply the inch, foot or meter we are currently comfortable or familiar with. Who you think you are is only a tiny fraction of who you are.

Ask yourself:

“How is this situation serving me? What is it showing me?”

Maybe it's that we don't have to know, fight, defend, or prove anything. It’s also not sticking our heads in the sand and ignoring or bypassing anything.

Rather, look straight in the eye at what is bothering you and consciously choose love. Choose to love instead of fight. When there is a challenge, we need to look right at it and find our hearts before opening our mouths.

Yet don’t wait for an answer to action because you know the answer is love.

Our job is to devote ourselves to loving the mind so it knows it’s safe, can trust that all is in our favor, and this allows love to be present without delay.

We are here to dissolve the thinking mind’s tendency to perceive a “me” versus “you,” to judge or to suppress anything out of a desire to make it “not me.” It’s all “me” and only the thinking mind perceives differently.

If you’re ready to discover how to shift your world with greater ease and reveal the joy that is who you are, join me inside the free, four-day Recharge to Take Charge Challenge. You’ll learn effective ways to quiet the mind without spending hours in meditation so that you embody the wholeness you seek and can fully live the life you desire.

This guest post was written by Dr. Sue Morter.

About Dr. Sue Morter

Sue Morter HeadshotShe is an International speaker, Master of Bio-Energetic Theory, and ERYT-200 and ERYT-500 certified in Yoga Instruction, Dr. Sue utilizes the embodiment of high frequency energy patterns to activate full human potential.

Through her life-changing BodyAwake® Yoga and The Energy Codes® coursework, she illuminates the relationships of quantum thoughts and energy; the elevation of human consciousness and life mastery.

Dr. Sue is the USA Today bestselling, #1 bestselling LA Times and #1 Amazon bestselling author of THE ENERGY CODES: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body and Live Your Best Life.