Master Your Mind & Change Your Life – Guest Post by Sue Morter
Do you ever feel powerless?
We often feel powerless because we think we can't change our circumstances or something “out there.”
Powerlessness is actually an “inner” struggle. It’s about the conscious and often subconscious stories we tell ourselves. Because the universe has no option but to reflect the stories the mind weaves back to us.
We live in a world of reflection, and as we repeat a story, for example of lack, of not enough, of powerlessness, or feeling unlovable, that is what manifests. When the mind repeats a thought over and over, it can result as a challenge in our life.
It might be emotional pain, physical pain, relationship pain, or frustration because of a job we don't like, but do because we think we have to.
You are not alone. It is what the thinking mind does. And you can do it differently, I’d love to show you how, because you are not the mind.
A challenge between you and other people or a situation is a reflection back to you about what’s happening on the “inside.” If we find ourselves in a power struggle, the invitation is to drop into our heart and love. When we do, there's no one to fight.
You are here to cultivate the harmonization of your system and stabilize the mind. As a responsible steward who wants to make a difference, you need to harmonize the energies you can perceive, engage in, or exchange with.
As you do, you bring greater peace, love, and light to your life and the people and circumstances that cross your path. You make a contribution to the whole by stabilizing human consciousness rather than getting caught up in a story.
Rather than judge or write a story when you don’t understand or agree with something, become curious and discover how to build circuits to awaken and embody a greater version of yourself.
As you do, you soften and let go of prejudices or tendencies to judge and an integration occurs. This leads us to action from a deeper love and a greater sense of possibility that is supportive of all life.
You can’t do anything wrong, no matter what the mind might say. As we start to know this universal truth, we learn how to love into things that used to confine us.
It’s not about ignoring or denying anything we’re experiencing or feeling. Rather, if you’re judging or feeling something uncomfortable like anger or sadness, start to notice the tendency to protect or to act in some way to feel a sense of safety.
Notice it and don’t get absorbed into the upset and stay there. If you get drawn in, have it. Feel it and don't override it. Bring it into the central channel of your body as you breathe deep in your belly or do a Central Channel Breath.
Do that step often…every hour, every day, every time you remember, until it no longer has a hold of you in a way that's controlling your thoughts. A key is to love yourself as you breathe up and down the central channel or deep in the belly.
When we breathe that way, we enhance the movement of the toric field flow. This toric-field-flow processing machine that is who you are metabolizes what's happening and you suddenly have a different take on life’s circumstances.
We stabilize and master the mind with love, compassion, and the breath. As we do, if something knocks us over, our come-from is, “It’s my moment to go deeper inside and find a version of myself I didn't previously know.”
Instead of beating ourselves up because of what happened, we drop inside and allow it to have a clarifying effect so that we master the mind. A stabilized mind allows us to live in more abundance, vibrant health, and joy.
I’d love you to join me for my free Recharge to Take Charge Challenge and Supercharge the Soul Global Celebration. I’ll share simple, powerful techniques to quiet and master the mind and allow the life you dream of to begin manifesting.
About Dr. Sue Morter
She is an International speaker, Master of Bio-Energetic Theory, and ERYT-200 and ERYT-500 certified in Yoga Instruction, Dr. Sue utilizes the embodiment of high frequency energy patterns to activate full human potential.
Through her life-changing BodyAwake® Yoga and The Energy Codes® coursework, she illuminates the relationships of quantum thoughts and energy; the elevation of human consciousness and life mastery.
Dr. Sue is the USA Today bestselling, #1 bestselling LA Times and #1 Amazon bestselling author of THE ENERGY CODES: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body and Live Your Best Life.