
My Little Zen Miracle – Guest Post by Karl Moore

I'd like to share a little revelation with you.

A personal growth secret that has provided me with more breakthroughs than anything else.

And it can all be accessed by asking yourself a simple question…

“Can I allow myself to accept this just the way it is… and just the way it isn't?” 🙏

Let me explain.

Often, we push against what happens to us in life.

We fight our insomnia. We battle with our partner when they act the ‘wrong' way. We struggle with our finances.

Life becomes an uphill battle. ⚔️

We're swimming against the current. 🏊

To change all of that, you can simply decide to…

Accept everything just the way it is! 👌

Now, ‘accepting' does NOT mean you've given up. It does NOT mean you've resigned yourself to a bad situation.

Accepting things as they are simply means that you acknowledge everything as it exists right now. Just as good as it is, and just as bad as it is.

By accepting what is, you empower yourself. 💪

You stop fighting against how things are, and can make decisions to help change them, if you need to.

And all this begins by you asking yourself the question…

“Can I allow myself to accept this just the way it is… and just the way it isn't?”

Try using this mantra yourself a few times today, and allow it to rapidly help you reach a place of peaceful acceptance about anything. 🥰

For me, at least, acceptance is a little Zen miracle.

What do you think? 🙏

Love, your #1 fan —
Karl Moore

This guest post was written by Karl Moore. Be sure to get his free “Limitless Labs” audio here.