
Are You Remembering to Breathe? Guest Post by Sue Morter

I know that may sound like an unexpected question. You’re probably thinking, “Don’t we breathe automatically?”

The answer is “yes” and, let me rephrase it slightly. Are you remembering to breathe deep in your belly on a regular basis?

Because of how we are conditioned, for many of us, the answer to that question would likely be “no” or perhaps, “I don’t know.”

There is a reason for my question. So many of us have physical symptoms or perhaps feel depressed, ashamed, guilty, or powerless. We no longer believe in ourselves or if we do, it’s often because someone else is providing that feedback rather than a knowing coming from inside us.

When we rediscover, and I mean rediscover as we did this naturally as an infant, to breathe deeply in our bellies, it lands us in this now-moment and sends a signal to our nervous system that we are okay.

When we breathe in the upper lobes of our lungs, it stimulates a fight, flight, or freeze response. As we breathe deep in our bellies, and land, we start to experience being present in our bodies which allows us to perceive our experiences differently.

Because we are made of energy and are designed to be self-healing, emotionally, mentally, and physically, how and where we breathe can make a powerful difference in how the energy flows in our system.

The dis-ease we perceive, that we likely think is a problem, is actually a solution. It is a lighthouse beacon illuminating the path home to The Self.

This happens as we engage in what I call a Quantum Flip® so that we allow ourselves to perceive differently. As we start to understand that what we believe are “problems” are actually supportive guides, we start to see and action from wholeness.

We all have the capacity to realize that we are already whole. You have the ability to heal yourself by revealing your wholeness from the inside, not needing to “fix any brokenness.”

There actually are simple techniques and practices that easily slide into your daily life. Ones as simple and effective as reorienting how you breathe or how you love so that you can heal while making a difference in the world.

They allow you to release the hold your thinking mind has on your ability to perceive life and circumstances so that you no longer believe the stories of doubt, not enough, powerlessness, or guilt the mind writes.

Healing is a revealing of our True Selves, our true magnificence.

As we breathe deep in the belly or do a Central Channel Breath, we create photon density in the core of the body. We start to perceive a new sense of Self and take action based on what we’re sensing and feeling from the core of the body, rather than from our head.

The mind says, “I’ve got a hip or a shoulder issue, let me fix it.” Or, “I’m hurt, let me do something to feel better.” Rather, if we remember how to breathe deep in the belly and land in the core of our body, we can use the body as a beacon of light. As you do, you discover where the energy is not flowing freely so that you allow the flow, and healing is the byproduct.

When you use the body as the filtering mechanism it is meant to be, it becomes a dashboard to tell you where your attention needs to go. That may or may not be where the symptom is that the mind is perceiving.

When you discover how to use the body to guide you, you have access to the wisdom rising from within, things untangle, your perception changes, wholeness reveals, and healing happenings.

Are you ready to feel great? I am here to share with you how you can access the self-healer you already are. Register now and join me for my free 3 Secrets to Activating Your Self-Healing Super Powers webinar.

Have a self-healing question? You’ll have an opportunity to raise your hand and get in the queue to ask me your question live. We’re all here to thrive. If you’re not feeling that, I hope you’ll join me as your time to thrive is now.

About Dr. Sue Morter

Sue Morter HeadshotShe is an International speaker, Master of Bio-Energetic Theory, and ERYT-200 and ERYT-500 certified in Yoga Instruction, Dr. Sue utilizes the embodiment of high frequency energy patterns to activate full human potential.

Through her life-changing BodyAwake® Yoga and The Energy Codes® coursework, she illuminates the relationships of quantum thoughts and energy; the elevation of human consciousness and life mastery.

Dr. Sue is the USA Today bestselling, #1 bestselling LA Times and #1 Amazon bestselling author of THE ENERGY CODES: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body and Live Your Best Life.