Browse Free Spiritual Event Listings For: Integrative Medicine Free Thu, 02 Feb 2023 19:40:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Browse Free Spiritual Event Listings For: Integrative Medicine 32 32 “The Missing Link” Conquering Cancer Docuseries: Healing Body, Mind, Emotions, and Spirit Wed, 09 Feb 2022 17:54:20 +0000 The Missing Link Conquering Cancer Docuseries: Healing Body, Mind, Emotions, and Spirit 10 years from now, the way that we prevent cancer will be RADICALLY different. What we do now will look “prehistoric” compared to what we’re doing now. In fact, world leading scientists such as Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Dana Flavin, and Dr. Dean Ornish are leading that charge. 31 scientists, doctors, and researchers are sharing how to prevent cancer by reactivating your body's “Anti-Cancer Defense System.” Today, they're going to help you skip that 10 year wait, so that you can “time travel” to the future of cancer prevention. Nathan Crane, an award-winning cancer researcher, brought together 31 of the world’s top cancer experts to talk about this “Missing Link”… And how you can use it to stop tumors in their tracks before they even start growing. ===================== ↘️ Click Here To Register For Free ↙️ ===================== “The Missing Link” Conquering Cancer Docuseries – Prevention & Genetics Here’s how we’re taught to prevent cancer: Avoid cancer causing toxins Eat the right diet Exercise Avoid tobacco Lose weight All of those things are essential for you to do if you want to prevent cancer. And, there’s something missing from that list. Something that almost NO doctor is talking about. In fact, the world’s TOP cancer doctors and scientists have been studying this Missing Link with LASER-LIKE precision. Your doctors won’t talk about it, you won’t hear about it on the news, and it will be another 5-10 years before you see everybody focusing on this. That's the “Missing Link” to cancer prevention and treatment. Fortunately, this missing link is not your genetics. No matter how terrified you may be, or that cancer “runs in your family,” Dr. Bruce Lipton (one of the featured speakers) thinks this is a myth and says: “There’s no such thing as a cancer causing gene.” -Dr....

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The post “The Missing Link” Conquering Cancer Docuseries: Healing Body, Mind, Emotions, and Spirit appeared first on Spiritual Growth Events.

10 years from now, the way that we prevent cancer will be RADICALLY different. What we do now will look “prehistoric” compared to what we’re doing now.

In fact, world leading scientists such as Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Dana Flavin, and Dr. Dean Ornish are leading that charge.

31 scientists, doctors, and researchers are sharing how to prevent cancer by reactivating your body's “Anti-Cancer Defense System.”

Today, they're going to help you skip that 10 year wait, so that you can “time travel” to the future of cancer prevention.

Nathan Crane, an award-winning cancer researcher, brought together 31 of the world’s top cancer experts to talk about this “Missing Link”…

And how you can use it to stop tumors in their tracks before they even start growing.

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“The Missing Link” Conquering Cancer Docuseries – Prevention & Genetics

Here’s how we’re taught to prevent cancer:

  • Avoid cancer causing toxins
  • Eat the right diet
  • Exercise
  • Avoid tobacco
  • Lose weight

All of those things are essential for you to do if you want to prevent cancer.

And, there’s something missing from that list.

Something that almost NO doctor is talking about. In fact, the world’s TOP cancer doctors and scientists have been studying this Missing Link with LASER-LIKE precision.

Your doctors won’t talk about it, you won’t hear about it on the news, and it will be another 5-10 years before you see everybody focusing on this. That's the “Missing Link” to cancer prevention and treatment.

Fortunately, this missing link is not your genetics.

No matter how terrified you may be, or that cancer “runs in your family,” Dr. Bruce Lipton (one of the featured speakers) thinks this is a myth and says:

“There’s no such thing as a cancer causing gene.” -Dr. Bruce Lipton

So what is it? Imagine this…

Imagine that you’re staring at a plant growing out of the ground, with roots that go deep into the earth. This plant is cancerous.

If you don’t rip out this plant (the cancer) at the ROOT, then it’s IMPOSSIBLE for it to ever go away. No matter what you do, the plant (cancer) will grow back again, and again, and again.

And that’s why you can cut, burn, and poison your body all you want, but as it happens for most people, the tumors just grow back every single time.

Finally, after years of research, the world’s top cancer experts finally discovered what that “root cause” missing link could be: “Emotional Toxins.”

This is a type of chemical that builds up in your brain after years of stress, trauma, and emotion. It suppresses your immune system, making it difficult to properly fight cancer cells.

Without clearing out these emotional toxins, you can do everything right, follow the right diet, exercise, and follow your doctor's orders, and these “Emotional Toxins” will still run rampant and suppress your immune system from defending itself.

The people who conquer cancer once and for all are the ones who find a way to release these “Emotional Toxins” (stress is one of them).

Now you can learn, also.

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“The Missing Link: Conquering Cancer” Episodes & Speaker List

The Missing Link, Episode 1: Cancer & The Limitations of the Current Medical Model

  • Dr. Jenn Simmons
  • Sayer Ji
  • Dr. Bruce Lipton

The Missing Link, Episode 2: The True Causes of Cancer That Most Doctors Aren't Talking About

  • Dr. Dana Flavin
  • Paul Barattiero
  • Dr. Joel Kahn
  • Jason Prall

This episode will help you explore how to discover (and defeat) the most common causes of cancer, and not just commonly known causes of cancer, but newly discovered causes that people rarely talk about.

4 world-leading cancer experts are going to show you what you need to do to prevent tumors from growing in your body, or if you’ve already been diagnosed, how to stop them in their tracks.

Dr. Joel Kahn is also going to talk about the mysterious link between cancer and heart disease in America. (This has to do with the TRUE nature of chronic disease, and why the Pharmaceutical model has failed to solve it)

The Missing Link, Episode 3: Mental / Emotional / Spiritual – Part 1

  • Dr. Kevin Conners
  • Dr. Maria Johnson
  • Natalia Maldonado
  • Master Chunyi Lin

Episode 3 digs deep into the “missing link” to cancer treatment and prevention. You'll learn about the difference between people the two types of people who get diagnosed with cancer:

  1. Those who get diagnosed with cancer, who live in constant misery, and who can never seem to win the frustrating battle. No matter what they do, their cancer gets worse. (even though they follow all their doctor’s instructions).
  2. And the people who have a cancer diagnosis, but instead of falling into despair or misery, their life turns in the opposite direction. They have more energy and happiness than ever, and their health takes a radical shift, as over time their tumors shrink smaller and smaller (and never come back).

Episode 3 of “The Missing Link: Conquering Cancer” shows you that difference.

The Missing Link, Episode 4: Tools & Techniques That Work

  • Koya Webb
  • Dr. Lin Morel
  • Anne Crook
  • Marisa Peer

Episodes 3 and 4 are like twins. They complement each other. You can’t have one without the other, so you won’t want to watch one without the other. That’s because Episode 4 takes the theoretical part of Episode 3, and shows you how to INSTANTLY and EASILY apply it to your life.

You already know that addressing “The Missing Link” around a cancer diagnosis is the real way to conquer or prevent cancer for good. It’s the “Missing Link” that stands between you and a happy, healthy life where you don’t have to worry about this terrible disease. It's also the part of cancer that just isn't talked about enough.

And now all you need is a simple plan to make that possible.

By the time you're done with Episode 4, you’ll have a clear roadmap to conquering or treating cancer based on the latest scientific information. You'll learn the little-known strategies, tips, tools, and treatments so that you can start applying this knowledge as soon as tomorrow morning!

The Missing Link, Episode 5: The Best Anti-Cancer Diet

  • Dr. Patrick Quillin
  • Dr. Dean Ornish
  • Dr. John McDougall
  • Dr. Joel Kahn
  • Dr. Michael Klaper

No matter what you think you already know about anti-cancer nutrition, or what you’ve heard from other experts, you should watch this episode very closely. Five of the world’s best doctors are going to share the latest knowledge about anti-cancer diets (and it’s not what many of the so-called diet gurus are promoting on YouTube).

These are true pioneers and experts in nutrition who’ve helped thousands of patients heal from chronic diseases.

This episode goes hand in hand with “The Missing Link.” Because as you’ll find, the wrong diet can set off a cascade of unintended effects that block your body’s natural ability to heal.

The Missing Link, Episode 6: How to Eliminate Cancer-Causing Toxins From Your Home & Life

  • Jenn Edden
  • Paul Barattiero
  • Brian Vaszily
  • Dr. Melissa Gallagher

This episode will explore some of the most common cancer-causing toxins. These are toxins that you can find in your food, home, and even the personal care products that you use.

Well, you have an entire system that’s dedicated to filtering these toxins out (the lymphatic system)… and when too many of those toxins build up, your lymphatic system gets clogged up, and can lead to diseases like cancer.

During this episode of “The Missing Link,” we talk about exactly what happens to the lymphatic system, and how to reverse the damage so that you can basically turn your body into an “Anti-Cancer Fortress”.

Here's what a few experts cover in this episode:

  • Paul Barratiero is going to talk about what’s called toxic water, and how to know if your water is contaminated with agents that can cause cancer. He'll also share the truth about bottled water. (Should you really drink it? You might be surprised…)
  • Brian Vaszily talks about how to find skincare and beauty products that are “truly toxin-free.” That way you can still take care of your skin without having to worry about dangerous chemicals getting into your body.
  • Dr. Melissa Gallagher shares how your body has a natural way to flush these toxins from your body. it’s one of the front line defenses that your body has against tumor growth.

Because these experts go deep, you're probably going to also discover a few toxins that you haven’t thought of yet.

The Missing Link, Episode 7: The Anti-Cancer Lifestyle (Exercise, Meditation, Food, Habits and Decisions)

  • Dr. Dean Ornish
  • Dr. Joel Kahn
  • Dr. Michael Klaper
  • Jason Prall

During this episode we will explore what the perfect lifestyle is that gives you the best chances at preventing or treating cancer. The experts are going to share simple daily rituals that have a proven track record of helping people conquer cancer. These are the same simple lifestyle strategies that they give to their successful patients.

The “Lifestyle Medicine” in this episode really is the future of medical practice, science, and healing. You'll get to peer into the cutting edge of what’s working now, without having to wait 15-20 years for it to become mainstream practice.

The Missing Link, Episode 8: Women’s vs Men's Cancer – Preventing & Treating Gender-Specific Cancers

  • Dr. Kevin Conners
  • Dr. Dana Flavin
  • Saras Naidoo
  • Ryan Leulf

This episode explores gender-specific cancer, how they work, and of course how to prevent them. For example, we ill learn about the differences between prostate cancer and breast cancer. We'll also find out how they both have a similar root cause that manifests itself as either prostate cancer, breast cancer, or even ovarian cancer.

The Missing Link, Episode 9: Cancer Conquerors Healing Stories

  • Jackie Zofkie
  • Pilar Davila
  • Dr. Ruth Heidrich

Episode 9 is about the true inspirational stories that show it is actually possible to apply everything you’ve learned in “The Missing Link”… and come out of a cancer diagnosis healthier and happier than ever before.

You don’t have to do all of this alone, these world-leading doctors and cancer conquerors have already won the fight. All you need to do now is see exactly what they’ve done to conquer their cancer once and for all. Two stories you'll hear about women who were diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and found healing, health, and remission.

For example, Dr. Ruth Heidrich who was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer 40 years ago. She is 86 years young, and not only has she stayed health and cancer-free all these decades, since then she has gone on to do 6 Kona Ironman Triathlons, won over 900 trophies, and that includes a whopping 6 Gold Medals in the Senior Olympics.
cancer, and how they’re living a happy, healthy life.

That's just one of the many inspiring, heart-opening, cancer conquering stories you'll hear about in this episode of The Missing Link.

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Meet The Speakers of “The Missing Link: Conquering Cancer”

About the Speaker: Dr. Dana Flavin

Dr. Dana Flavin - Featured Speaker on The Missing Link: Conquring CancerDr. Dana Flavin developed a new therapy for mononucleosis hepatosplenomegaly that heals children in under 24 hours. She made a therapy for breast cancer patients that reverses brain metastases within 3 months. She’s an honorary professor at the Leicester School of Pharmacy at DeMontfort University.

And most impressive, Dr. Flavin has spent the last 43 years researching cancer, how to heal it, and secret therapies that most doctors don’t know about.

“I’ve been researching cancer since 1979. I started applying what I learned in 1992, and to my surprise, the tumors in my patients began to disappear. As I learned more methods, mechanisms and secret therapies over the years, I realized cancer is indeed curable and no longer the enemy.” – Dr. Dana Flavin

Dr. Dana Flavin is one of the most esteemed integrative cancer doctors in the world. During episodes 2 & 8 of “The Missing Link: Conquering Cancer” you'll get to hear from her. In one clip, she talks about how she has given hope to even the worst stage 4 cancer cases where the doctors basically sent them home without any treatment.

About the Speaker: Paul Barattiero

Paul BarattieroPaul Barattiero has lectured across the world over the last 22 years. 12 years ago, he set out to educate the world on the vast benefits of molecular hydrogen. His message has focused on the critical role of molecular hydrogen (H2) to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. His lectures present the causal problem and the solutions through scientific studies. He developed the Echo hydrogen water system as well as other products to modulate immune and cognitive function.

Paul has lectured across the world and has been on national television in USA, Germany, and Switzerland including Doug Kaufman’s television show Know the Cause. He was featured in “The Truth about Cancer” and has been on radio shows and podcasts worldwide.

Paul works diligently to educate individuals how to prevent disease and no longer suffer. Paul’s greatest joys come from serving others. He is passionate about the prevention of pathologies. He founded Synergy Science, Inc. in 2011 and developed a full line of products focused on detoxification, immune boost, and gut recovery.

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About “The Missing Link: Conquering Cancer” Host – Nathan Crane

Nathan Crane - Host of The Missing LinkNathan Crane has been committed to helping people around the world conquer cancer for nearly a decade. Having lost his own grandfather to this disease, Nathan has devoted his life to reaching millions of people around the world.

He’s an award-winning author, inspirational speaker, and 19x award-winning documentary filmmaker in the process. Today, Nathan is committed to bringing the most cutting-edge cancer breakthroughs to the people who need it most.

The “Missing Link” documentary film series is produced by “Cause Health.”

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Affiliate Disclosure: We are grateful to be of service and bring you these life-changing events free of charge. In order to do this, please note that whenever you click the links and purchase items, in most (not all) cases we will receive a referral commission.

Your support in purchasing through these links makes it possible for people in over 150 countries globally to attend these live-changing events for free. Thank you! 🙂

The post “The Missing Link” Conquering Cancer Docuseries: Healing Body, Mind, Emotions, and Spirit appeared first on Spiritual Growth Events.

Synchronize Your Heart & Brain – For Greater Intuition, Success, And Emotional Stability Mon, 08 Feb 2021 18:13:11 +0000 During this free 8-day class, you'll learn how to shift your brain into balance, manifest faster, and function at peak efficiency more easily.

The post Synchronize Your Heart & Brain – For Greater Intuition, Success, And Emotional Stability appeared first on Spiritual Growth Events.

Heart Brain Fest

“Adding heart” instantly shifts your brain into a state of balance and makes it remarkably easier to function at peak efficiency.

This means you can profoundly change the nature of an exchange … a creative venture … a decision … your mental clarity … your physical power … your will power … your drive to achieve

Most people don’t know this, but the heart sends more signals to the brain than the brain sends to the heart.

Those heart signals contain a wide range of information that affect how the brain thinks and perceives.

Some scientists go so far as to say the heart processes information like the brain.

These heart signals have a significant effect on brain function and improves positive emotions, attention, perception, memory, problem-solving, and intuition.

It also greatly reduces insecurity and stress, which are huge obstacles to success.

Furthermore, erratic and disordered heart rhythm patterns actually disrupt the brain’s higher functioning.

That can explain why smart people do dumb things

But when the heart and brain are in sync, your intelligence expands and you gain access to more intuitive downloads and meaningful insights.

This could be the “X Factor” that creates the life of your dreams. You should seriously look into it, especially since you’re committed to ongoing success in your life.

Heart Brain Fest

– Free Online Event –

During the free eight-day Heart Brain Fest will help you quickly balance your heart rate rhythms and sync these rhythms with your brain…then with your primary goal for the year. You'll be able to watch all the sessions FREE during the Heart Brain Fest.

That’s right—this is not just about how you do it, but how to see tangible results in your day-to-day life. It’s about syncing your heart and brain so that everything in your life flows and you enjoy more success.

Click for Free Pass

When you are frustrated with a goal,

(or your level of success)

here’s what your

heart rate pattern looks like:

When you shift into a positive emotion,

here’s what happens

to your heart rate pattern:

Which do you think will help you

achieve greater success?

During the Heart Brain Fest program, you will learn how to use emotion to sync your brain wave and heart rate patterns within seconds so you function at peak efficiency toward your goal.

This special state of Heart/Brain Sync is called coherence.

This process has been scientifically validated in over 300 scientific studies thanks to the work of the HeartMath Institute.

Research shows that when you activate this state of coherence, your physiological systems function more efficiently, you experience greater emotional stability, and you also have increased mental clarity and improved cognitive function. You make better decisions, especially in times of chaos and change.

Yes, your body and brain work better,

you feel better, you perform better,

and you achieve your goals.

What is in it for you?

During the Heart Brain Fest, you will learn how to:

✅ Instantly experience “coherence” and sync the heart and brain.

✅ Tie this coherence into your major goal so you will experience noticeable success within a couple of months.

You have a lot of choices in how you spend your time, so we are making sure you get the proven tools you need to see results in your day-to-day life and enjoy more success.

Click here for Free Pass

You’ve probably been drawn by a

nudge from your own intuition

to listen to your heart more

and to connect with

your inner guidance

Here’s what clients said when asked about changes they’ve noticed in day-to-day life:

💖 “Some dramatic confidence and personal strength in dealing with work relationships.”

💖 “I feel calmer and better connected to myself/intuition.”

💖 “I return to my heart when troubled. Don’t linger as long in frustration or anger.”

💖 “Gradual changes toward a more loving appreciation of myself.”

💖 “I appear to be more aware of my thoughts and emotions.”

💖 “There’s an added awareness of heart-space throughout the day.”

💖 “During the day, I find myself remembering to breathe through my heart for a few minutes. It’s calming and slows me down.”

💖 “I’ve been aware of a greater intuitive flow and my willingness to follow.”

What do you need

for greater success in your life?

As you go through the Heart Brain Fest, you will begin making shifts in your life. We will help keep you focused on your primary goal, because that is where the rubber meets the road. That’s where you see your great intentions making a difference in your life.

This will clearly have positive effects on how your body/mind functions—especially for your health and well-being.

But the huge payback for you is how you can propel the achievement of your primary goal. What is it that you wanted to accomplish this year above all else? When you are in coherence and direct your resolve to your goal, you should see significant improvement.

Remember: You can profoundly change the nature of an exchange … a creative venture … a decision … your mental clarity … your physical power… your will power … your drive to achieve … funnel all of that to your goal, and look out!

The popularity of this program comes from people realizing success is not just about using the brain, but about syncing a deeper connection with the heart. Remember…the heart sends more signals to the brain than the brain sends to the heart!

Click here for Free Pass

Here's the schedule for our event:

👉 Day 1 — Monday, February 15

Getting Your Heart and Mind and Your Primary Goal in Sync

👉 Day 2— Tuesday, February 16

Achieving “Quick Coherence”

👉 Day 3— Wednesday, February 17

Accessing Your Heart’s Intuitive Guidance System

👉 Day 4— Thursday, February 18

What Gets in the Way of Manifestation

👉 Day 5— Friday, February 19

Powering Manifestation

👉 Day 6— Saturday, February 20

Creating Ease, Allowing Flow

👉 Day 7— Sunday, February 21

Sustaining Forward Movement

👉 Day 8— Monday, February 22

Living Your Purpose


↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️



Because this is a completely free “try before you buy” experience, the audio sessions are not downloadable.

For ongoing access to this powerful life-changing program after the event ends, including the opportunity to download them or have CDs shipped to you, be sure to upgrade your event experience ASAP (it will cost more if you wait longer to upgrade).

Each session will be available for 24 hours. Day 1 will be available beginning at 7am Pacific time on Monday until 6:30am Pacific time on Tuesday. We will continue this pattern throughout the week.

The reason the event is structured this way is because we want everyone around the world to be able to watch, regardless of their time zone (and without having to get up in the middle of the night to watch!).


↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️


Affiliate Disclosure: We are grateful to be of service and bring you these life-changing events free of charge. In order to do this, please note that whenever you click the links and purchase items, in most (not all) cases we will receive a referral commission.

Your support in purchasing through these links enables us to empower people in over 150 countries globally to live more conscious lives. Thank you! 🙂

The post Synchronize Your Heart & Brain – For Greater Intuition, Success, And Emotional Stability appeared first on Spiritual Growth Events.

Body Electric Summit 3.0 | Free Ticket | Register Now Mon, 01 Feb 2021 06:23:20 +0000 Body Electric Summit 2023 📜 Use ancient and new technological pathways to inspire healing, immunity, and vibrancy. We are entering a new age, where technology and its potential to disrupt our personal energy fields will surround and impact us even more than it does today. Although we may live longer lives, we do not live better lives — yet. The trajectory must be shifted toward health and vitality. Despite having more medical advances than ever before, diseases like cancer, autism and chronic illness continue to devastate the landscape of humanity. Biofield science offers a new opportunity to reverse these trends and shift the paradigm of chronic disease and the rampant compromised quality of life we see right now. Make no mistake, you have a powerful opportunity to change this. Recognizing that life is made up of energy (your biofield) — and that energy has its own resonance — biofield medicine sees disease and suffering as disruptions. In a state of disease, you have simply lost your optimal frequency. From this perspective, optimizing and recalibrating the biofield and energetic body is possible via energy, frequency and vibration, to create a systemic resonance of healing. In this synchronicity, the dominoes of bad health stop falling and begin to right themselves. We invite you to explore this exciting, innovative field of frequency medicine and its many applications and newest modalities, including ozone, PEMF, photodynamic therapy, harmonizing technologies and biomagnetism. During the Body Electric Summit, you'll be able to learn from the world’s leading experts in advanced nutrition and hydration, light and sound healing, integrative health, anti-aging and lifestyle medicine. =================================== ↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️ =================================== What You'll Learn During the 2023 “Body Electric 3.0” Summit Resilience is the key to health and wellness. Those who can turn trauma into a stepping stone for...

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The post Body Electric Summit 3.0 | Free Ticket | Register Now appeared first on Spiritual Growth Events.

📜 Use ancient and new technological pathways to inspire healing, immunity, and vibrancy.

We are entering a new age, where technology and its potential to disrupt our personal energy fields will surround and impact us even more than it does today.

Although we may live longer lives, we do not live better lives — yet. The trajectory must be shifted toward health and vitality. Despite having more medical advances than ever before, diseases like cancer, autism and chronic illness continue to devastate the landscape of humanity.

Biofield science offers a new opportunity to reverse these trends and shift the paradigm of chronic disease and the rampant compromised quality of life we see right now. Make no mistake, you have a powerful opportunity to change this.

Recognizing that life is made up of energy (your biofield) — and that energy has its own resonance — biofield medicine sees disease and suffering as disruptions. In a state of disease, you have simply lost your optimal frequency.

From this perspective, optimizing and recalibrating the biofield and energetic body is possible via energy, frequency and vibration, to create a systemic resonance of healing.

In this synchronicity, the dominoes of bad health stop falling and begin to right themselves.

We invite you to explore this exciting, innovative field of frequency medicine and its many applications and newest modalities, including ozone, PEMF, photodynamic therapy, harmonizing technologies and biomagnetism.

During the Body Electric Summit, you'll be able to learn from the world’s leading experts in advanced nutrition and hydration, light and sound healing, integrative health, anti-aging and lifestyle medicine.

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

What You'll Learn During the 2023 “Body Electric 3.0” Summit

Resilience is the key to health and wellness. Those who can turn trauma into a stepping stone for better lives, patients who are able to shift out of destructive behavior or comply with new protocols and shifts, all of them have one trait in common: resilience!

During the Body Electric 3.0 Summit, you'll get access to brand-new in-depth interviews and explorations into quantum orthophotonic medicine, liquid crystal communication, plant stem cells, intentional energy, advanced hydration and more, this event will explore the exciting, innovative field of frequency medicine and its many applications and modalities to promote the body’s natural healing process.

Discover easy, actionable, immediate steps to help you develop deeper and stronger resilience, and unlock your capacity for healing on every level!

You'll learn powerful new modalities, unique tools and easy-to-implement frameworks to create your informed, inspired, health-filled, energized life.

As part of The Body Electric Summit 3.0, you will:

  • Meet the pioneers in exploring the Body Electric
  • Explore light, sound and color therapies
  • Gain an understanding of the role of advanced hydration
  • Discover clinical energy medicine applications
  • Learn to mediate the negative impacts of EMFs
  • Access strategies to support mitochondrial health
  • Learn about the connection between trauma and brain health
  • Learn to harness group energy to create healing
  • Advance your knowledge of biohacking, energy codes and frequency healing

Watch the Body Electric 3.0 Trailer Video

EMFs, 5G, and Your Biofield

As our modern world becomes increasingly energy depleting, the continued growth of technological systems like 5G is explosive. We are constantly bombarded by EMFs…while the list of the physiological effects of electromagnetic radiation continues to grow.

The truth is, this is an unprecedented time in the history of the human species. We’ve never seen technology surround and impact us in this way, and it has the potential to disrupt our personal energy fields.

This means we need not only relevant radiation guidelines, but also ways to protect humanity and reduce the impact of these systems on our neurological health and cognitive function, our genetic health, and all of the body’s systems.

Are you concerned about your energetic body being impacted by increased exposure to EMFs and 5G?

Biofield science offers an opportunity to reverse (and prevent) the health impacts of these trends and to shift the paradigm of chronic disease and the rampant compromised quality of life we see right now.

At The Body Electric Summit 3.0, you’ll learn about:

  • Positive & negative electromagnetic frequencies
  • How artificial fields affect stress & biofield ecology
  • Impact of EMFs on blood’s biofield & morphology
  • How EMF exposure increases mycotoxin production
  • EMF sources, their effect & your ability to heal
  • Why your cell phone is definitely NOT safe
  • Key steps to reduce EMF exposure & strategies to mitigate its health impacts
  • How our toxic, disconnected world is impacting our relationship with nature
  • PLUS a wealth of strategies to regain your optimal frequency!

The Current and Future Importance of Energy Medicine

Energy medicine is not a purely esoteric subject as many believe. Your body has an electromagnetic field and communicates via energy – ALL the time.

It’s commonly known that the heart has a VERY strong electromagnetic field. And our nervous system itself is an energy framework, right?

These are simply unquestioned scientific understandings about the electric nature of the human body. Frequency healing is much larger than this, however.

It’s NOT magic – but it IS science. We are made of innumerable energy fields that shape our lives and influence our health.

You’ll discover how the most respected leaders in holistic medicine are utilizing the newest energy medicine therapies, including:

  • EZ (exclusion zone) water
  • Deuterium depleted water
  • Photodynamic therapy
  • Frequency specific microcurrent
  • Neurofeedback
  • Biomagnetism
  • Trauma resolution
  • EFT (emotional freedom technique), aka tapping
  • EMF exposure mitigation

Energy medicine has been called the self-care and development path of the future, but it empowers you NOW to adapt to the challenges of the 21st century and to thrive within them.

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Body Electric 3.0 Summit Speakers & Topics

Dietrich Klinghardt: Autonomic Response Testing (ART)

  • ART and testing protocols
  • How signal enhancer and pole filter are used
  • Principle of direct resonance

Donna Eden David Feinstein: Re-Emergence of the Energy Body

  • Techniques to boost health, healing and vitality
  • Acupressure to shift beliefs and behavioral patterns
  • Understanding energy psychology

Dave Asprey: Biohacking the Body Electric

  • Positive and negative electromagnetic frequencies
  • Exercising cells with pulsed electromagnetic frequencies
  • Principles of neurofeedback and brain optimization

James Oschman: Living Bioelectric Matrix

  • Living matrix, sacred geometry and flower of life
  • Benefits of earthing and grounding
  • Heart as a bi-directional scalar field antenna

Harry Massey: Decoding the Human Body-Field

  • What is the human body-field?
  • Understanding infoceuticals
  • “Supercharge” your energy

Karim Dhanani: Physics Dictates Chemistry

  • How we communicate with light (and use it to heal!)
  • Light as the carrier, water as the storage
  • Review of MORA and lasers to heal

Tom O'Bryan: Brain Health

  • Impact of toxins
  • Reducing toxic exposure in your home
  • How gluten affects your brain

Beverly Rubik: Health Challenges in a Wireless World

  • What is the biofiled?
  • How artificial fields affect stress and biofield ecology
  • Impact of EMFs on blood’s biofield and morphology

Evan Brand: Understanding Mycotoxins and EMF Exposure

  • Impact of mold on chemical sensitivity
  • Strategies to lower mycotoxins in your home
  • How EMF exposure increases mycotoxin production

Jonathan Landsman: 4 Ways to Charge Up Energy

  • Impact of amalgams, root canals and cavitations
  • High vibration foods
  • Enhancing your energy

Nicolas Pineault: Impact of Cell Phone Frequencies on Health

  • EMF sources, their e?ffect and your ability to heal
  • Why your cell phone is definitely NOT safe
  • Key steps to reduce EMF exposure

Daniel Pompa: Healing Cells with Fasting and Detox

  • Benefits of optimizing autophagy
  • Multi-therapeutic approach to healing
  • Detoxing at the cellular level

Gerald Pollack: Exclusion-Zone Water and Health

  • Understanding water and cell biology
  • Exclusion-zone water (aka EZ water)
  • How to increase your EZ water

Kelly Halderman: Molecular Hydrogen Water

  • How H2 gas modulates immune and gut function
  • Increase cognitive function & reduce oxidative stress
  • Difference between alkaline and hydrogen water

László G. Boros: Health Impact of Heavy Hydrogen

  • Deuterium and how it relates to hydrogen
  • Coupled energy and water producing processes
  • Deuterium's interference with proton tunneling processes

Ari Whitten: Red Light and Energy

  • How does it work?
  • Red light therapy vs. near-infrared light therapy
  • Health benefits of red light therapy

Thomas Cowan: New Biology of Water

  • Structured water as the active agent in cell biology
  • Understanding your life force
  • Addressing issues or problems with life forces

Paul S. Anderson: Photodynamic (LASER) Therapies

  • What are photodynamic therapies (PDT)?
  • Understanding the application and benefits
  • Clinical findings of PDT

Dietrich Klinghardt: Light and the Human Biofield

  • The BioPhoton human energy field
  • Coherent light in healthy versus unhealthy cells
  • Higher functions of your nervous system

Kelly Brogan: Energetic Roots of Mental Health

  • Going beyond the biochemical approach
  • How the body communicates through symptoms
  • Adverse effects of commonly prescribed medication

Niki Gratrix: Resolving Trauma with Bioenergetics

  • Impact of emotional trauma on health
  • How memories are stored in the energy field
  • Biophysics and energy psychology tools

Keesha Ewers: Past Trauma on Physical Level

  • Patterning and findings scientific trauma studies
  • How to heal all five levels of being
  • Introduction to Pancha Koshas of Ayurveda

Eileen Day McKusick: Sound to Improve Electric Health

  • Your body is electric and acoustic
  • Importance of grounding and electrical equilibrium
  • Understanding syntropy and levity

Jonathan Bailor: Hidden Causes of Diabetes and Weight Gain

  • How shame and self-opinion impact your health
  • Steps to shift awareness and energy about food
  • Creating your personal support network

David Musnick: Healing Brain and Sports Injuries

  • Overcome injuries with Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM)
  • Healing powers of pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF)
  • Treat leaky gut, leaky brain, mold and more

Carolyn McMakin: Frequency Specific Microcurrent

  • Using frequencies to reduce inflammation
  • Improving pain and tissue function
  • Physical and emotional benefits

Barry Bruder: Pharmaceuticals to Electroceuticals

  • Biofeedback and the evolution of neurofeedback
  • Conditions helped by IASIS microcurrent neurofeedback
  • How IASIS MCN is a true game-changer

Luis Garcia: Biomagnetism, Bioenergy and Beyond

  • What is biomagnetism?
  • Stabilize your pH and immune system
  • Improve digestive, respiratory and cardiovascular issues

Tony Rump: Holographic Rehab (Quantum Neurology)

  • Holographic Rehabilitation (and how it works)
  • Neurological medicine for physical injuries and emotional trauma
  • Light therapy to simulate a change in the nerves

Julie Schiffman: EFT Tapping to Heal Mind and Body

  • What is EFT?
  • Overcoming stress with energy techniques
  • Interactive tapping demonstration

Alexis Saloutos: Intuition: Crack Your Energetic Code

  • Listening to your intuition to fast-track healing
  • Building your primary intuitive chakra
  • Importance of addressing intuitive interference

Michael McEvoy: Breathing Practices and Volitional Control

  • Breathing practices and the autonomic nervous system
  • Strategies to improve vagus nerve function
  • Increase mitochondrial efficiency and lower inflammation

Amy Stark: Energy Sensitivity and Chronic Illness

  • Signs that you are sensitive to other people's energy
  • Why highly sensitive people often become perfectionists
  • Understanding if you are highly sensitive to energy

Hillary Faye: Yogic Wisdom for Energetic Mastery

  • What it means to be energetically sensitive
  • How to keep your energy system strong
  • Etheric field: nadis, chakras and aura

Joseph Mercola: Live to 120

  • Upregulate every system in your body
  • Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (and how to use it!)
  • Improve health and eliminate EMFs

Lynne McTaggart: The Power of Eight

  • Impact on the human energy field
  • Intention experiments worldwide healing project
  • Benefits after sending out meditative prayers

Deanna Minich: Power of Color in Health and Healing

  • The only reliable factor in nutrition is color!
  • Eating colorful foods to prevent chronic diseases
  • How different colors connect to bodily benefits

Jason Prall: Healing Energy and Plant Medicine

  • Healing and repair as electrical phenomena
  • Roles of light and sound in healing
  • Introduction to plant medicine

Jodi Cohen: Essential Oils for Vibrational Healing

  • Frequency of plants is similar to humans
  • Impact of oil frequency on brain and organ systems
  • Balance nervous system and support lymphatic drainage

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Free Gifts for Body Electric 3.0 Summit Attendees

Gift #1: 20 Ways to Connect to Wisdom of Your Body

The human body is truly a marvel, an incredibly complex design performing an amazing array of functions every day. When we connect with that wisdom, we find healing and wholeness and can live an empowered life.

In our culture, when the body shows signs of disease, we have not learned to tune into its wisdom as a first step. We have not been taught the skills or tools which could help us tap into the body’s messages, learn what they mean and apply them for healing and empowered living.

Tapping into the wisdom of the body doesn’t have to be complicated or require a lot of time or money! This eBook provides 20 simple strategies to help you become better connected with the wisdom of your body.

When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Body Electric Summit 2.0 taking place on January

Gift #2: How to Use the Matrix to Address Chronic Health Conditions

Like the ocean, the extracellular matrix (ECM) is an active world inside the body!

It is how the body connects systems, communicates and self-regulates
between the immune system, the endocrine system, the nervous system and the lymphatic system.

Keeping the ECM and lymphatic system clear of toxins is an important step to ridding the body of chronic conditions and maintaining overall good health.

This eGuide will introduce you to the extracellular matrix and therapeutic strategies to help improve lymph drainage, treat infections, eliminate toxins, and repair and regenerate your ECM to its healthiest potential.

Gift #3: Glymphatic Detoxification for Brain Energy

Just like our daily hygiene practices to keep our bodies healthy, our brains need the same TLC!

Your glymphatic system is an important waste clearance system for your body. The brain uses this system to drain the toxins away while we sleep. Each night, during deep sleep, the brain shrinks and gets washed with cerebrospinal fluid, and this waste is carried through the glymphatic system and gets moved into the peripheral lymph.

While this is happening, the system is also bringing nutrients to neurons and removing toxicity out of the brain.

This system is how our bodies keep neurological degeneration and disease at bay, and is one of the most underappreciated but vital systems in our bodies.

Learn the best practices, sleep positions, supplements and more to support your glymphatic system and overall brain health.

Gift #4: Energy Hygiene 2.0

Stop and think about everything you do with your body in just one minute.

Think about every breath, every beat of your heart. You move your limbs, you blink, you think about what you’re going to do in the next minute – and the next and the next.

A lot happens in a minute. Your body never truly stops. Every single moment your body is doing something, and every single action requires energy! Energy is everywhere – but the modern world is constantly filled with waves and vibrations that are ultimately harming our bodies.

In this eGuide, Dr. Christine Schaffner uncovers the top offenders causing sensitivity to our systems and offers unique tools to help you live safely in your environment.

Deep dive into the topics of structured water and creating heart / brain coherence and discover how basic energy hygiene practices can help you maintain and reclaim your health!

Early-Access Sessions for Body Electric Summit Attendees

Early Access #1: An Empath's Guide to Dodging Energy Vampires – Christiane Northrup, MD

In this video, learn:

  • What is an energy vampire?
  • How to spot “super traits” that attract energy vampires
  • Becoming more empowered and receiving divine energy

Early Access #2: Re-Emergence of the Energy Body Donna – Eden and David Feinstein, PhD

  • Techniques to boost health, healing and vitality
  • Acupressure to shift beliefs and behavioral patterns
  • Understanding energy psychology

Early Access #3: The Energetic Heart – Rollin McCraty, PhD

  • Tapping into heart coherence for improved health and happiness
  • How intentional energy fields raise your consciousness and change the planetary vibration
  • Enhance your intuition, clarity and connection with yourself and others

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

About Your Body Electric Summit 2023 Host

Christine Schaffner HeadshotDr. Christine Schaffner is a board-certified naturopathic doctor who has helped thousands of people recover from chronic or complex illnesses.

Through online summits, her Spectrum of Health podcast, network of Immanence Health clinics and renowned online programs, Dr. Schaffner goes beyond biological medicine, pulling from all systems of medicine and healing modalities – helping patients reclaim their wellness and reveal their brightest light.

Dr. Schaffner completed her undergraduate studies in pre-medicine and psychology at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville and her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington.

With her diverse skill set, Dr. Schaffner seeks to improve access, outcomes and speed of recovery for patients struggling with chronic, complex and mystery illnesses. Patients travel from all around the world to reclaim their wellness using her Ecosystem & Terrain, Energy Analysis, Clear Blocks, Optimize Flow (EECO) methodology.

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🌟 Even if you can’t attend live… 🌟

Register now because each day's talks will be available for a 24-hour period.

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Your support in purchasing through these links makes it possible for people in over 150 countries globally to attend these live-changing events for free. Thank you! 🙂

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The post Body Electric Summit 3.0 | Free Ticket | Register Now appeared first on Spiritual Growth Events.
