Then Have A Cup Of Tea
The first thing to be understood is that complex things can be understood, simple things cannot. A...
We All Get The Same Divine
I will tell you one story Jesus used to say. He repeated it many times- he must...
King And A Young Man – A Spiritual Story by Osho
A king was very much interested in a young man who always remained underneath a tree, sitting...
The Monk Who Seduced A Prostitute
One day one of Buddha's sannyasins was passing through a street where he had gone to beg....
You Cannot Hide It From Yourself
Two disciples came to a master; they wanted to attain to truth. The master gave each of...
Monk Standing On A Hill
Three friends were walking along a road. Evening was just falling and the sun was setting when...
What Is The Sound Of One Hand Clapping?
A small boy, just ten or twelve years of age, lived in a Zen monastery. Every day...
“Raise Your Vibration” – Free PDF efrom Kevin Schoeninger
Guest article and ebook by Kevin Schoeninger from (Right-Click to Download Your Ebook) The research is...
The Benefit of Another Perspective
As soon as I sat in meditation I met my spirit guide Chien. "Come on, let's go,"...
The Shortcut
Walking home one wonderful morning, Nasrudin thought that it would be a good idea to take a...