Mastering the Treatment of Trauma
The way we work with trauma is changing.
Experts on the leading-edge of trauma research and treatment have tapped into new
insights that can transform how we approach the triggers, conditions, and aftereffects that
prolong suffering.
During NICABM’s all-new trauma program, you’ll hear from experts on the leading-edge of trauma research and treatment, including Bessel van der Kolk, MD; Pat Ogden, PhD; Janina Fisher, PhD; Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD; Richard Schwartz, PhD; Rick Doblin, PhD; Rachel Yehuda, PhD; Judith
Herman, MD; and other leaders in trauma treatment.
The Mastering the Treatment of Trauma program draws from among the world’s most effective practitioners. We get into top-level lessons in every module.
With their unique suite of learning tools, you’ll be equipped to implement the concepts, exercises, and applications immediately.
The modules are candid, comprehensive, and profoundly useful.
This program is free to watch. You can watch every session for free at the time of
broadcast. Optionally, you can register for a Gold Package and get all the video and audio recordings (so you can watch or listen whenever you want), as well as the transcripts, learning tools and bonus sessions
Why Attend “Mastering the Treatment of Trauma”
If you’re a practitioner who strives to stay on the leading edge of trauma-informed treatment, it might seem like you’re finding out about a new training or workshop every day.
So with so many trainings to choose from, what makes this program one that you should invest your time in? Well, to start…
This isn’t Trauma Treatment 101.
That’s because we suspect that by now, you’ve already participated in more than a few trainings on the treatment of trauma.
So with every draft of each module, we made it a point to keep you – the seasoned practitioner – firmly in mind.
In this brand new program, we’re going to dig into critical issues in trauma therapy that haven’t been addressed in other trainings in much depth (if at all).
We’ll get into the steep cost of the unlived life – a price that so many patients pay after they’ve experienced, and even begun to heal from trauma.
Because even when patients make significant progress in therapy, they often still struggle with feeling numb, and not fully alive or present in their own life.
What You'll Learn During “Mastering the Treatment of Trauma”
Throughout this program, they've focused in on ideas that aren’t being talked about in much depth in other training programs.
And just to be clear, it’s not that new ideas are necessarily better than old ones, but…
They take it as our mission to bring you ideas you are less likely to already have in your toolkit.
NICABM does this because they think it will help you be your best and get better outcomes, more quickly.
Take a peek at some of what the experts will get into:
- Treating the Scars of Abandonment: How to Work with the Enduring Impact
- The Clinical Implications of Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy for the
Treatment of Trauma: An In-Depth Look at the Promising Results and the
Unanswered Questions - How to Identify and Treat the Invisible Wounds of Neglect
- “A Stain on the Soul”: Why Moral Injury Requires A Different Treatment Plan
Than PTSD - The Steep Cost of an Unlived Life: How to Help Patients Who Struggle to Feel
Alive After Trauma
This program is free to watch. You can watch every session for free at the time of
broadcast. Optionally, you can register for a Gold Package and get all the video and audio recordings (so you can watch or listen whenever you want), as well as the transcripts, learning tools and bonus sessions
Health Disclosure: The contents of this website/e-mail are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Income Disclosure: No results are guaranteed. It's entirely possible you'll make absolutely no money from what you learn. Especially if you don't do anything with your training, which is unfortunately what some people do. Always do your own due diligence. And if you want to make the most of this possibility, take action, and we're confident that you'll make an even bigger difference in your future clients' lives. Who knows? You might just make a dollar… or many many more.
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