Neuromovement HealingFest: Breathing for Life - Anat Baniel

Neuromovement HealingFest: Breathing for Life

Whether you realize it or not, when the breathing capacity of your lungs is greatly expanded (and it can be), there is a tremendous number of benefits for people from almost all walks of life.

People Who Would Benefit From the Neuromovement HealingFest: Breathing for Life” Workshop

Whether you're a person who is:

  • Wanting to reduce stress
  • Practicing meditation
  • Looking for inner peace
  • Needing to heal
  • Or wanting greater ease at doing daily activities

Or you're:

  • An athlete or musician that needs stamina to perform at your highest levels
  • Have breathing challenges such as asthma, allergies, COPD, or others
  • Are being attacked by viruses such as the flu or COVID-19
  • Looking to recover from exposure to air pollution and wildfires
  • A health professional who helps others rehabilitate
  • A first responder wanting to save more lives

The “Neuromovement HealingFest: Breathing for Life” class can help you expand and vitalize your breathing, invigorate your life, and wake up your brain.

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What You'll Learn During Neuromovement HealingFest: Breathing for Life

When you learn to breath properly, in ways that supports all of your organs optimally, this will help all systems of your body. You will find improvements in your ease of your:

  • Movement
  • Immune system
  • Ability to handle stresses and anxieties
  • Ability to learn, think, and be brilliant

The method is surprisingly simple. All you do is follow simple, easy, safe, and pleasurable movements that will wake up your brain to create new connections and neural networks. This system of movements is called NeuroMovement.

The video classes are designed to increase mobility of your rib cage, spine, clavicles, sternum, diaphragm, and other parts that are involved, or should be involved, to fully “breathe your lungs.”

You may not know this, but your lungs cannot breathe on their own. They require the rest of your body to move in a way that sucks air in and pushes air out.

And believe it or not, these gentle movements take only about a half an hour. Almost everyone will find them effortless, interesting, and pleasurable. Simply lie on the floor, follow along, and immediately feel the movement of air and breath expand spontaneously. You will notice it. You will literally feel more air coming in and out of your lungs.

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What Is Neuromovement and How It Can Help You

Decades ago, a woman named Anat Baniel began studying the relationship between movement and the brain. She figured out how to intentionally activate positive brain change (what is called neuroplasticity) for making the seemingly impossible become possible.

Anat discovered that doing movements slowly and gently with attention to what you feel as you move, wakes up the brain to rapidly create millions of new connections. This helps bring about rapid learning and, at times, seemingly miraculous breakthroughs in overcoming limitations due accidents, bad habits, and a variety of conditions, even when in some cases doctors say there is little hope.

It is all about expanding the repertoire of what your brain can tell your body to do and then being able to do it harmoniously, effortlessly, and without pain and suffering.

Even Healthy People Will Benefit from Neuromovement HealingFest: Breathing For Life

You do not have to have a problem to benefit from this class. This might surprise you:

Even if you are healthy and performing at the top of your game, you probably have habitual breathing patterns that create limitations unknown to you.

You see, most of us stop expanding our skills, including our breathing skills, at a relatively young age. This invites more accidents, physical limitations, rapid aging, and malaise, all of which eventually leads to deterioration on many levels.

We humans are built to develop habits, and we need them to survive. The 10 classes of this new NeuroMovement program can help us develop new habits of breathing that will immediately enhance our lives and serve us long into the future.

Breathing, being such a central and uniquely important function in our lives, calls for our attention and enhancement so that we can go on living the best lives possible, no matter our calling.

Each of the 10 classes will be presented by Anat Baniel. They will be demonstrated by one of her colleagues. You simply follow along. When you sign up, you'll immediately get access to a brief video introduction by Dr. Neil Sharp, a former physician and professional opera singer who is now a NeuroMovement trainer.

These lessons will get you to look at your life and your brain differently. You will experience your body in ways that may be new to you. These lessons are a breakthrough in using the astonishing and impressive capacities of your lungs so that you can indeed get more from life.

No matter your condition, do this program. It is free and you will notice results.

Benefits of the Neuromovement Healingfest: Breathing for Life” Program

  • Enhanced breathing capacity
  • Freedom to spontaneously adapt breathing patterns as postures, actions as demands of the moment change
  • Increased flexibility of the spine, chest, arm, and pelvic movements
  • Pain reduction
  • More energy and vitality
  • Reduced tension in the body
  • Enhanced inner peace
  • Reduced frequency, intensity, and duration of stress
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Better sleep
  • Greater awareness and creativity
  • Greater sense of well-being and joy
  • Stronger, more youthful voice.

Schedule for the Neuromovement HealingFest: Breathing for Life

  • Session 1: Monday, July 11 – Hello Ribs, Pelvis, and Spine
  • Session 2: Tuesday, July 12 – Pushing Belly Out
  • Session 3: Wednesday, July 13 – Waking the Sternum, Ribs, and Spine
  • Session 4: Thursday, July 14 – Pulling Belly In
  • Session 5: Friday, July 15 – Seesaw Movement
  • Session 6: Saturday, July 16 – Exploring the Mouth
  • Session 7: Sunday, July 17 – Bringing in Rhythm
  • Session 8: Monday, July 18 – Lizard Brain
  • Session 9: Tuesday, July 19 – Expanding Lungs
  • Session 10: Wednesday, July 20 – Breathing and Your Voice

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About Your Teacher – Anat Baniel

Anat Baniel - HeadshotAnat Baniel is the founder of Anat Baniel Method NeuroMovement, a powerful practice that takes advantage of the brain’s remarkable ability to change itself to heal body and mind. She studied clinical psychology and statistics, was trained as a dancer, and was a close professional associate of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. While still living in Israel, Anat worked with wounded war veterans, helping them recover lost mobility, overcome pain and limitation, and experience enhanced wellbeing.

Over the past 30 years, Anat has helped thousands of people from stroke patients to high-performing athletes overcome pain and reach new heights of performance, both physical and mental. She has seen remarkable outcomes in people with chronic pain, physical injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and limitations due to stroke or aging, as well as in high-performing athletes, musicians, dancers, business people, and others.

Anat’s work is at the forefront of the emerging brain plasticity field, helping wake up the brain to its greater potency for learning and change throughout life. Her innovative, scientifically based approach provides concrete and easy-to-use tools—the Nine Essentials—that enable adults (and children) to move beyond their limitations, making the seemingly impossible possible.

Anat is the author of the bestselling book Move Into Life and the acclaimed Kids Beyond Limits. She has trained hundreds of practitioners in this method. Anat and her team are currently collaborating with neuroscientists and technology experts on developing a neuroscience, neuroplasticity approach to rehabilitation. She and her team work out of the Anat Baniel Method Center in San Rafael, California.

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Neuromovement Breathing for Life: Try Before You Buy

Because this is a completely free “try before you buy” experience, the audio sessions are not downloadable.

For ongoing access to this powerful life-changing program after the event ends, including the opportunity to download them or have the program shipped to you, be sure to upgrade your event experience ASAP (it will cost more if you wait longer to upgrade).

Each session will be available for 24 hours. During this time, you can listen to the session whenever you want, as many times as you want.

The reason the event is structured this way is because we want everyone around the world to be able to participate, regardless of their time zone (and without having to get up in the middle of the night to watch!).

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Your support in purchasing through these links makes it possible for people in over 150 countries globally to attend these live-changing events for free. Thank you! 🙂


Jul 11 - 21 2022


8:00 am - 7:30 am

Local Time

  • Timezone: Asia/Hong_Kong
  • Date: Jul 11 - 21 2022
  • Time: 11:00 pm - 10:30 pm

More Info

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Learning Strategies Corporation
Learning Strategies Corporation