Build Your Path to Radiant Health & Longevity With Huashan Qigong: Deng Ming-Dao

Experience Radiant Health & Longevity with Huashan Qigong

Explore Bone Breathing, a standing meditation practice from Huashan Qigong — a wisdom and movement system that helps you achieve greater:

  • Flexibility
  • Strength
  • Range of motion
  • Circulation of Qi
  • Cognition & a fully engaged mind
  • Longevity for a longer life

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What You'll Discover During “Build Your Path to Radiant Health & Longevity With Huashan Qigong”

What if the energy and vitality that carries you into radiant old age — and empowers you to live your best life now — isn’t laid out like a straight line, but instead builds energy as it continues onward and upward, like a spiral?

Your body, mind, and spirit are joined in a single continuum, according to the Taoists…

Author, philosopher, and martial artist Deng Ming-Dao teaches that Huashan Qigong, from the Quanzhen Sect of the Taoist sacred mountain, winds energy through the mind, body, and spirit — in the shape of a spiral.

How Does Huashan Qigong Work?

As you practice Huashan Qigong poses and cultivate your practice, you build up raw energy that moves in spirals. You’ll ultimately harmonize and spread this energy out, bringing it back into harmony as you clear and secure each part of your mind, body, and spirit — unleashing energy and vitality in both movement and spirit.

This unimpeded spiral of energy will help you achieve greater flexibility, strength, range of motion, and more effective circulation of Qi — by harnessing Internal Alchemy, the Taoist art and science of gathering, storing, and circulating the energies of your body to extend your life.

Ming-Dao will share how Huashan Qigong’s simple breathing exercises and meditation practices can help you connect to the three necessary elements for long life — flexibility, breathing, and unity of your mind and body.

Since 1975, Ming-Dao has trained in a variety of Chinese martial arts, focusing primarily on the styles of Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, and Baguazhang. He’s studied with teachers from Beijing, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Husahan, and Wudangshan, and his many workshops have introduced Chinese martial arts and Taoist wellness techniques to students from around the world.

During this free online spiritual healing event, Ming-Dao will reveal how Huashan Qigong can help you build your own path of radiant health and wellbeing that continuously spirals up to extend your longevity.

Class Topics for “Build Your Path to Radiant Health & Longevity With Huashan Qigong”

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • A standing meditation, Bone Breathing, where you’ll imagine your energy spiraling, starting at your fingers, continuing around every part of your body, and concluding in your mind — to strengthen your bones as you purge them of old energy as you begin the process of inner transformation
  • How Taoism is the only wisdom system that encourages you to recycle your own energy — and the fascinating details behind the Taoists’ explanation of how energy moves through your body in spirals
  • How you can improve your health and cultivate longevity by binding your body together via meditation — as you mentally scan your entire body
  • Why energy alone can heal you, according to the Taoists — and how illness is an issue of blockage or insufficient energy
  • How to bring your energy back down after raising it — to power the upper centers of your body and keep your mind vital

Tao means flow and movement of the entire Universe. Ming-Dao will share how Qigong can help you improve your mind, body, and spirit so you can merge the Universe’s flow with the flow and trajectory of your own life.

Huashan Qigongs Far-Reaching Effects

You’ll learn how Qigong is often taught as a health exercise for the individual, yet there’s a much larger context that incorporates:

  • The good you’re doing in the world
  • Your connection to nature
  • The unfolding of your life path
  • And much more

Understanding this larger framework helps you connect to your personal why — the reason you’re cultivating this energy in your life.

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About Your Teacher – Deng Ming-Dao

Deng Ming-Dao HeadshotDeng Ming-Dao is an author, artist, and teacher.

He is the author of Chronicles of Tao… Everyday Tao… The Living I Ching… The Wisdom of the Tao, and The Way of Heart and Beauty. His books have been translated into 18 languages in Europe and Asia.

Deng Ming-Dao has trained in a variety of Chinese martial arts since 1975. His main styles are Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, and Baguazhang.

He’s studied with teachers from Beijing, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Husahan, and Wudangshan, and has given many workshops to introduce Chinese martial arts and Taoist wellness techniques.

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Oct 22 2022


5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: Asia/Hong_Kong
  • Date: Oct 23 2022
  • Time: 8:30 am - 9:30 am

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