Moral of the Story: The Power of Gratitude
This story of Narada and the young man teaches profound moral lessons and spiritual messages that transcend the boundaries of time and culture. It invites us to reflect upon the nature of our desires, our perception of time, and the attitude with which we approach life's challenges. In the melodious tunes of Narada's Veena and the joyful dance of the young man's Ektara, we discover the interplay of two contrasting morals of the story.
The first moral of the story lies in the old sage's relentless pursuit of liberation. He represents the archetype of the seeker, someone who has spent countless lifetimes striving for spiritual realization. The sage's question to Narada reflects his weariness and impatience, as he longs to know when his liberation will finally manifest. This aspect of the story teaches us about the inherent dangers of attachment to outcomes and the notion of spiritual achievement as a destination.
Through the sage's reaction to Narada's answer, we witness the consequences of attaching ourselves too firmly to our desires. His anger and frustration upon hearing that he must endure three more lives indicate the resistance he holds towards the present moment. He throws away his beads and scriptures, symbols of his spiritual practice, unable to accept the divine timing of his liberation. This moral serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us that spiritual growth cannot be rushed or manipulated according to our ego's demands. True liberation comes from surrendering to the unfolding of life, embracing the lessons it offers, and finding contentment in the present.
On the other hand, the young man, with his carefree dance and playful response, represents a contrasting moral in the story. Unlike the old sage, he does not seek an answer from Narada, nor does he harbor expectations of a specific outcome. His response, or rather lack thereof, reveals a deep sense of trust and surrender to the divine. He dances joyfully, fully immersed in the present moment, unaffected by the concept of time or the desire for liberation.
When Narada reveals God's response to the young man, we witness a remarkable shift in his ecstatic dance. The young man's elation arises not from the number of lives he must live but from the realization that his spiritual journey is already complete. He recognizes that the key to liberation lies not in the quantity of lives experienced but in the quality of presence and surrender within each moment. This second moral encourages us to embrace a state of consciousness that transcends the limitations of time and ego, freeing us to experience the boundless joy that resides within..
The spiritual messages embedded within this story resonate deeply with Marianne Williamson's teachings. She often emphasizes the importance of releasing attachment to outcomes, surrendering to divine timing, and cultivating trust in the universe's benevolent plan. As A Course In Miracles says:
The story of Narada, the old sage, and the young man reminds us that liberation is not a destination but a continuous journey of surrendering to the divine love that flows through us and all of creation.
Additionally, the story underscores the significance of embracing the present moment and finding joy in the dance of life. Marianne Williamson often speaks of the transformative power of love and joy, asserting that they are not mere emotions but forces that can heal and uplift both individuals and society as a whole. In the young man's ecstatic dance, we witness the embodiment of this truth—the pure, uninhibited expression of joy that transcends the limitations of the physical world and connects us to the divine essence within.
The story of Narada, the old sage, and the young man carries within it the timeless wisdom of surrender, trust, and the power of the present moment. The contrasting morals presented through the old sage's attachment and the young man's surrender invite us to reflect upon our own spiritual journeys and the beliefs we adopt along the way. We find deeper resonance with the story's spiritual messages and allow them to guide us on our path of awakening and self-realization. Let us learn from the old sage's impatience and the young man's surrender, for within their stories lie the keys to unlocking the gates of liberation and joy that reside within each of our hearts.