Dreamwork Summit 2022 - Awaken Your Subconscious to Heal Wounds & Clarify Desires

Dreamwork Summit 2022 – Awaken Your Subconscious to Heal Wounds & Clarify Desires

Dreamwork SummitHave you been experiencing more intense, vivid, or wondrous dreams lately?

Dreams can offer a glimpse into deeper states of consciousness and core desires, and provide prophetic guidance on what lies ahead during your waking life.

Not only is this an unprecedented time for dreaming, there’s a collective shift toward looking at dreamwork differently.

Dreamwork explores how to tap into the intelligence of your subconscious and harness that wisdom with practical application.

The Dreamwork Summit will support you in developing a more profound relationship with sleeping, dreaming, and decoding the soul-aligned guidance you receive at night.

By diving deeper into the psychology and techniques of dreamwork, you can activate emotional healing, practice lucid dreaming, and access new cognitive states.

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What You'll Learn During the Dreamwork Summit 2022

You’ll explore a variety of creative dreamwork methods that can help you:

  • Develop routines for better-quality sleep and expanded vitality during the day
  • Enrich your psychic gifts through shamanic journeys, prophetic dreams, and Indigenous dream practices
  • Expand receptivity to signs, symbols, and synchronicities so you can decode their wisdom and apply their practical guidance
  • Interpret your dream themes to extract wisdom, regulate emotions, reduce stress, and increase joy and creativity in everyday life

This event features more than 40 master dream teachers and psychology experts — including Robert Moss, Don Alejandro Apaza, Sandra Ingerman, Dr. Clare Johnson, Dinesh Ghodke, Robert Hoss, and Khurshed Batliwala…

… each of whom will be offering effective practices, tools, and techniques for tapping into the soul-guided wisdom, healing power, and creative inspiration within your dreams.

During this groundbreaking 5-day event, you’ll:

  • Connect to your spirit guides and the spiritual dimension through lucid dreaming
  • Practice identifying and accessing psychic dreams and precognitive states
  • Understand how Jungian analysts and psychiatrists approach dreamwork and psychic elements in dreams
  • Discover why after-death-communication experiences (ADCs) are a natural part of grieving
  • Animate a living image of your nightmares through Dream Tending to heal trauma
  • Take a shamanic journey to deepen your understanding on different kinds of dreams and see into the future
  • Engage in Indigenous dream practices to create a new blueprint for your reality
  • Apply methods for inducing lucid dreaming and find safety in lucid nightmares
  • Explore European bee shamanism to create profound changes in your life that are aligned with nature

What Dreamwork Actually Is & Its Benefits

  1. Dreamwork is an invitation to gently uncover your psyche’s rich repository of symbols, colors, sensations, and images, and discover limitless resources for alchemizing life’s “nightmares” into intuitive guidance, prophecy, and joy.
  2. Dreamwork can help you cultivate courage and enrich and enliven your everyday life in amazing and surprising ways
  3. Exploring your dreams opens the door to a new connection with yourself, and your powerful capability for inner knowing.
  4. Dreamwork brings your soul’s wisdom into the light of day

Manifesting Your Dreams at Night School

Your dreams can invite you to attend “night school” where you can face your fears head on by practicing emotional regulation in simulated social situations. Your nocturnal teacher provides guidance on how to transcend survival mode, master your intuitive skills, and manifest your core desires.

The Dreamwork Summit 2022 will highlight previously unknown techniques on how to retain the lessons you learned during night school, and apply them to your daily life.

The experts will show you how to navigate modalities for communicating with departed loved ones, receiving divine messages, healing emotional trauma, nurturing the grieving process, and waking up without leaving the dreamworld behind.

Who the Dream Work Summit 2022 Is For

Whether you’re new to dreamwork or a seasoned lucid dreamer, psychologist, or spiritual practitioner, you’ll discover innovative new dream techniques in this extraordinary summit. You’ll encounter active dreaming practices on amplifying parallel lives, increasing awareness of future events, and time-traveling in the multiverse.

The Dreamwork Summit can be deeply beneficial for all levels of dreamers. As you become more fluent in your soul’s symbolic language, you can expand your psychic abilities and access new precognitive states.

Dreaming Helps You Translate Your Subconscious to Tap into Your Potential

Dreams offer the opportunity to sense beyond the limits of space of time and explore new possibilities, intuitive solutions, and write a story for a new future.

With the Dreamwork Summit, you’ll develop a more profound relationship with sleeping, dreaming, and decoding the soul-aligned guidance you receive at night. By diving deeper into the psychology and techniques of dreamwork, you can activate emotional healing, practice lucid dreaming and access new cognitive states.

This powerful event includes ancient and modern practices that can help you reduce insomnia and look at nightmares through a new lens. You’ll have an in-depth understanding on why recurring dreams offer solutions to nocturnal manifestation, and how shadows can actually be powerful mirrors that illustrate your creative potential.

As you become more fluent in your soul’s symbolic language, you can continue to practice harnessing psychic abilities, applying prophetic wisdom and traveling through spiritual dimensions.

Experience More Bliss Through Dreamwork

Steeped in the limitless magic of your imagination, dreamwork is also a lot of fun!

Dreamwork helps you connect the dots between uncovering your soulful desires and manifest them in your waking life.

During this free online dreamwork summit, you’ll discover that each approach to dreamwork provides a unique pathway into a more profound relationship with your subconscious. By listening to the wisdom of your dreams, you open to opportunities for greater wellbeing, joy, fulfillment, and spiritual advancement.

Whatever your deepest curiosity, you’ll discover resources that will empower, enlighten, and inspire you to explore new cognitive pathways.

The Dreamwork Summit 2022 will benefit all levels of dreamers interested in unlocking the power of the subconscious and developing a relationship with their own deep, inner knowing.

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Dreamwork Summit 2022 Speaker Schedule & Topics

Dreamwork Summit 2022 Speakers: Monday, Apr 18

  • 9am: “A New Approach to Healing Trauma Through Lucid Dreaming” with Charlie Morley
  • 10am: “Dialogue” with Lynne Twist
  • 11am: “Active Dreaming for Time Travel in the Multiverse” with Robert Moss
  • 12pm: “The Dream Gate – Healing the Dis-membered Self” with Dr. Janet Piedilato
  • 1pm: “Dialogue” with Gary Lachman
  • 2pm: “Engaging the Guiding Wisdom in your Dreams” with Bob Hoss, MS
  • 3pm: “Secrets of Sleep” with Dinesh Ghodke & Khurshed Batliwala
  • 4pm: “Dreaming with Angels” with Peter Sterling
  • 5pm: “Dialogue” with Dr. Sharon Blackie

Dreamwork Summit 2022 Speakers: Tuesday, Apr 19

  • 9am: “Prophecy and Dreams: The Science of Precognition and the Unconscious Mind” with Dr. Julia Mossbridge
  • 10am: “The Nocturnal Meditations” with Dr. Andrew Holecek
  • 11am: “Indigenous Dreaming in the Contemporary World” with Dr. Barbara Bain
  • 12pm: “How to Transform Nightmares into Right-mares” with Kelly Sullivan Walden
  • 1pm: “Dreaming with the Departed: Continuing Your Eternal Connection” with Julie Beischel, PhD & Mark Boccuzzi
  • 2pm: “Journey to the Land of Dreams: Change Your Inner and Outer World” with Sandra Ingerman, MA
  • 3pm: “Simplify and Empower Dreamwork with DreamSynergy” with Justina Lasley
  • 4pm: “Dreams, Inner Voice Experiences, and Synchronicities: Finding Gems When Life Gets Rough” with Jane E. Carleton, MA, GG
  • 5pm: “Sweet Dreams! Roundtable” with your Dreamwork Summit 2022 Hosts: Athena, Kelly, & Theresa

Dreamwork Summit 2022 Speakers: Wednesday, Apr 20

  • 9am: “The Dreamer And The Dream” with Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD
  • 10am: “Dreams are the Bridge Between the Spiritual World and Material World” with Athena Laz
  • 11am: “Dreaming of Nonsense: The Often Bizarre, Weird, Humorous, and Erotic Nature of Your Dreams” with Brooks Scott Palmer & Theresa Cheung
  • 12pm: Psychic Dreaming and Dreamwork” with Loyd Auerbach, MS
  • 1pm: “Lottery Dreams: The True Wealth and Riches of Your Nocturnal Vision” with Timothy Schultz
  • 1pm: “The Spiritual Importance of Dreams in the Andean World by Paqo Quero Shamans” with Don Alejandro Apaza & Beti Tuero
  • 2pm: “Finding & Healing your Soul Light – Your Best & Everlasting Self” with Georgina Cannon
  • 4pm: “Lucid Nightmare Therapy: Pathways to Safety, Connection, and Creativity” with Dr. Kristen LaMarca

Dreamwork Summit 2022 Speakers: Thursday, Apr 21

  • 9am: “Transformative Lucid Dreaming: How You Can Use Lucid Dreaming to Access Creativity, Personal Healing, and Spiritual Growth” with Robert Waggoner
  • 10am: “Dream Tending Versus Dream Interpretation” with Stephen Aizenstat, PhD
  • 11am: “The Importance of Dreams” with Sergio Magaña
  • 12pm: “Healing Lucid Dream Workshop and PTSD” with Garret Yount, PhD
  • 1pm: “The Dream Interview: Questions that Unlock the Uniqueness of your Dream Images” with Dr. Gayle Delaney
  • 2pm: “The Unravelling: Myths, Dreams, and Creation” with Michael Meade
  • 3pm: “Precognitive Dreamwork and the Long Self” with Eric Wargo
  • 4pm: “Inspiring Compassion Through the Practice of Projective Dreamwork” with Billie Ortiz

Dreamwork Summit 2022 Speakers: Friday, Apr 22

  • 9am: “Spiritual Portals: How to Access Lucid Threshold States to Evolve and Awaken” with Dr. Clare Johnson
  • 10am: “Dreaming with Deep Skepticism” with Callum Cooper, PhD, FHEA, CPsychol, PGCAP
  • 11am: “Dream On It, Unlock Your Dreams Change Your Life” with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg
  • 12pm: “Drawn into the Dream- Bringing awe into your life by looking at your dreams” with Walter Berry, The Wizard of Awes
  • 1pm: “Dreaming Ourselves Awake” with Paul Levy
  • 2pm: “We Are The Dream That Is Always Dreaming Us” with Eduardo Duran
  • 3pm: “The Noetic Signature: The Dreams Characteristic” with Helané Wahbeh, ND
  • 4pm: “The Dreamweave: Dreaming for Change” with Ariella Daly

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About Your Dreamwork Summit 2022 Hosts

Dreamwork Summit 2022 Host: Theresa Cheung

Hollywood Dream Coach, Dreamwork Researcher, Leading Dream Decoder, International Bestselling Author, and Afterlife Expert

Dreamwork Summit 2022 Host: Kelly Sullivan Walden

Award-Winning Dream Expert, Author, Celebrity Dreams Analyst, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Ask Dr. Dream Host

Dreamwork Summit 2022 Host: Athena Laz

Spiritual Dream Teacher, Depth Psychologist, Lucid Dream Teacher, Author, and Dream Guide

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Apr 18 - 22 2022


8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: Asia/Hong_Kong
  • Date: Apr 18 - 23 2022
  • Time: 11:00 pm - 9:00 am

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