A Synagogue with Five Schools
Today there are 12 synagogues for the 13,000 Jews living in the city of Rome, but about...
A Fast Fit for a King – A Jewish Spiritual Story by Rabbi Allen Maller
Once upon a time a king went out to hunt on a very warm day in the...
Why Leave Man To The Sixth Day – Spiritual Story by Paulo Coelho
A group of wise men gathered to discuss the work of God; they wanted to know why...
Good Romans and Bad Romans – A Jewish Spiritual Story by Rabbi Allen Maller
Rabbi Judah was a great sage, a wealthy man, and the leader of the Jewish People in...
Two Rabbis
In the course of their long wanderings, the two brothers, Rabbi Zusya and Rabbi Elimelekh, often came...
In Moses’s Footsteps – Spiritual Story by Paulo Coelho
Rabbi Zuya wanted to discover the mysteries of life. He therefore resolved to imitate the life of...
Crowns on the Torah – Spiritual Story by Paulo Coelho
When Moses ascended to Heaven to write a certain part of the Bible, the Almighty asked him...
Sealed Lip – Spiritual Story by Paulo Coelho
The disciple of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov went to him: "I cannot talk to God." "This often happens," said...
What Pleases God – A Jewish Spiritual Story by Paulo Coelho
On the Torah's day of joy, Ball-Shem's pupils celebrated, drinking the master's wine. The rabbi's wife complained: "If...
It All Seems So Obvious – Spiritual Story by Paulo Coelho
Rabbi Ben Zoma was asked: "Who is wise?" "He who always finds something to learn from others," said...