
It’s Not What You Think – Guest Post by Dr. Sue Morter

What is required for you to ultimately be seated in your highest destiny and living a vibrant, thriving life? It requires opening and allowing.

It requires a surrender and an allowing of the magnificence that is you to pour through your body and out into life. The world and our circumstances and experiences are wholly here to allow us to discover how to do that.

What if all those challenging moments are here in our favor?

Because when life feels challenging in any area of our lives, we are here to continually meet it, embrace it, and allow an expansion. As you do, you open to a greater version of love and your life’s expression and land in your highest destiny.

And that destiny? You are here to live a magnificent life as the Essential, Soulful Self.

You will hit that single point in the center of the target before you leave this life, because your destiny is your destiny.

The actual question is, how soon are you going to let that happen? It might be today, perhaps next year, or it might be in the last five minutes of your life…you get to choose.

Right now, let’s “take it to the body” and take an inventory. Take your attention into the central core of your being and ask yourself, “Is there some part of me in my body, my head, or the energy field around me, that could relax a little bit and receive in this moment?”

In this moment, can you find one part of you that has a little (or maybe a lot of) tension in it, and allow it to release so that something seems to flow through that area?

As you release, what happens is you become available to a greater amount of cosmic flow, a greater love, to move through you as is intended to happen through your body and in your life here in this physical realm.

That is what I mean by surrender. You are here to release any areas of tension and allow a greater flow of abundance, joy, and creativity to move through your body and your life circumstances.

As we do, a natural by-product is, healing happens on all levels of our lives.

We already have what we need to heal and live the life of our dreams. There are billions of bits of information bombarding your system every millisecond. Our job is to not get in the way.

We get in the way, consciously and subconsciously, by believing we're not enough, there's something that could be better or different about us, or we have to achieve or accomplish something, or need to belong or fit in.

As we start to Quantum Flip® our belief, what happens is, we no longer look to receive, fit in, or belong. You inherently belong because this is your gig.

We're able to receive and perceive ourselves as unity consciousness, as the cosmic-being Creator we actually already are.

It's not about closing something off because we’ve been conditioned to think it is (or “I am”) bad or wrong. It’s about paying attention to the core of our being.

As you consciously receive the knowing rising from the brain in your gut to the brain in your heart to the brain in your head and action from there, you begin to allow and express in the world from a place of a greater love.

When our thinking, story-writing, rational mind is out of the way, we start to operate and manifest from our highest destiny. Our attention has to be on the inner, not only on the outer. Because when it is on the inner, it includes the entire reality that we're here to serve.

As you reorient the thinking mind, it starts to serve the heart and allows our deep inherent intention, our soulful purpose, to freely reveal and manifest.

About The Author – Dr. Sue Morter

Sue Morter HeadshotShe is an International speaker, Master of Bio-Energetic Theory, and ERYT-200 and ERYT-500 certified in Yoga Instruction, Dr. Sue utilizes the embodiment of high frequency energy patterns to activate full human potential.

Through her life-changing BodyAwake® Yoga and The Energy Codes® coursework, she illuminates the relationships of quantum thoughts and energy; the elevation of human consciousness and life mastery.

Dr. Sue is the USA Today bestselling, #1 bestselling LA Times and #1 Amazon bestselling author of THE ENERGY CODES: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body and Live Your Best Life.