Browse Free Spiritual Event Listings For: Joel Fuhrman Free Sun, 31 Dec 2023 18:49:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Browse Free Spiritual Event Listings For: Joel Fuhrman 32 32 Immune for Life Docuseries – Get Health & Stay Healthy Fri, 25 Mar 2022 20:31:53 +0000 This new groundbreaking docuseries lifts the lid on why Americans are being “sold sickness”… and it shines light on the long forgotten, natural remedies, for cancer, autoimmune disease, dementia, heart disease, gut issues and more. Have you ever gone to a doctor complaining of brain fog, chronic fatigue, or unexplainable aches and pains… Only to be told “It’s all in your head.” Chances are, you have. And if you haven’t, most likely you know at least one person who has. In fact, every 1 out of 5 Americans lives through this frustrating experience every day. The experiences that make them feel confused and misunderstood. They’re being told to stop being “lazy” when in fact they wake up every day with zero energy, already being tired. Often, they feel like they live a life in someone else's body and are left “wallowing” in their own misery with no directions or help to solve their health issues. But that ends today because Immune for Life sheds light on why over half of Americans walking around with a “ticking time bomb” inside, waiting for it to explode at any moment and hit them in the face with a life altering disease. ===================== ↘️ Click Here To Register For Free ↙️ ===================== What You'll Learn During the Immune For Life Docuseries The Immune for Life documentary series gathers 34 of the world’s leading integrative natural medicine doctors, researchers and family physicians to reveal exactly what makes us sick, and how to improve our immunity to get healthy and stay healthy. When you watch Immune for Life, you’ll discover: Long forgotten, natural ways to help your body heal and reverse most diseases without any medications, invasive procedures, or surgeries. Yes, even cancer! Simple strategies to tap into your body's infinite healing powers so you finally...

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The post Immune for Life Docuseries – Get Health & Stay Healthy appeared first on Spiritual Growth Events.

This new groundbreaking docuseries lifts the lid on why Americans are being “sold sickness”… and it shines light on the long forgotten, natural remedies, for cancer, autoimmune disease, dementia, heart disease, gut issues and more.

Have you ever gone to a doctor complaining of brain fog, chronic fatigue, or unexplainable aches and pains…
Only to be told “It’s all in your head.”

Chances are, you have. And if you haven’t, most likely you know at least one person who has. In fact, every 1 out of 5 Americans lives through this frustrating experience every day.

The experiences that make them feel confused and misunderstood. They’re being told to stop being “lazy” when in fact they wake up every day with zero energy, already being tired. Often, they feel like they live a life in someone else's body and are left “wallowing” in their own misery with no directions or help to solve their health issues.

But that ends today because Immune for Life sheds light on why over half of Americans walking around with a “ticking time bomb” inside, waiting for it to explode at any moment and hit them in the face with a life altering disease.

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What You'll Learn During the Immune For Life Docuseries

The Immune for Life documentary series gathers 34 of the world’s leading integrative natural medicine doctors, researchers and family physicians to reveal exactly what makes us sick, and how to improve our immunity to get healthy and stay healthy.

When you watch Immune for Life, you’ll discover:

  • Long forgotten, natural ways to help your body heal and reverse most diseases without any medications, invasive procedures, or surgeries. Yes, even cancer!
  • Simple strategies to tap into your body's infinite healing powers so you finally have unlimited energy, clear your brain fog, and stop “random” and “unexplainable” aches, pains and stiffness forever.
  • How to reverse The “Deadly Quartet” of Diseases: heart disease, high blood sugar, high cholesterol and autoimmune disease without feeding your body toxic cocktail of medication
  • The ultra-rare fat that cuts your risk of Alzheimers by 25%. Two studies with over 131,368 men and women prove eating this fat can really save your brain!
  • A simple “Ankle test” that beats most blood test at detecting the early signs of Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism
  • Shocking truths behind prescription medications. Find out if you’re one of the millions at risk of faster aging, liver failure, and cancer development
  • This “Crazy Amy” enzyme dials up your stress hormone causing you develop chronic fatigue and destroys your immune system
  • How this seemingly innocent and common childhood injury leads to inevitable Parkinson’s and Dementia 20, 30 or even 40 years later. Find out if you’re at risk and how to reverse the damage today without any medications
  • How scientists from Israel discovered a special type of natural chemical that’s found in every part of our cell and is used to treat ulcers naturally without any medications
  • A new, breakthrough research on common anti-inflammatory medication shows it actually might be the best anti-obesity drug instead

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Immune for Life Episode List & Topics

Episode 1: The Truth About Your Immunity And Our Broken Medical System

  • A strong immune system is good, right? Maybe not…Contrary to popular belief, a strong immune system can actually cause more chronic illnesses. Instead you want to have a different kind of immunity
  • The number one goal big medication companies are aiming for…sadly it has nothing to do with helping you get better
  • A simple lab test to ask your doctor about, which checks the state of your immune system. The best part? Insurance covers this!
  • Why Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Chron’s, Alzheimers are actually signs of dysfunctional immune system and how to treat them in a natural way without antibiotics
  • How a simple daily 10-minute activity slashes your chances of developing depression, diabetes, and boosts your energy within seconds
  • Did you know that allergies are a sign of an unstable immune system? Plus discover 5 more unusual symptoms your body could be experiencing right now

Episode 2: The Root Causes Of Everyday Diseases – Discover The Triggers for Cancer, Dementia, Autoimmune Disease, Diabetes and more

  • In this episode, you’ll discover why this M.D. issued an urgent health warning: if you take any of these common pills you need to stop right now
  • The ONE thing that makes smokers healthier than people with diabetes, cancer, and obesity combined
  • Learn about the 4 types of stress and how it can inhibit (and even STOP completely) your immune function
  • Learn about the 2 threatening GIANTS that people are facing as they age (Hint: One of them has to do with your emotions!)
  • How to know if your epigenetic expression is working in your favor or is killing you – what controls if your bad genes are on or off; what tests to do
  • 4 Sneaky ways toxins can get inside of our bodies and trigger development of cancer, dementia, diabetes and more (and what test you can do to discover unexplainable problems with your health)

Episode 3: Gut Health & How To Flip the “Bad Genes” Switch, Heal Your Body, and Reduce Gut Inflammation

  • All inflammation is bad, right? Wrong! Discover the difference between “good” and “bad” inflammation. And sleep soundly at night knowing that you have the answers, the tools, and proven methods to identify the earliest signs of any illness in you or your children…so you can reverse even the most chronic of diseases
  • Discover if your immunity may be compromised since birth (and why answering this question is critical for your health)
  • How stopping your leaky gut may not be enough to truly heal your body – what else you need to stop in order to fully restore your health
  • What signs to look for to detect food malabsorption and why this is critical for understanding and addressing weight gain
  • Discover what is a drug-induced nutrient depletion and what 25% of the US drugs do to your microbiome. (that may be linked to symptoms like rashes)

Episode 4: How to Protect Your Brain From Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Depression and Keep it Sharp No Matter Your Age

  • Discover the “Old” New Antidepressants with zero side effects. Ancient Eastern Medicine have been using them for thousands of years, yet they are banned in most Western countries
  • The real reason for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s has nothing to do with genetics but rather with a special type of acid that’s found in some fruits
  • Learn about a patient's story who recovered from Parkinson's disease by discovering and removing a specific environmental toxin
  • How your dental health can affect your brain health and what are the most common infections that can cause brain inflammation
  • How you can increase your healthy brain function by 11 years by adding one ingredient to your diet
  • How you can achieve a 90% reduction in your risk of Alzheimer regardless of your genetics

Episode 5: Solutions for Autoimmune Disease And How To Overcome Hashimoto’s, Lyme Disease, Chron’s and more

  • Discover the fastest growing infectious disease the medical community doesn’t talk about…yet it affects over 500,000 people all over the Western world every year and is linked to autoimmunity
  • What blood tests can help you understand how to cure your autoimmune diseases (including Hashimoto and others)
  • Learn what is the most effective immunotherapy to help you stop an autoimmune disease and become symptom-free
  • Learn about doctor's emotional story about recovering from MS and standing up from a wheelchair (using ground breaking physical therapy)
  • The 3 common types of foods patients with autoimmune disease should stop eating immediately if they want to reverse the disease
  • Why 20% of Lyme patients cannot be treated with antibiotics (due to resistance) and what you can do about that
  • How the medications you are taking for one sickness can be linked to inflammation that can trigger an autoimmune disease

Episode 6: How Your Immune System Dictates Your Chances of Developing Obesity & Diabetes

  • How this skeptical medical student went from taking 5 meds at 20 years old, being 21 pounds overweight and struggling with a yeast infection to slim, healthy and unmedicated in less than a month
  • Struggle with cravings? Discover the real reason why your body demands you reach out for sweets and chocolate…And how it has nothing to do with your willpower or even your genetics.
  • Cellulite is a harmless skin condition, right? Wrong! This doctor reveals the real cause of cellulite and a simplest thing you can do to get rid of it
  • How high levels of this fat storing hormones make your immune system weak and increase your chances of dying from cancer, diabetes and heart issues by 75%
  • When everything stops working (diet, exercise, lifestyle changes), how technology and lypmh nodes analysis can unblock new pathways for weight loss
  • Learn about why Type 2 diabetes in children is the new epidemic in America (even in kids with normal weight)

Episode 7: How to Overcome Cancer

  • What is the Warburg effect and how it led to one of the biggest misunderstandings about cancer.
  • How one of our featured doctors went from being diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer to being symptoms free in 4 months
  • How our immunity, specifically T reg cells, cleans up cancer stem cells (most dangerous cancer cells) and what vitamins you need to take to become cancer-immune
  • Bad genetics are to blame for cancer, right? Maybe not… Only 7% of cancer diagnosis comes from genetics. The rest 93% are caused by little-known three major triggers.
  • Find out how quantum physics can help with natural cancer treatment – and why a technology based on this has healed thousands of people
  • How a patient with double breast cancer extended her 3-month verdict to 13 years of life.

Episode 8: Heart Disease, Inflammation & Chronic Fatigue

  • What is environmental burden how it is linked to metaflammation, which can lead to osteoporosis & neuro-inflammation
  • What are different types of inflammation? What is low grade inflammation and how it can trigger a range of diseases.
  • The five major lifestyle causes/triggers of inflammation

Episode 9: Emotional Healing And Trauma

  • Discover the emotional toxins that are causing depression, cancer, brain fog and chronic fatigue
  • Why “getting older” is not a death sentence. Our medical experts share their favorite ways to live a long, healthy, happy and fulfilling life way into your 60s, 70s, and even 90s
  • What’s the easiest way to become immune for life? Just doing 5 minutes of this seemingly trivial daily activity bulletproofs your immune system for the next 24 hrs
  • How stuck emotions can flip the disease switch and cause cancer, depression, hashimoto's in you and your children
  • Learn how an 87-year old woman has a life altering event that heals all her ailments
  • What is psychoneuroimmunology and how it is related to chronic and neurodegenerative diseases

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How Immune For Life Can Help You Move Forward

“The pharmaceutical industry isn’t looking for cures, they’re looking for new customers.”

That’s what one of the world’s 35 most renowned health experts says in this uncensored groundbreaking new docuseries. And guess what? All 35 recorded their unfiltered opinion about Big Pharma and our medical system – why it’s broken, and what you should start doing to overcome chronic diseases and other serious health conditions you may be suffering from, such as:

  • Cancer
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Leaky gut
  • Neurocognitive decline
  • And many others

The good news is that it doesn't involve taking pills or doing surgeries. In fact – all 35 of the world’s top experts say that the future of well-being lies in our hands, and not solely in the hands of conventional medicine. Many of these doctors and experts have been on Dr. Oz, Good Morning America, and the Today Show.

These doctors have spent millions of their own money combined to carry out extensive studies, dispel myths about the system, and uncover prevention protocols, innovative treatments, and new natural methods for healing modern-day diseases by attacking the root cause behind them.

You’ll also see a glimpse of the thriving 98-year-old Ivan from Eastern Europe who has been disease-free for decades!

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How “Immune for Life” Helps You Feel Understood, Save Money, Get Healthier

Have you ever gone to a doctor to share your concerns about brain fog, chronic fatigue, or unexplainable aches and pains and be told things like:

  • “It’s all in your head.”
  • “It’s just a normal part of aging.”
  • “Your tests are all normal. You’re fine.”

…yet deep down in your gut you know something is off? Even though you’re not alone, your feelings are justified. In fact, 1 out of 5 Americans goes through this frustrating and humiliating experience every day.

Fortunately, it’s not all doom and gloom. There is a way to beat the system, take control of your health, and protect the health of your loved ones.

Just imagine how it would feel to be finally understood and and taken seriously when you share your real life experience with a REAL undiagnosed chronic illness.

Finally, feel in control of your health so you never have to face losing your identity, your freedom, your independence, and your life.

Just think about how it would feel knowing you have the best health insurance, but it’s not costing you a dime … Because your body is bulletproofing itself!

Or how about saving hundreds if not thousands on medical bills, and instead use this money to visit places you always wanted to go…

Or maybe put it away for retirement so you thrive during your “Golden Years” and live stress free.

With each episode of this groundbreaking documentary series you’ll feel that it’s possible to be in complete control of your health and how fast you age…

You’ll see real life examples that prove a simple fact of aging:

Your genetics don’t dictate how long you live, how fast you age, and whether or not you’ll lose your identity, your freedom, your memory and your life.

Because there is a real culprit that’s causing the pain, the aches, the fatigue…

But the best news?

Once you uncover the real truth, you’ll know the exact ways to reverse anything from Cancer, Autoimmune Disease, Dementia to Obesity & Diabetes, Gut and Heart Disease…

And finally experience the joy of living, have endless amounts of energy, break free from dependence on medications, and forget about aches, pains and fatigue forever.

Plus you can once and for all sleep soundly at night knowing that you did everything in your control and power to protect yourself and your loved ones from any new life wrecking infections like the recent pandemic.

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The Immune for Life Docuseries Sheds Light On What Makes People Sick

The truth is there is something else that makes millions of Westerners sick and it has nothing to do with bad genetics or aging. In fact, it’s the key reason why over half of the U.S population:

  • Struggle to drop unwanted pounds, even when they follow the most restrictive diets and spend hours at the gym…
  • Fight constant brain fog and fuzziness and are forced to rely on toxic medications just so they can focus on daily tasks
  • Develop allergies that just a few decades ago were unheard of
  • Experience uncomfortable heartburn, embarrassing gas, loud burping, bloating and constipation after almost every meal
  • Battle anxiety and depression on a daily basis, losing hope and faith they’ll ever get better without addictive medications
  • Can’t sleep through the night without relying on supplements or sleeping pills that leave them drowsy and exhausted the next day

Unfortunately, doctors are only taught how to treat symptoms of modern day diseases. That's why well-meaning doctors often will tell you to come back to see them when your symptoms get worse or the current medication stops working.

But the truth is, there are safe, side-effect free, natural treatments available to every person.

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Exploring The Relationship Between Cancer and Immunity

It sounds absurd to say that cancer stem cells are like fat cells, yet the fascinating truth is that they can act in a very similar way.

See, when you lose a few extra pounds, your fat cells don’t actually disappear. They simply shrink in size, lingering in tissues ready to swell again with excess energy if given the chance. This is why future weight gain remains just as likely if not even more.

Now this isn’t groundbreaking but the similarity with cancer stem cells is uncanny. You see, conventional treatments don’t really do anything to cancer stem cells. They don’t truly make them go away, and quite often, they only make them “angrier.”

It’s a very complicated process but that’s the reason why early-stage cancer can come back with vengeance after being dealt with because the cells are still there (just like our fat cells when we lost weight). Often this comeback is stage 4 where you hear doctors say: “Sorry, but there’s nothing we can do.”

Contrary to popular belief, one of the world’s 35 leading doctors and health experts featured in Immune for Life says cancer is not actually trying to kill you. Why? Because cancer stem cells are super weak and can’t even function properly.

We need to realize that cancer is not this invading enemy that we have to attack, kill, and destroy. Experts say that when we focus on two key factors, we can sometimes stop the spread of cancer, and in some cases, even reverse it.

During Immune for Life, you'll learn about:

  • These two factors
  • Common misconceptions about why cancer happens
  • How pharma-grade pills expose you to more damage than you might think
  • And the obvious-but-not-so-popular ways to look after yourself if you want to potentially prevent, treat, or even reverse cancer.

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Exploring the Relationship Between Immunity and Alzheimer's Disease

If you, or any close family member, have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or dementia, you might feel like you're out of hope, that your life (or theirs) is slipping away, and that every day it's getting worse.

It is terrifying when it becomes harder to remember your children, your spouse, and all of the memories that you’ve made over your long life.

Sadly, most doctors aren’t any help at all and they often make things worse by feeding you limiting beliefs such as: “There’s nothing that we can do.”

Those are some of the most destructive words that any doctor can tell you because even if you’re over 70 with full Alzheimer’s, a breakthrough in the way that we understand and treat Alzheimer’s is changing everything.

This isn't to say that we can completely reverse all symptoms of Alzheimer’s. We're simply not there yet with technology and health care advances. What we can do is slow it or possibly even prevent it from happening in the first place.

This is even more important when we look at the progression of brain conditions like dementia. They can start to form as early as the ripe age of 40. Noticeable symptoms (such as short attention span, hallucination, inability to form sentences, etc.) typically only show up after 65.

The thing to understand is this:

As you age, it is possible to have hope, a better quality of life, a healthy mind and body, and a rock solid memory like an elephant.

While it might take 10-15 years for these Alzheimer’s Breakthroughs to reach the mainstream, you can skip the wait and see what today's leading alternative doctors and experts have to say.

Immune For Life features many of the world’s leading integrative medicine doctors, researchers, and family physicians who reveal the safe, side-effect-free, natural treatments for all kinds of brain conditions available to every American.

They’re tired of conventional medicine’s limitations (or even worse, outright lies) that tell us Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other brain conditions are “inevitable” parts of aging.

The thing is, according to these experts, cognitive decline has nothing to do with neither the above, nor “bad genes” as you could’ve been led to believe. Instead, it’s all about how we approach our health.

That’s why these medical specialists came together to finally reveal how to protect, improve, and even restore the brain from any damage caused by a brain health condition.

Better yet:

Regenerating your brain and flushing out all the “toxins” out of it can be done without any doctor visits or drugs filled with side effects.

One of them even says a disease like Alzheimer’s can be outright prevented in 90% of the cases if we just apply a few tweaks to our environment and lifestyle.

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Exploring the Relationship Between Autoimmune Disease and Immunity

“I have secondary progressive Multiple Sclerosis… and that has transformed my life.”

These are the words by Dr Terry Wahls, a Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Iowa, during this viral event. 20 years ago, the neurologist told her: “Terry, this could be bad. Really, really bad.”

That same night, Terry was laying in bed, thinking: “I pray it’s a fatal diagnosis.”

Fortunately, it was not. Because she went back to basic science and started experimenting on her own, eventually leading herself to a NEW life where she’s stronger and can enjoy leisure activities again, such as biking with her 2 children.

“The understanding of modern medicine is incomplete,” Terry says. She wonders how much recovery for other people we’re missing out on, and she shares that her experience has changed:

  • How she thinks about disease and health
  • How she practices medicine
  • And the focus of her whole clinical research

The good news is, this is just the beginning. During Immune For Life, you'll learn how many autoimmune conditions can be reversed, what Terry did to heal her MS, and so much more!

Because it wasn’t just Terry. During this free docuseries, you'll learn the hidden truth about how to correctly identify the factors underneath autoimmune conditions and the step-by-step protocols for recovering from any such diagnosis like:

  • Hashimoto’s
  • MS
  • Lyme
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Crohn's Disease
  • And many others

Further, scientists recently discovered 3 triggers that are the root cause behind autoimmune disorders. When you flip these triggers on, they’ll lead to terrible autoimmune diseases. When you switch them off it becomes possible for you to shut these autoimmune disorders down and/or at least make them more manageable.

You'll learn all of that, and more, when you watch the Immune for Life Documentary Series.

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Exploring The Relationship Between Cardiovascular Disease and Immunity

Every 36 seconds someone in the US dies from a cardiovascular disease. This is nearly 660,000 people that will die in just 2022. All while our government spends 363 BILLION per year trying to control it and their efforts are constantly proving to be futile.

Dr. Kelly McCann says in a private recording that this happens because we’re ignoring an underlying pathway that opens the door far and wide to all heart-related risks. She also shares that most people take action to improve their health not to prevent diseases but because they are already dealing with one.

Fortunately, hope is not lost because there are simple daily choices we can all make to help safeguard from any potential heart-related disease. In fact, some of it we can even reverse, if we were late preventing them.

Dr. Kelly and other speakers in the Immune for Life docuseries unveil why it is that conventional doctors overlook many of the signs that are key “pointers” revealing a person’s heart risk status. Then, they go several layers deep into how we all can practically never encounter heart issues if we do certain everyday actions that can extend our lifespan by 2, 3, or even as many as 4 decades!

Some of these speakers even go on to make a radical claim that “90% of cases of heart disease are preventable” and that when you take the right steps, even if you have fully developed heart disease, it’s possible to lower your triglycerides, blood pressure, and even sometimes completely reverse heart disease.

They've helped people do it. Now they want to help you and your loved ones do it as well.

Exploring the Relationship Between Gut Health and Immunity

During Immune for Life, you'll also hear a bombshell confession about pharmaceutical companies’ role in drug-induced nutrient deficiency. James LaValle, who is an internationally recognized clinical pharmacist, author and a board-certified clinical nutritionist, thinks that until a major side effect emerges, the public will never find out that pills can deplete us from essential nutrients. That’s because it’s not necessary for drug companies to do studies on nutrient depletion as the FDA simply does not require it.

Take for example Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) that people take to block acid production. PPIs also block the absorption of magnesium, calcium, vitamins B12 and D, some iron, and protein. So when you deplete your body of all these essential nutrients, it goes into complete “haywire mode.”

The thing is, when one of the gut’s functions is blocked, it has a compound effect that can lead to many diseases and conditions, affecting other systems of our body (like the immune system).

What you should also know is that all of the featured speakers in Immune For Life hold the opinion that gut health is strongly linked to the choices we make with our lifestyle and environment.

That is good news because we can make choices that limit our exposure to external threats. Even if you can’t completely stay away from them due to life’s responsibilities and happenings, you'll learn how to further “bulletproof” your gut and overall health.

You'll learn everything from how many diseases hide in the gut, through what is the role of digestive health in our immunity, to what to do to maintain optimal gut health.

You may think that your fatigue, gray hair, brittle nails, weight gain, and other health issues are a part of you getting older, yet the real cause behind these problems could also be disrupting your hormones, aging your skin, and making it impossible for you to lose weight.

When you learn how to fix your gut, you'll not only improve your health, you'll also benefit from increased energy, a stronger immune system, and greater vitality. the secret to unlimited energy, an unstoppable immune system, and endless vitality.

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The Relationship Between Obesity, Diabetes, and Immune Health

1 out of 3 Westerners is overweight, and it’s not because they’re lazy or don’t go to the gym. It’s because of a wild “miscommunication” happening inside the body. That's why those few extra pounds refuse to go away.

When we become overweight – even if not necessarily obese – we get close to type 2 diabetes (or straight out develop it), our glucose levels skyrocket, and in turn they interfere with the immune system which gets hindered and affects our whole body.

The “wild miscommunication” within the body that was mentioned above happens due to the immune system’s weakened function from the body being obese, all while exposing us to other diseases, and preventing us from losing a few inches off our waistline.

That’s why overweight people are classified as a vulnerable group, especially during epidemics. Their immune system is in havoc because of the extra weight they carry. Sadly it’s become so mainstream that many conventional doctors quite often do not factor all of this in when prescribing treatments for those patients’ other health diseases… which can be everything – from “just” another diabetes case, through bad kidney function, to risk of cardiovascular death.

Because of this, one of the Immune for Life speakers, Dr. Gordon Crozier, believes we need to fix this “miscommunication” happening in the body to start shedding the extra fat today simply by awakening our immunity.

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Immune for Life Documentary Series Speaker List

Brian Vaszily, Joel Fuhrman, Austin Perlmutter, David Perlmutter, Afrouz Demeri, Christy Wise, Ocean Robbins, Paul Anderson, Matt Cook, Michael Murray, Nathan Crane, Heather Sandison, Ron Rosedale, Kent Holtorf, Elena Villanueva, Gerald Natske, Keesha Ewers, Gordon Crozier, William Pawlik, Barry Smeltzer, Kevin Conners, Kien Vuu, Sam Sunshine, Terry Wahls, Melissa Gallagher, James LaValle, Kelly McCann, Darrin Ingels, Jorge L. Moreno, Ty Vincent, Eric Gordon, Erin Lommen, Kellee Rutley, Jessica Tran

About Your Host – Stefan Apostolov

Stefan ApostolovStefan Apostolov is a lifestyle coach and award-winning filmmaker specializing in highly impactful video content.

He is also the director and producer of the Academy Awards qualifying short film “Life in Four Seasons.”

Throughout his life, Stefan focused on building healthy habits and adopting a good nutrition and exercise regime.

Through Zonia, he wants to inspire more people to change their life, and help them reach their highest potential, both physically and mentally.

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The post Immune for Life Docuseries – Get Health & Stay Healthy appeared first on Spiritual Growth Events.

NOW IT’S PERSONAL: The Ultimate Healthy Aging & Longevity Summit Fri, 07 Jan 2022 08:32:50 +0000 Anti-Aging Now It's Personal Summit 2022 We’ve been living through some challenging times, to say the least. It's easy to forget about that “best medicine,” laughter and joy. If you want to experience plenty of laughter and joy… …and if you’re determined to think clearly, move freely, feel energetic and productive, and live life on your terms now and for years to come… …you won't want to miss this life-changing health event. Be empowered with the most effective steps to avoid and overcome disease, live long, and thrive. =================================== ↘️ Register Here For Free ↙️ =================================== What You'll Learn During the “Now It's Personal” Anti-Aging Summit 2022 During the “Now It's Personal: The Ultimate Healthy Aging & Longevity Summit,” you will discover proven most effective steps of all you must take to look and feel your best, avoid and overcome disease, and live long and well. For the first time, 21 world-renowned doctors and researchers will each open their private doors to reveal the nonnegotiable — what they personally make 100% sure to DO to live long and live well. This includes: The legendary nutrition leader whose 9 bestsellers have sold over 3 million copies and who is the subject of the major PBS documentary, Diet for a New America A pioneering giant in natural health who founded the nation’s first institution teaching science-based natural medicine and was appointed by two U.S. Presidents to top positions A leading expert in the fast-emerging field of holistic home design (designing YOUR HOME for peak health & longevity) The celebrated herbalist, biologist, and TV celebrity who, through natural approaches, has thrived while having an autoimmune disease The distinguished Harvard Medical School teacher, mindfulness & biofeedback pioneer, and clinical psychologist who’s led training for the Army, Navy, and famous cultural institutions The world-renowned neurologist and neuroscientist MD (and frequent Dr....

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The post NOW IT’S PERSONAL: The Ultimate Healthy Aging & Longevity Summit appeared first on Spiritual Growth Events.

We’ve been living through some challenging times, to say the least.

It's easy to forget about that “best medicine,” laughter and joy.

If you want to experience plenty of laughter and joy…

…and if you’re determined to think clearly, move freely, feel energetic and productive, and live life on your terms now and for years to come…

…you won't want to miss this life-changing health event. Be empowered with the most effective steps to avoid and overcome disease, live long, and thrive.

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What You'll Learn During the “Now It's Personal” Anti-Aging Summit 2022

During the “Now It's Personal: The Ultimate Healthy Aging & Longevity Summit,” you will discover proven most effective steps of all you must take to look and feel your best, avoid and overcome disease, and live long and well.

For the first time, 21 world-renowned doctors and researchers will each open their private doors to reveal the nonnegotiable — what they personally make 100% sure to DO to live long and live well.

This includes:

  • The legendary nutrition leader whose 9 bestsellers have sold over 3 million copies and who is the subject of the major PBS documentary, Diet for a New America
  • A pioneering giant in natural health who founded the nation’s first institution teaching science-based natural medicine and was appointed by two U.S. Presidents to top positions
  • A leading expert in the fast-emerging field of holistic home design (designing YOUR HOME for peak health & longevity)
  • The celebrated herbalist, biologist, and TV celebrity who, through natural approaches, has thrived while having an autoimmune disease
  • The distinguished Harvard Medical School teacher, mindfulness & biofeedback pioneer, and clinical psychologist who’s led training for the Army, Navy, and famous cultural institutions
  • The world-renowned neurologist and neuroscientist MD (and frequent Dr. Oz guest) who’s also a top practitioner in Ayurvedic medicine and who is changing healthcare as we know it
  • And 15 other luminaries who are truly at “the top of the class” in their respective fields

↘️ Register Here For Free ↙️

Now, It’s Personal is hosted by widely respected natural health advocate Brian Vaszily, who’s been a researcher now for over 20 years.

Happy Older CoupleBrian is on a much-needed mission to help those in their “middle-years” and “golden years” bypass all the negative myths about getting older out there…

…and to instead be empowered with the most effective steps to avoid and overcome disease, live long, and thrive.

And it’s aptly called “Now, It’s Personal” because– for the first time — Brian Vaszily is challenging 21 world-renowned doctors and researchers to reveal no less than…

THE top health secrets from their specific areas of expertise that are so powerful – that have been proven so effective – that they make certain to personally take those steps themselves.

You most certainly have NOT heard many of these true “insider secrets” before.

However, you certainly need and deserve to know them!

Who The “Now It's Personal” Anti-Aging Summit Is For

  • You believe that nature is far smarter than any pharmaceutical, cosmetic, or food company, or any government backing those companies
  • Chemicals, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, and GMOs are not your cup of tea (what an awful cup of tea that would be!)
  • Freedom from heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, gut issues and other disease sounds like a very good plan
  • You know there’s got to be a more effective solution for wrinkles, sagging skin, and age spots than smearing some chemical-filled cream on your face, neck, and hands
  • Yes, you’ll gladly welcome routinely greater energy and more upbeat moods
  • You care about other people, too… and animals, and our entire planet for that matter
  • You agree that no one should live in fear, guilt, or anxiety about getting older
  • You’d like a world where, when your children and grandchildren hit their “middle years” and beyond, the destructive aging myths are long gone
  • You don’t mind a few laughs, and maybe a few tears, along the path to profound learning
  • You would indeed love your best life to start NOW.

↘️ Register Here For Free ↙️

Speaker Topics for the “Now It's Personal”  Healthy Aging and Longevity Summit 2022

  • Revolutionary new science that reveals the little-known vital sign in your body you must track. Most people’s levels are SKY-HIGH and research now shows it's directly linked to Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes, and heart attacks.
  • The surprising TOP indicator of your gut and immunity health and by far the most effective way to help it (that 95% of all people are not yet taking!)
  • The proven MOST essential longevity step of all that even Jesus, Buddha, and Muhammad all taught.
  • One fundamental activity most people do WRONG today and pay dearly for in terms of stress and inflammation – and the easy way to fix it.
  • A pioneering natural health giant’s startling new finding, uncovered after 50 years of medical research, of what today’s #1 WORST health problem really is (not poor diet, sleep, or exercise) — and why it’s the silent #1 cause of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
  • The ultimate anti-viral foods from a legendary MD.
  • The 5 essential keys to avoid and overcome pain, stiffness, frailty, “old person posture,” arthritis, and losing your freedom of movement.
  • The ultra-effective yet widely unknown 3-herb “cocktail” proven to help prevent brain decline, reset your gut, combat anxiety and depression, ease menopause and perimenopause, and even improve your skin.
  • The one type of nourishment you can’t ignore (though far too many do) because it’s linked to a 50% increased chance of longevity.
  • The woefully underused superfood that’s nature’s closest true “CURE-ALL” (anti-inflammation, anti-viral, anti-cancer, anti-depression, pro-brain-health).
  • The possibly “RISKY ACTIVITY” you must engage in more for your immune health.
  • The easy plant-based bedtime ritual for your most restorative sleep.
  • The #1 thing you must NOT eat to avoid cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, anxiety, and other top diseases (86% eat it nonetheless because they’re unaware).
  • The two key steps you must take that reduce your breast cancer risk by 50%.
  • The top changes you must make in YOUR HOME – color, lighting, clutter, sound, and beyond – for maximum health & longevity. You spend 2/3 of your life there and these design changes have a high impact on your health and are very easy!
  • What you need to know about orgasms & longevity if you’re 40+
  • How NOT to be “your own worst enemy” when it comes to your health and happiness — from a legendary health & nutrition leader and subject of the major PBS documentary, Diet for a New America.

↘️ Register Here For Free ↙️

About Your Summit Host – Brian Vaszily

Brian Vaszily HeadshotBrian Vaszily is the founder of the mission-oriented organization for those in their “middle-years” and “golden years,” The Art of Anti-Aging, with over 400,000 members.

For over 20 years, he’s been immersed in natural health and personal development research. He’s worked closely with many top doctors, researchers, and natural health organizations, helping many to become household names.

However, earlier in his life, Brian (who is now 51) faced many serious challenges, such as abuse as a child from an alcoholic father, being “dirt-poor” as a young man raising his own first child, and anxiety and depression issues.

Brian Vaszily's Mission for “The Art of Anti-Aging”

He credits powerful women — such as his mother, sister, and certain teachers — with “saving my life, and helping me thrive today,” and they are the inspiration behind The Art of Anti-Aging’s mission to:

  • Help people bypass the toxic “solutions” and destructive myths about getting older that equate it with being “over the hill” and being undesirable, incapable, and doomed to suffering and disease – especially women, who are hurt most by these myths.
  • Empower people with all the proven – and often FAR too little-known – most effective non-drug, non-surgery steps to look and feel their best, avoid and overcome disease, and live long and well.

↘️ Register Here For Free ↙️

🎁 You'll Also Get Several Free Bonuses! 🎁

When you register, you'll get access to several free ebooks and guides to help you put into action what you learn during the masterclass. Here's the first one you can look forward to…

Gift #1: NATURE’S DETOX SUPERFOODS: The 25 Top Foods & Spices to Detoxify Your Body

Natures Detox Superfoods eBookResearch overwhelmingly confirms that we are on toxic overload today, with synthetical chemicals bombarding our bodies through foods, water, air, cosmetics, and more.

Research also overwhelmingly confirms that this toxic overload is a key cause – many experts now say THE key cause – of today’s most widespread and serious diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart disease, and a range of hormonal issues.

That’s why it is vitally important that you eat more of the foods that naturally help you detoxify your body…

…And in this clear and concise new report, you’re about to discover nature’s most potent fruits, veggies, herbs, and spices of all when it comes to detoxifying your liver, kidneys, gut, lymphatic system, lungs, skin and more!

You’ll also appreciate the “Best Way to Eat” guidance provided for each of the top 25 natural detox foods in this must-read new guide that is yours FREE right now.

🌟 Even if you can’t attend live… 🌟

Register now because each day's talks will be available for brief replay period.

Affiliate Disclosure: We are grateful to be of service and bring you these life-changing events free of charge. In order to do this, please note that whenever you click the links and purchase items, in most (not all) cases we will receive a referral commission.

Your support in purchasing through these links makes it possible for people in over 150 countries globally to attend these live-changing events for free. Thank you! 🙂

The post NOW IT’S PERSONAL: The Ultimate Healthy Aging & Longevity Summit appeared first on Spiritual Growth Events.

From Love to Baby Summit 2022: Fertility, Pregnancy And Childbirth Conference Wed, 26 May 2021 18:39:05 +0000 From Love to Baby 2021: Fertility, Pregnancy And Childbirth Summit For millennia women have conceived and given birth without much intervention or thought but in just a few generations things have changed drastically… C-Section rates have exploded (in some hospitals over 60%), infertility affects one in eight couples, postpartum depression affects over 50%… It seems like a completely natural process has been taken over by medical procedures, tests and greed… But it doesn’t have to be that way! There is a growing movement of doctors, midwives and mothers who are on a mission to put the power back into your hands without jeopardizing your safety or wellbeing (quite the contrary!). That’s what you'll get access to during the upcoming From Love To Baby Summit where you'll learn from 26 of the world’s leading fertility, pregnancy and birthing experts first hand. =================================== ↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️ =================================== What makes this event so special is the depth and width of topics that are covered and each of the 9 days covers a different stage of the journey. From optimizing fertility, fertility blocks, nutrition, preventing and dealing with pregnancy complications, preparing for a positive birth, busting the most common myths to surviving postpartum – no stone is left unturned and you’ll walk away with all the puzzle pieces in place. So whether you’re in your: 20s and wonder how to plan life or career with a pregnancy 30s and worry about your biological clock ticking 40s and wonder if it's still safe to bear a child Or maybe you simply want to be up to date on the latest insights on nutrition, hormones, toxins, mindset, pregnancy and womens’ health… This event is for you and you can watch it all, free of charge. And even if pregnancy isn’t on your mind at the moment, this event is for every...

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The post From Love to Baby Summit 2022: Fertility, Pregnancy And Childbirth Conference appeared first on Spiritual Growth Events.

For millennia women have conceived and given birth without much intervention or thought but in just a few generations things have changed drastically…

C-Section rates have exploded (in some hospitals over 60%), infertility affects one in eight couples, postpartum depression affects over 50%…

It seems like a completely natural process has been taken over by medical procedures, tests and greed…

But it doesn’t have to be that way!

There is a growing movement of doctors, midwives and mothers who are on a mission to put the power back into your hands without jeopardizing your safety or wellbeing (quite the contrary!).

That’s what you'll get access to during the upcoming From Love To Baby Summit where you'll learn from 26 of the world’s leading fertility, pregnancy and birthing experts first hand.

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

What makes this event so special is the depth and width of topics that are covered and each of the 9 days covers a different stage of the journey.

From optimizing fertility, fertility blocks, nutrition, preventing and dealing with pregnancy complications, preparing for a positive birth, busting the most common myths to surviving postpartum – no stone is left unturned and you’ll walk away with all the puzzle pieces in place.

So whether you’re in your:

  • 20s and wonder how to plan life or career with a pregnancy
  • 30s and worry about your biological clock ticking
  • 40s and wonder if it's still safe to bear a child

Or maybe you simply want to be up to date on the latest insights on nutrition, hormones, toxins, mindset, pregnancy and womens’ health…

This event is for you and you can watch it all, free of charge.

And even if pregnancy isn’t on your mind at the moment, this event is for every woman who wants to feel empowered and make informed decisions about their health and pregnancy – whether that’s today or down the line.

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Get Pregnancy Help From Three Integrated Perspectives

1. Science: Discover proven strategies

In many cases conception, pregnancy and birth has gone from a natural process to a medical procedure where the doctor is in charge…

Some hospitals have C-Section rates of 60%, 7 out of 10 pregnant women get pain medication, fertility treatments and formula sales are at an all time high…

But latest research and insights show that following the natural way of doing things has incredible benefits and often medical interventions can be prevented.

During this summit you'll learn first hand from the leading experts and once you know how, this becomes an empowering journey.

2. Practical Tips: Gain clarity & take action

Many fertility issues and pregnancy complications arise from matters within your control – which means you can also prevent them!

Because this is so important, we don't shy away from the tough questions and you'll learn from experts who've been helping women hands on for decades.

It's that clarity paired with practical tips that will allow you to take action right away regardless of where you're currently at in your journey.

3. Inspiration: Feel inspired & supported

If you're looking for a natural pregnancy and birth, it can feel as though you're all alone. But you're not!

When you join this event you'll connect with an amazing, loving community.

Plus, you'll learn from some incredible success stories first hand including multiple women who became first-time moms in their forties. They'll share how they have implemented the strategies from the summit so you can do the same!

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Get Answers About Fertility

Approximately one in eight couples are affected by infertility in the United States. That’s about 6.7 million people each year who have trouble conceiving…

It’s heartbreaking to see dreams of families being shattered and maybe you know someone who’s in the same boat?

It’s reason enough to skip birthday parties and family gatherings to avoid those nagging questions…

So what’s causing this and what can you do?

Those are the exact questions you’ll get answers to on the From Love To Baby Summit.

This free online event was created by a couple nearing their forties who were turned off by all the fear-mongering and refused to believe that they had missed their chance…

The fact is: Fear sells and egg freezing companies and fertility treatment clinics are laughing on their way to the bank without addressing the root cause…

Latest research shows that the causes of fertility challenges are often linked to diet and lifestyle more so than your age or genes…

Stress for example is one of the causes of fertility challenges. Research has found that mental stress leads to oxidative stress which can harm your eggs, plus it affects your hormones and libido.

But that’s just one layer and when you join From Love to Baby Summit (it’s free!) you’ll learn everything you need for optimal fertility even if you’re above 35 years old, and even if you only want to be up to date on the latest insights on nutrition, hormones, toxins, mindset, pregnancy and womens’ health…

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Aging And Pregnancy

If you’re above 35 years old and wonder about your biological clock ticking, you’re not alone!

In fact, we often hear statistics that women’s fertility rates plummet when they hit 35. But did you know that this dreaded number is based on records from France in the 1700s when the average age expectancy was less than 30 years and health and hygiene standards were awful?

Age is NOT the most important factor of fertility and you have more control than you might imagine.

Unfortunately fertility and pregnancy are big business and often it seems to be driven by fear…

“Fertility is a gift with an expiration date”, “Freeze them, or lose them”, “Being healthy is not a sign of being fertile”…

Chances are you’ve come across messages like these and it can be scary – especially if you hear of other couples struggling to conceive…

To find answers outside of the hype of mainstream media and money-grabbing companies, my friends Rozana and Tobi created a remarkable interview series with the world’s leading experts.

You’ll learn about all the hidden fertility blocks, discover the latest strategies, how to pinpoint your fertility window and so much more…

And that’s just the start.

Over 9 days you’ll learn everything you need to know about a healthy pregnancy, an empowering birth experience and surviving postpartum.

And if you are worried about your age, you’ll love hearing from these speakers:

  • Bettina Gordon Wayne, first time mom at 44years old
  • Susan Levin, first time mom at 43years old
  • Kylie, first time mom at 41years old despite having endometriosis
  • Marisa Peer, who got pregnant despite being diagnosed with unexplained fertility
    and many others.

This is going to be an eye-opening, powerful event for all women and couples regardless of whether you’re trying to conceive, are pregnant or don’t want to ruin your chances down the line.

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Managing Pregnancy Hormones

Morning sickness, backaches, forgetfulness. These are just some of the common pregnancy ailments.

But why?

Today we know that how you feel during pregnancy depends largely on your pregnancy hormones. We also know that your pregnancy hormones are not pre-determined by your genes, age or environment.

The tricky thing with pregnancy discomforts is that often the symptoms alone don’t tell the full picture.

No symptom can tell you whether you have a healthy pregnancy, capable of birthing a child or if your baby in your belly is doing well…

But all these things matter!

That’s why From Love To Baby Summit covers both the science as well as the practical aspects of a healthy pregnancy and empowering birth experience.

Here’s just a glimpse of what you’re going to discover:

  • What are cravings and how to deal with them?
  • The science behind morning sickness (and how to prevent it)
  • Busting the myth of exercise and pregnancy
  • Eliminating backaches during pregnancy
  • What drives your hormones (everything on nutrition, mindset and more)
  • Dealing with overwhelm and anxiety

And so much more like preparing for birth, involving your partner, finding a doula.

If you’re ready to enjoy your pregnancy (or even if you’re not pregnant at the moment), this event is for every woman who wants to feel empowered and make informed decisions about their health and pregnancy – whether that’s today or down the line.

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Post-Partum & Breastfeeding Support

Many moms-to-be worry about the first few days/weeks with their newborn especially because it can get quite lonely after all the buzz surrounding birth…

So you’re home alone with a newborn – what do you do?

  • How do you overcome breastfeeding challenges?
  • How do you make it through the baby blues?
  • How do you embrace your new body?
  • Will you ever get your body back?

Believe it or not, this event also covers that with a diverse group of world-class pelvic floor experts, childbirth educators, midwives, psychologists and postpartum doulas to share with you their strategies for early motherhood. And you're invited!

During this free pregnancy & childbirth summit, you'll learn:

  • How to bond with your baby before and after birth (that’s the best part!)
  • Does breast size matter when it comes to breastfeeding?
  • How to increase your breast milk production
  • How to know if your baby is getting enough milk (and when to use formula)
  • Practical tips for caring for a newborn: burping techniques, getting a good latch and sleep * arrangements
  • Learning to say yes to help (it takes a village to raise a child)
  • Tips in selecting a doula
  • How to prevent postnatal depression
  • When to resume exercise and other activities after birth (and what to avoid)
  • Leaking and pain – what is normal and what can you do about it
  • Breathing and its intimate connection with the pelvic floor
  • Core exercises to avoid in postpartum
  • How to be comfortable and confident in your new body

Over 9 days you’ll learn not just about strategies for new moms, you’ll learn about everything from fertility, to pregnancy, birth and enjoying the first days and weeks with your baby!

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

The Big Business Of Pregnancy And Childbirth

Something is terribly wrong because your pregnancy, birth and child have become big business.

Consider this:

  • Despite its hype and egg-freezing parties in swanky hotels, NHS reports that only 29% of IVF treatments for women under 35 resulted in a live birth (so they sell you more and more cycles resulting in a $40 billion market)
  • The media have us believe that your chances to conceive plummet after 35 (you’ll learn otherwise during the summit)
  • Hollywood implanted a traumatic picture of birth in our heads while ancient wisdom tells a totally different story
  • The C-Section rate is as high as 60% in some US hospitals (it was only 4.5% in 1965)
  • While all these interventions are sold as “in the mom’s best interest”, 1 in 7 women suffer from postpartum depression and up to 80% report to have the “baby blues” (you’ll learn how to prevent this)
  • Infant Formula with questionable ingredients is expected to reach $110.26 billion by 2026 to the detriment of mom and child

If you’re a parent or hopeful parent, chances are you’ve been confronted with all of this… And it makes you wonder: “Has my body failed me?”

Mom of three, Jane Weideman once said: “Giving birth should be your greatest achievement not your greatest fear”

And together with all of our 25 speakers on this summit, we believe you deserve nothing less than that.

We believe that you deserve to feel empowered, confident and full of joy to bring new life into this world.

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

From Love To Baby – Summit Schedule

The summit is segmented into 8 different focus topics, one for each part of the journey to and after childbirth.

  1. Conceiving Naturally: What helps, what doesn’t?
  2. Removing hidden fertility blocks (even if you’re over 35)
  3. Best Foods to Eat To Get And Stay Pregnant
  4. Protocols for a healthy and low-risk pregnancy
  5. Enjoying your pregnancy (and why it matters)
  6. Getting ready for the big day
  7. Positive birth experience
  8. Welcoming your baby and postpartum care
  9. Summit Finale: Key takeaways and lessons learned.

Below, you can get details about what exactly will be covered in each of the focus topics.

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Focus 1: Conceiving Naturally: What helps, what doesn’t?

Did you know that one in eight women can’t become or stay pregnant? In fact, more and more people are freezing their eggs for fear of time running out. But is this really necessary? Are there better ways that are far less costly and more empowering?

Here's just a glimpse of what you'll learn:

  • Debunking the myth of low ovarian reserve (and how much does your age really matter?)
  • Seven ways to improve the quality of your eggs (did you know that each egg undergoes a major transformation just months before ovulation
  • The relationship between your thyroid and fertility (up to 60% of those with thyroid disease aren’t aware of it)
  • When to conceive: Signs that you are in your most fertile period (this one gets naughty)
  • The untold truth about using birth control pills in regulating periods
  • What causes period pain and why is the cervical mucus so important?
  • What is the best sex position to get pregnant
  • PCOS, auto-immune conditions, hormones and other factors causing infertility
  • Acupuncture and other supporting modalities for fertility
  • What to do before considering IVF

Speakers for Focus 1: Dr. Marc Sklar, Lisa Hendrickson-Jack, and Aimee Raupp, MS, LAc

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Focus 2: Removing hidden fertility blocks (even if you’re over 35)

We started family planning nearing our 40s and wondered: Is it too late? Is it safe? Little did we know that our thoughts, emotions and even little things we do unconsciously every day could be keeping us from getting pregnant.

Here's just a glimpse of what you'll learn:

  • The untold truth behind the scary statistics on fertility for women above 35
  • Body-mind connection: How our thoughts influence our mind, body and chances to conceive
  • Understanding unexplained fertility and how your subconscious can impact your hormones
  • The link between toxins and hormonal health (did you know there are 150 million chemical substances and that many disrupt our hormones?)
  • Effects of BPA and Phthalates on fertility – and what it means in practical terms
  • Easy step by step preconception detox to maximize your fertility (the most important step may surprise you!)
  • PCOS: the most common culprit for fertility challenges (and what you can do about it)
  • What you should do first before considering expensive IVF treatments (with lower risks and higher success rates too!)
  • Getting pregnant at 40+ and the benefits of having children when the time is right (instead of rushing into it)
  • Personal care products to avoid at all costs (and how our skin works)

Speakers for Focus 2: Dr. Vivian Chen, Marisa Peer, Dr. Stephanie Berg, Bettina Gordon-Wayne

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Focus 3: Best Foods to Eat To Get And Stay Pregnant

Confused with what to eat for and during pregnancy? Seems like everyone has their own opinion. From supplements, wine, coffee, sushi to eating exclusively organic? Find out what is safe and actually needed for both mom and baby.

Here's just a glimpse of what you'll learn:

  • 5 trimester approach to pregnancy (what you consume before and after pregnancy matters)
  • How to fulfill your nutritional needs per trimester (calories and nutrient content)
  • The critical difference between folic acid and folate (used for your baby’s neuro tubes, blood production and more)
  • What to look out for in a prenatal vitamin (including the importance and clean sources of DHA & EPA)
  • The effects of getting too many minerals from supplements (yes, you can overdose too)
  • Optimal calcium and iron intake for pregnant women and recommended sources
  • Caloric requirement by trimester (it may be less than you think you need) and the effects of excess weight on pregnancy
  • Minimizing morning sickness and pregnancy cravings
  • The significance of progesterone and how to attain optimal levels
  • What GMO foods do to your body (and what you should consume instead)

Speakers for Focus 3: Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Christa Orecchio, Susan Levin, RD

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Focus 4: Protocols for a healthy and low-risk pregnancy

With all that’s going on in the world and your busy life, it’s hard enough to maintain your health but it’s vital during pregnancy because complications can arise seemingly out of nowhere and often are of no fault of your own. Discover protocols to keep you and your baby healthy.

Here's just a glimpse of what you'll learn:

  • Understanding pregnancy complications and the factors influencing chromosomal abnormalities
  • The science behind morning sickness (nature’s way of protecting your baby)
  • How PCOS, thyroid and oxidative stress impact your fertility and pregnancy
  • Routine checks during pregnancy and warning signs that every pregnant women should know
  • Busting the myth of exercise and pregnancy (did you know that the cardiovascular system of a pregnant woman changes dramatically over the course of pregnancy?)
  • Which exercises are pregnancy safe (and which aren’t)
  • How to prevent gestational diabetes
  • Problems associated with gestational diabetes and how it impacts your baby
  • The truth about carbohydrates and tips for managing gestational diabetes
  • Eliminating backaches during pregnancy

Speakers for Focus 4: Kylie Buckner, RN, MSN, Cyrus Khambatta, Ph.D., Dr. Debra Shapiro, Catherine Cram, MS

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Focus 5: Enjoying your pregnancy (and why it matters)

Morning sickness! Bloating! Back Pain! And everyone tries to impose their misery or past trauma on you. Discover how to rise above the negativity, protect yourself, confront social pressures and fully embrace the gift that has bestowed upon you.

Here's just a glimpse of what you'll learn:

  • Surviving the wait before taking the first pregnancy test (no need to stock up on test kits!)
  • Effective ways to confront social pressures and unsolicited advice
  • Tips to overcome anxiety and overwhelm (and why it is important for you and your baby)
  • Building your support system and involving your partner throughout pregnancy
  • How to involve an unwilling partner at birth (he’ll thank you later)
  • Cellular memory: How your experiences around pregnancy impact your child for life
  • Dealing with miscarriage and trying again
  • Unpacking and removing fears and concerns surrounding pregnancy so you can enjoy it without prejudice
  • Surprising insights on how much your baby can feel and shape its view of the world inside your womb

Speakers for Focus 5: Dr. Jean M. Twenge, Anna Verwaal, RN, CLE, Debrah Lewis, CNM, MSc

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Focus 6: Getting ready for the big day

Hollywood has changed how we think of birth. Modern medicine has changed the birthing process even if there are no complications. And neither is for the benefit of the mom or baby. So get ready to make the big day yours…

Here's just a glimpse of what you'll learn:

  • What you should do before choosing your care provider
  • The rationale behind childbirth classes – is it really important?
  • Navigating through the different birthing methods: Why there is no such thing as the ‘perfect birth’ or the ‘best childbirth method’
  • Preparing your pelvic floor for childbirth (Kegels and beyond) and how to restore the pelvic floor after childbirth
  • Causes of pelvic pain and back pain (and what to do about them)
  • Understanding diastasis recti (it’s a natural process and all women have some form of it)
  • The importance of fetal positioning and what you can do to influence fetal positioning
  • Why labor stops progressing and when interventions such as a Cesarean become necessary
  • When measuring cervical dilation tells only half the story (and the real sign of progress you want to look for)
  • How to make informed decisions for interventions during childbirth and the problem with estimated due dates

Speakers for Focus 6: Dr. Amanda Olson, Amy V. Haas, BCCE, Nicole Morales, CPM, LM

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Focus 7: Positive birth experience

Birth does not have to be traumatic, even if it’s a C-section. Learn and be inspired by the leading childbirth educators as they help you plan and celebrate the birth of your child on your own terms. For many women it’s one of the most empowering days of their lives and we want the same for you.

Here's just a glimpse of what you'll learn:

  • Why pregnant women are more receptive (and what she can do about it)
  • Understanding how childbirth practices have evolved over time
  • Best birth positions for faster delivery and how your body is designed to work
  • Debunking myths surrounding labor and 5 elements to facilitate the process
  • Coping with the intense labor and how the partner can make it more comfortable
  • Birth hormones, how they work and what interrupts them
  • Connecting with your child before and after birth
  • Why postnatal depression is so common today and how to overcome birth trauma
  • How to protect the sacred time surrounding birth from outside interference
  • Making sense of birth and becoming the heroine in your own birth story
  • Shifting your focus so you can celebrate your baby’s birth even when things don’t go as planned
  • The birth plan paradox (is it empowering or disempowering?)

Speakers for Focus 7: Janet Balaskas, Pam England, Care Messer

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Focus 8: Welcoming your baby and postpartum care

You’ll be thrown in the deep end: breastfeeding, recovery, adapting to a new role and new relationships, diapers (did we hear 12 a day?!), little sleep… Discover what you can do to handle all that and enjoy those first precious moments as a new family.

Here's just a glimpse of what you'll learn:

  • How to bond with your baby before and after birth (that’s the best part!)
  • Do breast size matter when it comes to breastfeeding?
  • How to increase your breast milk production
  • How to know if your baby is getting enough milk (and when to use formula)
  • Practical tips for caring for a newborn: burping techniques, getting a good latch and sleep arrangements
  • Learning to say yes to help (it takes a village to raise a child)
  • Tips in selecting a doula
  • How to prevent postnatal depression
  • When to resume exercise and other activities after birth (and what to avoid)
  • Leaking and pain – what is normal and what can you do about it
  • Breathing and its intimate connection with the pelvic floor
  • Core exercises to avoid in postpartum
  • How to be comfortable and confident in your new body

Speakers for Focus 8: Wendy Powell, Willow Buckley, CCH, CD, Anita Butler, IBCLC

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

This Pregnancy & Childbirth Summit Is For You If You Are

  • A woman in your 20s and wonder how to plan life or career with a pregnancy
  • A woman in your 30s and worry about your biological clock ticking
  • A woman in your 40s and wonder if it's still safe to bear a child
  • Pregnant and want to maximize your chances of having a healthy baby
  • The partner or parent of a mother to be and want to support her on her journey
  • Not sure whether you'll have a(nother) baby one day but don't want to harm your chances

Why Is This Pregnancy & Childbirth Summit Is So Important Right Now

Take back your rights as a woman and mother

Pregnancy often feels as though you have a disease. Constant monitoring and tests as though you're medical disaster waiting to happen. Birth has become so procedural that few women are informed about what's done, when and why. And few know that the monitoring may actually inhibit a natural birth. At the same time we know that stress during pregnancy can lead to premature labor or a low-birthweight baby. So it's time to take back your rights – for your own sake and that of your child.

Number of couples struggling to conceive

Studies suggest that after 1 year of having unprotected sex, 12% to 15% of couples are unable to conceive. In the US that's about 6.7 million people each year who have trouble conceiving. And it doesn't affect women alone. The rate of men needing fertility treatment has doubled in the last ten years and now is over 21% in the UK.

Cascade of pregnancy interventions & complications

One interventions leads to another and all of a sudden moms and couples are out of control. An epidural for example can increase the time you need to push, which leads to severe perineal tears, which leads to instrument-assisted delivery in 37.9 percent of cases or even C-Section.

Your body did not fail you

In a hospital setting many things work against you. Bright lights, foreign people, constant monitoring, the doctor's time schedule… It's no surprise that the body wants to protect the baby and shuts down labor. At the same time, it seems senseless to endure labor when just a quick jab could take the pain away… But in the end many women feel as though their bodies failed them. It didn't and during the summit you'll learn all about how to work with your body.

C Section rates higher 3x higher than recommended rates

In 1965, the US had a 4.5% c-section rate. Today, the c-section rate is over 31% which is almost three times the recommended rate by the World Health Organization. Some U.S. hospitals even report C-section rates as high as 60%. Caesarean sections have become increasingly common around the world but pose a risk to the mom and rob the baby of the chance to get her mom's microbiome and that all important skin-to-skin contact after birth.

Postpartum depression

A study by Blue Cross Blue Shield examined 1.8 million pregnancies and in just four years the number of women suffering from postpartum depression increased by nearly 30 percent. What should be a time of joy often turns dark and it's not the fault of the mom.

Overwhelm and Baby Blues

This affects up to 80% of moms. Exaggerated expectations, social pressures, little time to recover, the impact of social media… Few moms can enjoy their new born and make sense of their birth experience – often with long-term consequences.

The truth is that as a woman you are not powerless… When you follow a few simple rules – rules that you'll learn during this event – the fate of your baby and birth is largely in your hands.

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Meet Your “From Love to Baby” Summit Hosts – Rozana & Tobi

We have run 6 online summits helping over 150,000 participants live a healthier and more fulfilling life.

We got married nearing our 40s and because we're at a stage of planning our parenthood, we decided to document our research and share it with you.

We'll interview many of the world-leading experts and with their help, we'll decode the mystery of fertility, pregnancy and birth. Our goal is to make this the most comprehensive, empowering resource on the topic.

Whether you wonder what to eat, which supplements to take, when to consider fertility treatments (if at all), want to see experts bust the most common myths, are struggling to conceive naturally, feel alone and want to connect with a supportive community, or simply believe that as a woman (or man) you deserve to know the truth about all these things, we can't wait to share everything with you…

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

🌟 Even if you can’t attend live… 🌟

Register now because each day's talks will be available for brief replay period.

Affiliate Disclosure: We are grateful to be of service and bring you these life-changing events free of charge. In order to do this, please note that whenever you click the links and purchase items, in most (not all) cases we will receive a referral commission.

Your support in purchasing through these links makes it possible for people in over 150 countries globally to attend these live-changing events for free. Thank you! 🙂

The post From Love to Baby Summit 2022: Fertility, Pregnancy And Childbirth Conference appeared first on Spiritual Growth Events.

Food Revolution Summit 2023 – Heal Your Body & Mind With Food Mon, 05 Apr 2021 00:17:40 +0000 Food Revolution Summit 2023 Docuseries Is your diet putting you at higher risk of illness? Do you know the BEST anti-cancer, immune-boosting foods that have the power to protect you from heart disease, dementia, and other chronic illnesses? A deadly global pandemic makes one thing abundantly clear: Your health needs to be a priority. Not just someday, but right now. Did you know… Obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and other chronic illnesses are all fueled by diet and lifestyle choices — and they make infections more dangerous. We want to help you protect yourself and your loved ones. During the Food Revolution Summit, you’ll get the most current research on food, nutrition, disease prevention, immune health — and how the same foods that protect you from chronic illness also protect the planet! =================================== ↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️ =================================== What You'll Learn During The 2023 Food Revolution Docuseries What top doctors recommend to get more mental focus, energy, productivity, sound sleep, and the strongest immune system possible Which foods to eat regularly to avoid a devastating diagnosis like Alzheimer’s, heart disease, or cancer Which “healthy” foods you need to clear out of your kitchen immediately Which recent food fads are scientifically unfounded and could potentially spell disaster for your brain, heart, and other critical organs 2023 Food Revolution Summit Docuseries Episode List Episode 1: The Food Revolution: What Happens When You Give Your Body the Right Fuel Episode 2: The End of Heart Disease: How To Prevent & Reverse The World’s #1 Killer Episode 3: The Truth About Your Brain: How To Prevent Episode 4: Alzheimer’s & Improve Mental Health: Eating To Beat Cancer & Type 2 Episode 5: Diabetes: What You Need To Do Now Episode 6: The Gut-Inflammation-Autoimmunity Connection: Getting To The Root Episode 7: Solving Obesity:...

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The post Food Revolution Summit 2023 – Heal Your Body & Mind With Food appeared first on Spiritual Growth Events.

Is your diet putting you at higher risk of illness?

Vegetiables Shaped In A Heart
heart shape by various vegetables and fruits

Do you know the BEST anti-cancer, immune-boosting foods that have the power to protect you from heart disease, dementia, and other chronic illnesses?

A deadly global pandemic makes one thing abundantly clear: Your health needs to be a priority. Not just someday, but right now.

Did you know…

Obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and other chronic illnesses are all fueled by diet and lifestyle choices — and they make infections more dangerous.

We want to help you protect yourself and your loved ones.

During the Food Revolution Summit, you’ll get the most current research on food, nutrition, disease prevention, immune health — and how the same foods that protect you from chronic illness also protect the planet!

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

What You'll Learn During The 2023 Food Revolution Docuseries

  • What top doctors recommend to get more mental focus, energy, productivity, sound sleep, and the strongest immune system possible
  • Which foods to eat regularly to avoid a devastating diagnosis like Alzheimer’s, heart disease, or cancer
  • Which “healthy” foods you need to clear out of your kitchen immediately
  • Which recent food fads are scientifically unfounded and could potentially spell disaster for your brain, heart, and other critical organs

2023 Food Revolution Summit Docuseries Episode List

  • Episode 1: The Food Revolution: What Happens When You Give Your Body the Right Fuel
  • Episode 2: The End of Heart Disease: How To Prevent & Reverse The World’s #1 Killer
  • Episode 3: The Truth About Your Brain: How To Prevent
  • Episode 4: Alzheimer’s & Improve Mental Health: Eating To Beat Cancer & Type 2
  • Episode 5: Diabetes: What You Need To Do Now
  • Episode 6: The Gut-Inflammation-Autoimmunity Connection: Getting To The Root
  • Episode 7: Solving Obesity: Escaping Diet Tyranny & Finding Food Freedom
  • Episode 8: The Science of Nutrition: Separating Fact From Fiction
  • Episode 9 Earth On The Line: How Your Food Choices Can Change The World

Food Revolution Summit 2023 Trailer

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Why The Food Revolution Summit 2023 Is Important For Our World Right Now

With all that’s going on in the world right now, your health is more important than ever.

When it comes to food and your health, the stakes are rising exponentially. Every day there’s a news story in the headlines to illustrate how imperative it is to take care of your health. If there’s ever been a time when we need to stay informed and healthy, it’s right now.

The world is facing some big challenges, with global health concerns, and widespread fear. The truth is eating healthfully and optimizing your immune system may be more important now than ever.

But we live in a toxic food culture.

Junk food companies spend billions of dollars trying to keep us hooked.

And, in all their years of medical school, most doctors learn next-to-nothing about food or nutrition.

Fruit BowlThe modern diet is driving epidemic rates of heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, asthma, and hypertension — all of which are known risk factors for an increased chance of COVID-19 hospitalization and worse.

What you’ll learn in this Summit can help you survive these challenging times, end the confusion, and make sure you’re eating the healthiest types of vegetables, fruits, proteins, and fats.

You’ll come away with tools to give you more energy, better sleep, and true confidence that you’re choosing the right foods to keep you and your family safe. Everything is at stake: your health, your loved ones’ health, and even the planet’s health.

The world needs a food revolution now more than ever. WE can be part of the solution. YOU can be part of the solution.

By the end of the Food Revolution Summit, you’ll walk away with cutting-edge insights on health, energy, and disease prevention.

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Unique Benefits of the Food Revolution Summit 2023

  • Hear the top experts in the world share how you can stay healthy — pandemic, or no pandemic.
  • Every presentation is engaging, revealing, and honest.
  • There’s never been a better time to come together with hundreds of thousands of kindred spirits(safely and online!).
  • The whole experience is high-quality, impeccably research-backed, and easy-to-understand.
  • You’ll leave each Summit interview feeling inspired, reassured, and hopeful for yourself, for your family — and for the world.

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Key Challenges The Food Revolution Summit 2023 Helps Us Overcome

  • Your immune system can be seriously compromised by poor dietary choices. A compromised immune system can lead to serious illness.
  • Because health typically declines as you age, it becomes especially important to eat more immune-optimizing foods as you get older. Good news: It’s never too late to start!
  • Dozens of highly credible studies tell us that you can prevent heart disease, Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, obesity, memory loss, constipation, fatigue, and many forms of cancer — just by eating healthy, delicious food.
  • In the last generation, childhood hospitalization rates for food allergies have tripled. And it’s all connected to the food we eat!
  • Factory farms aren’t just cruel to animals. They’re also breeding antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which are expected to soon kill an estimated 700,000 people each year. And we don’t need them.
  • Toxic pesticides, developed as agents of war, are linked to cancer, sterility, and birth defects. They’re routinely poured on farmland and traces of them wind up in the food you eat. But there are better, safer, and more effective alternatives!

It’s time to make FOOD the foundation of your health. Your body will thank you for the rest of your life.

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Who Is The 2023 Food Revolution Summit For

  • You want the most current expertise to maximize your immune system and overall health.
  • You want to be lean and energetic — and avoid getting sick — now and in the future.
  • You’re young (or young at heart!) and want to perform at your best and stay healthy.
  • You’re in your 50s, 60s, or beyond and want to stay in shape and stay active — even during a pandemic.
  • You want to see through the hype and find out what the data really says about gluten, carbs, sugar, and animal products.
  • You want ongoing inspiration to protect yourself and your loved ones from misleading labels, bogus marketing, and toxic foods.
  • You love eating delicious food that isn’t full of chemicals, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, or GMOs.
  • You think that farmers and animals deserve a decent quality of life.
  • You want to be a positive role model to the people you love.
  • You want to contribute to a healthy planet now and for all future generations.
  • You love good food!

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

In pre-pandemic times, people who got diagnosed with obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s had a lot to deal with and worry about: medications, treatments, doctors’ appointments, and all the emotional stress.

But they didn’t have to worry about a deadly virus on top of it all. With all that’s going on in the world, something huge has changed.

Here’s why…

Take COVID-19 deaths; some people are exposed to the virus and don’t show a single symptom. Sadly, millions of others have gone to the ICU or lost their lives.

What’s going on? Why is there a stark difference?

Researchers tell us that most COVID-19 deaths are linked to underlying and pre-existing health problems.

That means that if a person already has an existing health challenge, they’re more likely to be seriously affected by the virus.

The silver lining is that studies show it’s possible to prevent many chronic illnesses before they take hold just by eating the right foods — and avoiding the wrong ones.

This means you can take powerful steps to save yourself — and your loved ones — from the world’s deadliest diseases.

The Food Revolution Network can help you know which steps to take, and which foods to eat.

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Questions the Food Revolution Summit 2023 Helps You Get Answers To

  • What does staying healthy during a pandemic have in common with staying healthy beyond it? (HINT: a lot!)
  • Since your immune health is linked to diet and environmental factors, which are the most important foods to eat every day?
  • Why do some vegans and vegetarians thrive, but some get sick? Get the critical nutrient facts you must know.
  • What’s the truth about grass-fed beef and “humanely raised” animal products? Are they really better, or are they over-priced hype?
  • How can you be a positive influence on the people you love without nagging? How can you get your family to eat nutrient-rich foods instead of looking at you like a nut?
  • Why are 1 in 3 people expected to get type 2 diabetes by 2050, and what can you do to reduce your odds?
  • What should you eat, and what should you avoid, if you want to use FOOD to fight Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia?
  • Since 90% of all cancers are linked to lifestyle and environmental factors, what foods should you eat every day if you want to beat cancer?
  • What if you eat pretty well, but still have some nagging health problems that just won’t go away? What’s the real root cause? And what else might you be at risk for?
  • Can you really make yourself virtually “heart disease proof” without drugs or surgery? (Yes! And what you find out could save your life or the life of someone your love.)
  • What foods cause weight loss without restrictive dieting?
  • How can you come together with hundreds of thousands of peers in the largest convergence of food revolutionaries in history — safely and without having to go anywhere?

These questions & more will be covered by the 2022 Food Revolution Summit.

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

How The Food Revolution Summit 2023 Will Make You Feel

  • Feel informed with credible and clear action steps you can take to take charge of your health.
  • Enjoy confidence about which foods are best for you.
  • Feel more inspired and hopeful about the future.
  • Feel how you’re part of a food movement that empowers you to contribute to a better future for everyone.

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

We're In This Together – Share The Summit

Your friends, family, or loved ones could be eating food that’s putting their health (and ultimately, their lives) at risk.

Untested and dangerous chemicals are being added to our soil and our food.

A global pandemic, and skyrocketing obesity, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, remind us all what’s at stake.

Do you know anyone who would benefit from knowing the truth about food?

Then tell them how to join the FREE Food Revolution Summit!

One really fun fact… studies prove that if you want to succeed in making lasting changes, your odds increase dramatically if you don’t try to do it alone.

Bringing friends and family along is good for you — and for them, as well!

Plus, imagine how good it will feel to have people thanking you for sharing something that helps them release excess pounds, boost their energy, and that could even help to save their life.

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

Meet Your Hosts – John & Ocean Robbins

Each interview is hosted by Ocean Robbins and personally conducted by best-selling author and food movement leader, John Robbins.

About John Robbins

John Robbins HeadshotJohn Robbins could have inherited the Baskin-Robbins empire. But he walked away from the money and the power. Why? He simply didn’t want to devote his life to selling ice cream after realizing it makes people unhealthy. So, he decided to make a change.

Over the last 34 years, his books about healthy eating and healthy living (including bestsellers Diet for a New America and The Food Revolution) have sold millions of copies and been translated into more than 31 languages.

John's best-selling books about food and health have sold more than 2 million copies, and he knows how to dive deep, getting answers that have the power to steer the course of humanity and the fate of the planet.

About Ocean Robbins

Ocean Robbins HeadshotOcean Robbins was born in a log cabin built by his parents and grew up eating food they grew on the land together. He is CEO of the 600,000+ member Food Revolution Network.

Ocean has spoken in person to more than 250,000 people in 65+ nations. He is the author of the national bestseller, 31-Day Food Revolution, has served as a professor for Chapman University, and was selected by Time and Audubon as one of the heroes of the new millennium.

Following each interview, Ocean will be there live to answer questions, share top takeaways, and reveal what’s waiting for you in the next inspiring interview.

Food Revolution Summit 2023 – Docuseries Format

This year, the renowned Food Revolution Summit, which has already had 11 audio-only editions reaching more than 2 million people, is adopting a new format with an 8-episode documentary series that offers live engagement during each episode. This year's summit promises to be bigger and more captivating than ever before.

This is the largest gathering of food revolutionaries on the planet. The Food Revolution Summit Docuseries  showcases more than 45 brilliant experts who reveal this year’s latest insights about food, health, and planetary survival. All hosted by bestselling authors, John and Ocean Robbins.

Join us for a new episode release each day of the event, with live takeaways and commentary from the hosts, plus healthy recipes, and more!

↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️

🌟 Even if you can’t attend live… 🌟

Sessions will not be replayed, so register now and purchase the optional upgrade package which includes lifetime access to all interviews, as well as several bonuses.

Affiliate Disclosure: We are grateful to be of service and bring you these life-changing events free of charge. In order to do this, please note that whenever you click the links and purchase items, in most (not all) cases we will receive a referral commission.

Your support in purchasing through these links makes it possible for people in over 150 countries globally to attend these live-changing events for free. Thank you! 🙂

The post Food Revolution Summit 2023 – Heal Your Body & Mind With Food appeared first on Spiritual Growth Events.
