The Mischievous Monkey
At another time, The Bodhisattva came to the earth as a hermit. He lived in a leaf...
The Devoted Son
A long time back, The Bodhisattva was once born as a very pious boy named Saput. He...
The Quail
The Bodhisattva was once born as a young quail who lived with his family in a well...
The Wicked Ascetic
In one of his earlier lives, the Bodhisattva was born as a forest lizard. A wicked ascetic...
Unity Brings Happiness
Once there lived two very close friends – a lion and a tiger. They had been friends...
The Flight Of Sakka
In one of his many lives the Bodhisattva was born as Sakka, the King of Gods. Some...
Mantra And The Monkeys – A Spiritual Story by Osho
I have always told an ancient Tibetan story…. A young man was very much interested in the...
The Wise Stag
Once, the Bodhisattva was the wise leader of a herd of stags. He had a nephew named...
The Elephant With Six Tusks
Once upon a time the Bodhisattva was born as Uposatha, the king of the Chaddanta elephants who...
The Deceitful Crow
A crow once visited the island of birds and longed to feast on the fledglings and eggs....