Searching for God – A Spiritual Story by Rabindranath Tagore
I have been seeking and searching God for as long as I can remember, for many many...
Bundle Of Misery – A Sufi Spiritual Story by Osho
A man used to call every night to God and he would pray the same prayer. Again...
Eternal Chase – A Spiritual Story by Osho
God made the world, and from that very day the sun went running after darkness. And darkness...
Absurd Prayer – A Spiritual Story by Osho
Let me tell you a small story. It happened that Moses was passing and he came across...
Trust In Allah But Tether Your Camel First – Sufi Spiritual Story by Osho
This saying comes from a small story. A Master was traveling with one of his disciples. The...
My Healing – A Spiritual Story by Rebecca Flores
Our words and stories hold power so here goes mine, my loves… A while back I suffered...
The More I Ponder – A Greek Spiritual Story by Osho
In fact, the real Self never becomes absolutely known; it remains mysterious, it remains ineffable, indefinable. The...
The Sword Is In His Hands – A Spiritual Story by Osho
A man just got married and was returning home with his wife. They were crossing a lake...
Why Are You Here So Soon? Spiritual Story by Richard Zowie
Her hair was dark and curly, and she looked slender. She winced, a dimple appearing on her...
An Interview With God – Spiritual Story
“I am broke; I don’t want to live. I must end my life.” Mathew thought. Kate’s words...