
3 Steps for Changing Any Area Of Your Life – Guest Post by Tony Robbins

This time of year, we’re all thinking about making progress: with our bodies, our careers, our relationships…

Where do you want to make progress in your life? What area of your life do you need a breakthrough in?

A breakthrough is a moment in time where suddenly the impossible becomes possible. You see your circumstances in a new way and everything changes – and it’s what we’re going to be working toward together during the Become Unshakeable Challenge this month. 

Lots of times, people think that breakthroughs just happen, but the truth is, breakthroughs can be created – and there’s a formula for doing it.

My 3 steps to a breakthrough are simple:
  1. Change your strategy.
  2. Change your story.
  3. Change your state.

By taking control of these forces, you can take massive action and create the quality of life you’ve always wanted.

Then take a look at your resolutions, goals and dreams for this year and think about them in terms of these 3 steps:
  1. What is the right strategy for achieving your goal?
  2. What limiting story do you need to divorce (or let go of), and what new story will set you free?
  3. What state do you need to be in to create the energy and momentum to follow through?

But here’s the KEY: these steps are listed in REVERSE order of importance. Most people look at a problem and try to start with strategy. But if you have the right strategy and the wrong state? You’re not going to break through.

State is always the most important part of creating a breakthrough – state ALWAYS comes first.

That change is automatic. Progress is not. Progress is the result of conscious thought, decision, and action.

This guest post was written by Tony Robbins. To learn more about Tony and his free “Become Unshakeable Challenge,” click here.