Spiritual Healing Using Mayan Cosmology - Connect to Your Ancestors for Wisdom & Blessings

Spiritual Healing Using Mayan Cosmology – Connect to Your Ancestors for Wisdom & Blessings

Experience the murmurio (sacred humming practice) handed down to beloved Mayan Elder Grandmother Flordemayo — and learn to connect with your own ancestral guides to fulfill your destiny and step into infinite possibilities for your life.

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What You'll Learn During “Spiritual Healing Using Mayan Cosmology”

We each have a destiny given to us at birth, according to the Mayans.

To fully embrace your destiny, you must learn to seek guidance from your ancestors on your spiritual journey, says Grandmother Flordemayo, beloved curandera espiritu (healer of divine spirit) and revered Mayan elder.

Join this free online event to hear Grandmother Flordemayo share how she receives sacred messages from the Cosmos and transmutes them into prayers.

She’ll also share how numbers have always held profound spiritual significance in the Mayan culture, specifically the number 13. According to the Mayans, there are four cycles of life, each comprising 13 years. The four seasons each have 13 weeks, there are 13 cycles of the moon each year, and most women have 13 menstrual cycles per year. And Grandmother Flordemayo is a member of the International Council of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers.

The number 13 has been appearing in Grandmother Flordemayo’s life in new ways, and may be appearing in yours too.

She will also reveal the Mayan murmurio (sacred prayer and sound hum) her mother handed down to her long ago — and share it with you so you can use it on your own spiritual journey.

With Grandmother Flordemayo as your guide, you’ll experience how the murmurio turns your essence into sound, encompassing your spirituality, your ancestors, and honoring the cycles of life throughout your past, present, and future.

As you follow along with the murmurio practice, you’ll have the chance to feel the magical, healing power of sound that can carry the message of love and light to humanity.

Join us and surrender to the moment as you learn to seek wisdom from your ancestors — and recognize that those who came before you are spiritual anchors who can help you fulfill your purpose.

Class Topics for “Spiritual Healing Using Mayan Cosmology”

During Spiritual Healing Using Mayan Cosmology, you’ll:

  • Feel the magical power of sound while following along with Grandmother Flordemayo’s guided murmurio (sacred humming practice) that was handed down to her by her mother — and learn how you can use it on your own spiritual path
  • Learn where you fit into the Universe’s epic cosmology — the past, present, and future of the great story that’s unfolding
  • Discover the surprising magic behind the number 13 — where it appears again and again in nature, in the Cosmos… and in Grandmother Flordemayo’s life, as well as your own
  • Explore how the Mayan Ceiba (sacred Tree of Life) symbolizes the Universe itself — including the Earth and your own past, present, and future
  • Hear the story of Grandmother Flordemayo’s recent vision of stepping through the doorway of the Cosmos, and trusting that the Universe is caring for us all throughout the cycles of life

Grandmother Flordemayo is beloved for following her inner guidance as Spirit speaks through her — revealing and sharing exactly what each of us needs to receive in the moment.

During this powerful hour, Grandmother Flordemayo will explain how you can open up to prayer at any time, receiving sacred messages from the Cosmos and your ancestors to use in your life at this very moment. This sacred event will unfold spontaneously, as another part of the great mystery.

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About Your Spiritual Teacher – Grandmother Flordemayo

Grandmother Flordemayo - HeadshotRaised by her mother, who was a midwife, Grandmother Flordemayo grew up in the highlands of Central America in a family of Mayan healers.

She travels the globe to share healing and foster a more spiritual understanding among humanity.

She founded The Path Inc., a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the conservation and preservation of heirloom and heritage seeds.

Grandmother Flordemayo is a founding member of the Church of the Spiritual Path, the Confederation of Indigenous Elders of America, the Institute of Natural and Traditional Knowledge, and the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers.

She’s a regular contributor to courses and talks for The Shift Network.

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Nov 22 2022


10:00 am - 11:00 am

Local Time

  • Timezone: Asia/Hong_Kong
  • Date: Nov 23 2022
  • Time: 2:00 am - 3:00 am

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